Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Practice Acceptance

(As channeled by Anita's Guides June 05)

Today’s lesson is on acceptance.

Pure acceptance of where and who you are right now in your life.

Not your wants, not your desires or your projections
but your immediate conditions right now.

Perhaps you ‘Do’ not ‘like’ who you are or what is going on but before you can ‘Be’ in different circumstances you must first acknowledge and integrate what the current state of affairs simply are.

Accept that you have, by perfect design, created for yourself this very moment and all that it entails.

The good the bad the highs the lows.

There is a grand lesson to be found in this moment by accepting and by integrating within that which is present right now.

Accepting that when things seem to be going wrong that they may actually be exactly right can be most challenging.

Start with those around you. Accepting your partner’s habits, or your children’s faults,
or your co-worker’s eccentricities, then move onto your family’s beliefs, your communities’ agenda, the political and religious focus.

This does not mean you make it your truth or part of your belief. It just means you accept the situation as it is.

The finite human mind may not comprehend this nor do you need too. For you are not bound by the finite of the human mind. You have a Spiritual, Unity mind.

This human time is a short span in your infinity.

So you just accept your conditions, your reactions, your position that you find yourself in any given moment. For it has a story and a purpose for you at the level of spirit be at peace that your spirit is working thru your human vessel for its greater good.

Sometimes you will know the fullness of the story while here. Sometimes you will not be told until you are back home in your spiritual essence.

So relax ALL has a purpose.

Find humor with yourself

Discover beauty in all moments

Daily Practice Acceptance.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why Do Accidents Occur?

Why Do Accidents Occur?

(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers Aug 05)

Accidents are one of the many opportunities for the evolution of the Soul.

At the Soul level your day-by-day, moment-by-moment life is written, produced and directed from your Soul. There are lessons to be learned and experienced in every moment of your existence.

Accidents no matter how large or small, how debilitating or life changing do have a grander purpose than the ego can comprehend. It is an opportunity for growth to occur. Perhaps it is to develop courage and let go of worry. Perhaps it is to believe in yourself and find your inner strength and let go of dependency. Or maybe it is to deepen your appreciation and reverence for your own human journey, for you to stop taking life for granite but rather to celebrate and honor it.

The human ego can become caught in the perpetual motion of your past. Meaning you keep experiencing the same emotions, the same actions, the same common experiences over and over. Accidents can stop that perpetual motion, leading you by the hand into a different version or view of yourself. History does not need to repeat itself! You are not here to just experience a limited set of experiences in an endless loop.

You are here to be fully alive in this moment, charting your own course, blazing your own trail and allowing for life to show you new emotions, redefining yourself daily. Let go of your limiting judgments, your rigid views and your set opinions. You are here to experience life as it is meant to be in all its expressions. To taste, feel, touch, smell, hear yourself in every moment that you are engaged in.

The soul has manifested this very moment for you to send your 5 senses experience back to it without judgment or ridicule, without the need to know why. Just simply accepting your life’s journey and the journey of those around you. To allow yourself the grace of the ever changing constant forward movement of the universe. To be in the flow, accepting what the flow brings.

You are immortal and this life is for your pleasure, it is of your creation. Accepting then yourself, your life with all the accidents is truly your greatest accomplishment for your soul's evolution.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Justice & Injustice

Justice & Injustice

(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers July 05)

There is a lot of talk and action on a planetary level about injustice.

Humans are caught in a perpetual circle of trying to find justice for themselves and others. (as though it can be obtained.)

This is an illusion of not taking responsibility for your lessons.

When you are looking to be justified, your ego is saying ‘I’m right' or ‘I’m a victim’ or ‘I deserve’. By searching to give this to ego you are merely fueling your ego’s growth vs. your soul’s growth.

The soul’s evolution is an ongoing observation

  • -of the ego’s state of mind
  • - what this ego is attracting
  • - how the ego responds and creates

The ego is a fragmented, wounded entity with the mindset or agenda of preservation and individual survival. The ego has collected the experience of your lifelines and adapted a means of survival and immunity.

It has the important job of preserving and defending you, your pure heart, your innocence, while you are experience the laws on this planet, meaning the law of cause an effect, law of attraction, law of evolution, law of balances and so on.
All of this has been a necessary and needed experience.
It is what you as a Soul choose for yourself.

You chose with great enthusiasm to allow aspects of yourself to participate and learn from your life experiment.

There is no-thing done outside of free will.

You have never, nor is it possible to ever be a product outside of your will, which means that justice therefore is a trick to keep you from re-member-ing that you choose whatever your circumstance are to learn from to maintain the balance of the yin yang principle.

When you gain justice for the purpose of feeling superior or right, you have ignored the lesson, leaving the ego fulfilled and the soul with no choice but to bring about the circumstance in another way or again into another life.

This is a significant time upon the planet for a major release of ego from the soul’s aspects. It is an opening for you to come into partnership with your soul and go through life review on a daily ongoing basis.

All of your lifetimes, experiences can be recovered and restored and in just this time-line.

You have the unique opportunity to access this information from your soul, so that you may forgive and receive communion with your highest self.

Begin to let go of the how’s and why’s and be with what is. Observe the dynamics of what is right now and allow yourself to accept your circumstance and your world.

You have chosen at the soul level all that is, appreciate and resonate with all that is,
with out emotion or thought just be all that is.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Friday, November 23, 2007



(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers May 05)

Every moment you find yourself in is for the grander moment of reconnecting with your soul.

This is a process that evolves and elicits attention to
the details of your life on a daily basis.

Life does not just happen, it is created by perfect design in every moment by you at the soul level.

Every cell in your body is a powerful magnet operating within the universal laws of attraction
and harmoniously cooperating with that law. At the cellular level you are part of the indivisible whole.

You are “All that is”.

You are infinite and whole.

You are all love and joy.

The reason you have journeyed into this 3rd dimensional earth plane experience is to master the creative principle inside you.

To come into awareness how you are the creator of your reality.

With each incarnation your rise in consciousness and integrate more of your creative principle
as you participate in your lessons.

Gaining a better understanding of the laws that govern each plane of energy and the communication to your soul.

Do not take yourself or those around you too personally.

You are on a journey.

A soul journey.

Through your intent, you can allow yourself a deeper reconnection to your soul
this very day.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Be A Prepared Spiritual Warrior

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

Recently there were a million people displaced in Mexico due to floods and hundreds of thousands displaced in Southern California over fires. We have experienced a major drought here is the Midwest over the past summer and now volcanoes are setting off in the pacific rim.

Q. Any enlightenment into the wisdom of these earth changes and our part in all of this?

A.There is always movement when the collective comes together and pronounces that this is a time for a change in consciousness. There is a growing number of people that have decided in raising their vibration, their thoughts, their choices toward a more peaceful and economically minded conclusion.

Currently there is an ever increasing number of people rising to a different standard for themselves and asking for governments, medicine and academia to the same: be responsible. As this happens you will begin to see great barriers break down, so that rebuilding can begin. Without the de-construction can be no new construction.

As a society, all people’s input is valuable. It is no longer acceptable being told ‘this is just the way it is’. Be a part of the solution that has the ‘whole’ in mind. Personally each person can observe and make choices based on how those behaviors and choices are affecting another living being’s right to health. Are the household cleaners and soaps and detergents polluting the water in any way? Do you have toxins in your environment that you are responsible for? Can you make a difference in your workplace with any waste or pollution you may find?

While there is great displacement in many parts of the world, you can gather up resources in your home to send to the agencies who are there to help restore basic needs. As Tom says ‘We are all in this together.’ Think of the larger picture. Think of the connectedness of all. Take actions where you are. Take steps now. Think of your own area in which you may be displaced.

Gather up basic needs and knowledge now so that if you were to be on the go that you could be of service to those who may not be prepared.

Be ready always to be that spiritual warrior, in which displacement does not mean fear but you are ready to comfort and provide for those in need.

Being prepared for any oncoming change will allow the peace and confidence you will need when time comes to dismantle so that the new may be built. Think now while you are in the calm about how your know how and experience can contribute to a peaceful rebuilding of your government, medicine and academia.

Each person has a part of the puzzle to developing a society in which harmony is the goal. You all came here to be in this role with each other and each one has the precise pearl in their soul that will take mankind toward his next leap in evolution.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Knowing Your Integrity

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

To know yourself fully is the only measure of one’s integrity.

One is in hiding if this awareness is not at the surface.
To question yourself continuously is the only way you really can come to all understanding of what is hiding in your subconscious- your very blood and organs.

There really is no other source of life but to know Thyself

You are life and the quality of your life depends on the depth of your relationship with Thyself.

So many “get lost” with the thought that they are here for their partners, kids, work, or even for “Spirit”. But you are Spirit.

So what is it that you are holding that may be keeping you from Spirit. There is no greater Spirit than the Spirit that is moving through you right now. When one is not in touch, in dialogue with one’s spirit then there is “clutter” that is keeping you from that depth.

Spirit is your foundation “your basement” and you have a whole “house” or rather “Body” full of unanswered and unasked questions that can bring you all the enlightenment you are seeking for yourself and as well the meaning of life.

Your whole world is a perception of your hidden dialogue flowing though your body and by simply witnessing what you say, what you are thinking, why that action or this choice then you can decide to make a change in your perceptions and this small movement will literally change your world.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Monday, September 17, 2007



Do you spend 1 hour a day educating yourself on higher thoughts?

2. Do you recognize and appreciate when you see ‘acts of faith’ or kindness?

3. Do you read books that elevate and inspire your souls purpose?

Do you seek friends who promote the positive and act from love and grace?

Do you keep your home neat, clean and orderly?

Are you utilizing what you already know?

Do you spend time in the practice or place that nourishes and engages your soul?

Do you daily strive to understand yourself?

Do you spend time every day in meditation and contemplation on non-action?

Do you see the gift that all events and emotional interchanges have to teach you?

10 points for each yes; if less than 70 points know you can do so much more for your souls’ progression.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Friday, September 7, 2007

Dialogue With Illness Exercise

Point to Ponder....
Your Weekly Stretching Exercise

Dialogue With Illness Exercise

There is a message in all things
if only we have the desire to understand it.

Pick one symptom mental or physical that you would like to understand and by understanding heal.

It could be arthritis, fear of heights or shyness, etc.

Notice the first thought or impression that comes into your mind.

Do not edit. Just observe. Just let it blurt out.

Now allow yourself to get deeper
in touch with that which is troubling you.

Experience it as fully as you can.

Now make it worse and observe how you did that.

Now switch places with the symptom.

You are the symptom.

Next have the you that is outside the symptom
begin to ask the symptom the following questions.

How have you affected my life?

What are you going to with my body / mind ?

How have you affected my relationships?

Do you help convey something that I cannot convey
without you?

Some message or information?

Do you protect me form anyone or anything?
(This question is key for we often use illness to avoid confronting the issues that line behind them. A form of denial)

What is the positive intent behind this?

What lesson once understood will free me from this?

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Disciplined Freedom

(As channeled by Anita's Guides ~Wisdom Of The Ancients 4/6/05)

Question –
I like freedom, yet I sometimes feel out of control.
How do I balance discipline with freedom?

Answer –
It takes focus and discipline to achieve mastery.

Be it a gardener, mechanic, craftsman or seamstress or fulfilling your soul’s progression. It is about the finished product and having a tangible result of your dedication, knowledge and passion. It is also about enjoying the journey that gets you there.

When you go through the emotions of life without discipline, the end result is that you deny yourself the accomplishments you sought to achieve. To explore and unfold the expansive layers of your soul’s expression you must allow your soul to come through and this is not done in the ego’s existence.

Stop allowing the actions of others to control your life. Instead give yourself the gift of following the disciple of passion. It is silent like a dream. You allow yourself to create, to hear your soul. To experience yourself as a creator. Then it just appears. It is true ritual.

Be loving with yourself.

Can you give yourself thirty minutes a day to be free? To let joy in? To experience total freedom of expression?
If not thirty how about ten minutes?
Surely you are worth a few minutes a day.

You should be for warned that it may feel so good that you passionately desire to
do it for more and more of your day.

You see, humans have lost the art of feeding their soul. They have been caught and deceived by the matters of life.

Allow yourself to let go of the ‘to do list’ and the mundane agendas as you begin to fill your beingness with that which takes you to your soul’s highest expression.

Be gentle with yourself. Fears will creep up on you until you choose to drive them out of the way. In critical fearful moments it is too easy to slip into the illusion of loss.

Your safety and your happiness and your wealth are only a mirror of your ego’s beliefs.

Accept that you are never alone and always cushioned on you journey. You will receive as much help from the universe as you allow and believe to the core level.

So what kind of actions does one take to receive all the help from the universe?
ACTION is the key word.
Disciplined Action that evokes creativity, passion and nurturing of the soul. Daily living from a core base of belief in yourself. In your creative principal.

When you enter into any action with respect, humility and passion you feed the creative pulse at your soul and you bloom from that soul’s reality.

You are all that is. You have all you need for the lessons you came here to experience. Living from a true state of this understanding will bring you into your center.

Each of you have you own set of guides who are in union with your souls’ purpose of facilitating arrangements that you have asked to be assisted with. In bringing experiences (good and bad) to fruition.

You have a universe of help to bring your prayers to manifestation, and to best foster
your soul’s advancement during this incarnation.

Just get out of your own way for a time period every day and allow for creative options to open you to your soul’s direction. To experience yourself with the love of the soul. To accept the blessings of the universe.

We take great joy in guiding you to the fulfillment of your dreams and desires. We love seeing you smile, and your celebration is our celebration as well.

So stop the control.
Give us your prayer request.
Trust in the highest and best outcome.
Focus on how best to serve your passion, your joy and your serenity.

With disciplined action you will find that which you desire.

True Peace, Joy and Balance

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Expanding Consciousness Through The Physical

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

I posed the question to my Guides….

How do we expand our consciousness through our physical body?

Their reply…..

Be here in your mind now.
What is getting your attention right now?
What are your thoughts? Where is your focus?

What 'attention getter' is pulling you in? Ask, why this particular thought has come up or why your awareness traveled to some precise element in your environment.

Observe what engages your thoughts, attention and sets you into deliberate action. Examine if there are any fears associated with this moment's attention getter. Perhaps a fear has provoked a thought or response. Notice this.

Notice your body, your posture and what your posture has to say about your health, your mind and your actions. What attracts your senses, your curiosity. Are you curious? Are you motivated to question authority, and are you able to get answers from your intuitive body? What challenges you, what complicates you?

Reflect, Re-organize, Re-position your environment.
EDUCATE ALWAYS. Read science and take it to the next step in your mind.

You are an antennae for Divine Intelligence to occur.

Seek answers to your toughest question internally, with your own thought process. By thinking in this way you are able to develop a new neural pathway and light up the brain in different areas.

Seek to light up your brain and exercise it daily. Find clarity in your questions and in your thought process. Know why and who you truly are and what you would like to develop while in the body. All time well spent is an expansion of physical consciousness.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Monday, July 9, 2007


(As channeled by Anita's Guides
This was originally in our newsletter on March 21st, 2005 )


I expect much from those in my life.
Why is it that I often feel let down?

Expectations are a projection of what you what to see and accomplish within yourself. The twist here is that universal law states that you can only receive from others what you willing to give yourself first.

When you come into relationships with fixed expectations, you come wanting to control the outcome. You have expectations within the relationship because of your wanting the other person to love you more than you are loving yourself, to be more generous than you currently are with yourself. The bottom line is, you are looking to be understood better than you can understand yourself.

Often people set themselves up for failure because they are looking outside for what they desire to experience within themselves.

You must first give away what you desire to receive.
Start by giving that what you desire to yourself first.

Treat yourself as you would your best friend.

Your lover.
Give to yourself the unconditional love you so desire to have others give to you.
Love, true love, starts within.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Peace and Prosperity of the Soul

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

We speak today on peace and prosperity of the soul.

Through his misperceptions, mankind has been plagued with inner conflict since arriving on this Earth . There has been a false supported drive to achieve and obtain more.

The masses have followed the masses to amass masses of stuff.

There have only been a few in all the years of mankind who sought the inner life. The inner life is what we refer to as prosperity of the Soul.

The soul has the ability and desire to grow continuously in every moment. The Soul’s mission is to experience growth everyday in every way.

This awareness of the Soul will bring you a natural deep inner sense of peace.

There is a call to direct your attention to YOU, the INNER YOU, and be still.
Listening is a great teacher, for your inner world is very intelligent and full of information that can bring you outer life into balance.

You will truly know that you will always have all you need when you need it when your inner relationship is in a place of balance and at peace.

Nurturing your inner world takes attentiveness and kindness. Peace is not something that mankind is comfortable with. Mankind has been in war since conception and this outer war stems first from the inner battles with the self.

It is fear that keeps peace eluding you. There is much help from the universe that everyone could take advantage of if fear were not the main mode of expression.

There are great universal teachers that are waiting for man to relax and ask for peace and clarity in his mind and soul. These teachers can come forth if and when invited and assist you toward this state of being.

If you want true peace and prosperity you must ask for it. It is only due to Anita’s asking that we can deliver this message to all who can hear it.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Friday, June 8, 2007

Choas ~ The Master Teacher

Many people are currently in a state of confusion and at a crossroads of some type. Health is plummeting, relationships are stagnant, careers not fulfilling and yet many folks are unable to see a different perspective.

What we can do today to make a difference in our lives?

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

You are responsible for your life, the chaos you may find yourself in is your teacher. Any situation that is a struggle is a wake up call from your Soul.

Allow your teacher (the unpleasant situation) to show you your weakness. Each lifetime you have is given so that you may grow in your undeveloped areas. This is a blessing and an opportunity that has been designed by YOU at the level of soul.

There is always opportunity for growth and understanding in any messy situation and it is the strong and determined that look for the pearls of wisdom.

A lifetime is for the purpose of spiritual evolution which requires some danger, some sadness, some confusion but will always bring joy and growth if you can be objective. Self objectivity and self observation are the key ingredients to spiritual growth.

The Earth has come to a time in Her growth that She is speeding up the vibrational frequency as to assist in spiritual evolution. This simply means that those who are ready, willing and able to rise above their conditions, agenda and programs, will be asked to help others do the same.

Everyone can rally around this call of nature and be of service to those in need. Listen to your loved ones, neighbors and community and respond with loving actions. Each person can make a change in their own homes and abroad.

Spiritual evolution is found in every moment, in the products you use, the food you eat, the resources you are saving. Think of this, if every person who went to the local grocery store did not accept plastic or paper bags and asked the store to provide recycled material bags at cost for continued usage the store would HAVE to provide.

This is just one of millions of ways to become aware and active in your role with nature and personal spiritual responsibility. When one begins to look at themselves and the world in this perspective all the chaos begins to take a backseat. The universe supports a desire for growth and service and will BLESS those who seek that higher path. You will find your personal tragedy's are not so dramatic when you work out your frustration in a meaningful way.

Be kind to yourself, your family and your planet. Spend time on various ways you can make a difference, in your day, your neighborhood your workplace.

You will know great joy when you align with the spirit of contribution. You will feel honest victory when your efforts are noticed and acted upon.

There are many higher intelligences around each person supporting your efforts. For the World Counsel is very concerned in your planet and Her health and will assist each person in their fight to reserve Her resources.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Planetary Consciousness

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Today there was a sense of urgency when my Guides came into the room to give me this message.

The planetary consciousness is in shambles, the rulers of the planet are willing to let you die, to let the planet die. The consciously elevated on the planet are not in enough positions of power to make quality change in the time line of the ticking bomb. There is planetary confusion which is being actually programmed in to you through several resources and food is the biggest of these resources.

The inhabitants of the planet are walking dazed and confused. Many have lost there spiritual purpose, vision and even there soul for the need of material gain and power. This energy that is oozing out of the dazed and confused is seeping into the soil of the Earth and becoming a part of your food source. Food begins in the soil and takes on an energetic signature that will be communicating to you as well when the cells of the food are eaten and digested.

You can not retain an elevated consciousness remaining unconscious with your food. “You are what you eat” has never been more true. Begin to educate yourself about ways you can grow and store more homegrown, organic foods. Prayer over your food will change the energetic signature restoring the food to it’s natural pristine state. The prayer then will fill every cell of your body with goodness and you then become more of who you naturally are, A Divine Healer. Just by your raised vibration you heal others in your energy field, this is who you all are, Divine Intelligence.

Be an ambassador of peace as you move through your community. Radiate out peace, stillness and calm. This will help to calm the dazed and confused and shake them out of sleep mode. Realize your spiritual greatness and be free of old beliefs, programs and wounds.

Let go of need or lack and allow a space in your mind and heart to be available for inspiration. Think only on how to serve and benefit others. Can you make someone smile today? You can and will when you are really being your divine self, your authentic self is Love and Peace. I encourage everyone to


You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Technology vs. Humanology

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Question posed to my guides....
Many people are concerned with their health, it seems to be an epidemic that is growing to rapidly.

Why is our health so out of proportion, we have great technology in history and yet we also have the worst diseases in history.

AHHH- that is the point....technology is not of human ology.

Humans caring about humans is where real healing begins.

As a race, mankind, you have grown weary and burdened causing great depression. Mankind has lost his/her desire, compassion and love for his own race. In your DNA you are engineered to love all as your brother, to serve the all at every opportunity. You are built to listen and treat those you are with as you would treat yourself. Here is where the real sadness comes in, so many now on the Earth do not treat themselves as the divine sacred spiritual light that you are....all are!

Many people have turned on themselves, fighting demons inside of them. For them this is a time of the “Great Armageddon”.

What mankind may not have figured out is that the great war is a battle with the self. There is much negativity being held in the blood of so many.

Dis-ease is only found in man’s mind, it is not a condition that was created by The Divine Creator, but rather created and formed from man's beliefs and perceptions of himself and the world around him. Dis-ease is not natural to the pristine intelligence of the Mother Earth. The only place where divine intelligence is not residing is in the mind of mankind.

You create dis-ease by your thoughts, actions, choices and words. How can technology cure or heal that of the mind?

Medicine and surgery can not remove your limiting beliefs or narrow perceptions that can hinder your health, only you can make true change. Meanwhile the pharmaceuticals are trying to keep up with the host of dis-ease man’s mind has concocted. They will never fully be effective.

You are your Creator, only you can make a profound healing in your life. Your health is in your mind, according to your mind you make choices about your food and drink. A clean mind is a clean body. Do not look to medicine to give you a clean mind, rather loose yourself to serving honestly those around you. BE attentive to others lot in life and seek to engage with your neighbors with a clear intent of love. As a wise man once said
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Are We All Alone? Is There Anyone Out There?

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)
(Here is another favorite from back in March of 05)

Are we all alone? Is there anyone out there?

You are looking in the wrong direction.

You receive guidance, support and nurturing from your external world relative to what you give to your internal world. It is about what you personally do for yourself. So it is not about what you do externally that matters most. It is all about what you do internally. Connecting with the God within.

What do you think of yourself? Do you love and cherish who you are? The good, the bad, all of you? How often have you discounted and invalidated yourself? Are you paying attention to your inner self? Are you investing the time, enjoying the time, celebrating the time, being in the moment with your wise inner self for even five minutes a day?

You can only received externally what your give yourself internally.

By continually focusing on an outside source, giving your power away, much of humanity has become spiritually and emotionally bankrupt. They have forgotten the teachings brought to them by countless masters. It is the internal education, internal observation, internal grace, humility and support that truly connects each individual to the All.

Yet take heart. This can change in an instant. Simply love yourself. Be with yourself. Dialogue with yourself. Be fully present with yourself. Celibate the greatest of connections. God resides within each and every one of you.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wisdom Of The Body ~ Stop Complaining

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Better a smile than a complaint.....

I was inspired while watching a man on the Oprah show.
He was talking about bracelets he was giving away on "AComplaintFreeWorld .org".

The bracelets are a reminder to not complain. You start out by putting the bracelet on your right arm and anytime you complain you must move the bracelet over to your left arm.

The goal is to keep the bracelet on one arm for more than 21 days, this means that you have now established the habit of not complaining. I loved the idea and have started the process myself and it is an eye opening experience when you begin to monitor yourself in this way. So much so I decided to sit down with my team of ancient wisdom and ask, how and why did we as a culture become so full of complaints. I love their answer so I would like to share that with you.

Q. Speak on why we complain.......

People complain because it feels natural and safe to them. They want to be like their parents, their teachers, and even the leaders in the community.

Often you get to be a leader in politics by complaining. Complaining about your opponent, the current reign of command, the system, the taxes, health care and so on. Mankind's mind has never stopped to realize the energy and attention that it is giving to what's wrong in the world.

Your mind from day one has been focused on the ego and not the energy body. As the collective wakes to this realization then true shifts in consciousness will occur.

You can achieve whatever you desire so long as you apply the laws of energy and not the laws of ego. One must reach for the goal of human evolution and involution. Release the need to go into the ego and experience your energy body instead. You can do this by simply focusing on the beauty and the grace that surrounds you. You can allow yourself to become part of the awesome creation that surrounds you. This kind of attention will make a true difference in your life.

Begin now to commit to bringing a smile to everyone you encounter as well as keeping humor in your heart.

Promise the child within that you will find goodness and playfulness in every moment.

Give your mind and ego a rest from what is wrong or that there is not enough. Stop Complaining reconnect with the happy go lucky kid that you have always admired.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Ah, the list.
This is the very dimension that humans have been getting lost in for eons. The very paradigm that elicits control and being controlled.

Each one feels that in order to validate themselves to the other they must have an outwards expression of success. A completion of a list that never ends. For the very list is a representation of one’s disconnect from their spiritual body and thus a disconnect from their spiritual purpose.

Humans feel a strong need to see and create accomplishments outside of themselves. A need of accomplishment to compensate for the feeling of a great loss of one’s true self.

The only true reason for being human is to better understand your spiritual purpose. You have been given the physical world to play within, to mirror yourself and heal your fragmentation and spiritual wounds.

Your human body is a barometer of your spiritual body and your over all balance. Understand the language of the body’s illnesses and aches. Your spirit is signaling you through your body for balance and integration

This continual plea for integration has been with you since man first arrived. Man arrived and immediate the list kicked in. From the very beginning, days have been full of survival and protection for preparation for tomorrow and the next season. So this list is in the genes, and so it is has been passed down since the original man. Still today a survival and preparation agenda that the humans find themselves trapped in. Never leaving the collective long enough to under understand their spiritual nature.

Trust, that is the key, the escape hatch to get back to your souls’ mansion where you can truly see and experience who you really are. Your God Self You know this on a deeper soul level. When there is blind faith in your God Self and forward movement there is also miracles.

Set aside your mind, your self-judgment, and the judgment of others. Allow your soul to flow through you. Your commitment to this process is the ladder out of the hole you perceive yourself in. Leading you back to your soul and your souls purpose. And a life with less of a list and a lot more of love.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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(as channeled from Anita's Guides)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

After Death - Life Experienced

(I've been asked to re post this. It originally was channeled in May 06. Hope you enjoy)

There has been much written of ‘Near Death’ experiences. Reports by those who were ‘Dead’ for a short moment and then came back to life. Sometimes with amazing stories to tell. Often this would include the famous ‘tunnel of light’ where the ‘nearly’ departed is greeted by angels or family members with love. The feeling of being at peace and home once again. There have also been accounts of the opposite type of experience, where a ‘Hell’ like setting seemed all too real. Where there was regret, great fear, sadness, and judgement.

With so many differing stories I decided to ask an expert. A friend of my husband and mine named ‘Barry’. Now Barry is an expert for this reason. Barry crossed the great mystery known as death in Sept of 2004. Not as a ‘Near Death’ experience but as the real deal. He now resides on ‘The Other Side’.

Just a little bit about myself. I have been been a psychic and medium since birth. Yes, I see dead people (clairvoyant) as well as can speak to them and hear them (clairaudient) and have done so for thousands of clients worldwide for over twenty years.

Since my contact of Barry a few months ago, we have been having a continual dialogue about his adventures on the other side. According to Barry when you die, even in death you have freedom of choice.

You can create an after life of heavenly proportions or one of pure hell or simply a nothingness void. Your reality becomes an image of your own choosing. Whatever your mind is expecting to encounter is exactly the situation the Soul will create.

Death is but a blip in the continuity of your souls journey. You have freewill and full choice of your experiences in life, death, and beyond death. If you would like to hear and see the angels you shall. If you wish to review your time here this life with all your lived ones that too will happen. You can even choose to remain Earth bound in denial of death. Refusing to accept that you are dead. You can have a judgement day, with fire and brimstone, or a wonderful life review in full technicolor, streets of gold and heaven filled moments . It is all yours for the asking.

In Barry's case, at death there was a 3 day (in linear time) of reorienting himself to the feeling of not having a body, or not the same kind of body at least as here on the earth plane. He was present and aware for his own funeral process in a Spiritual State of being as he made this transition of awareness. Then he began a process of his own version of life review. For him it was a personal understanding of how others were affected by their interaction with him during ‘life’. He felt what they felt as a result of what he had done or said or did not do or say. He felt the emotion with the same intensity as they had felt. This was his own version of Instant Karma.

Barry went through this process in the company of a loving and wise guide to assist in answering any questions that arose. Always the explorer in life, Barry continued in this vein and with his Soul’s permission and guidance decided that he would like to continue to learn, explore and question more layers of reality and dimensions. Some times as a blade of grass other times as a owl, snake or worm.

Through Barry’s journey we have learned that there is nothing greater in any universe than the relationship we have with our self, our Divine Self, that the Divinity of God is in our hearts, in each of our cells. That God is experiencing him/her self through all our journeys in life, death and life after death. There truly is no limit as to the experiences you can create for yourself. This is a cycle that never ends. There is absolutely nothing that you can not do or become.

This earth is your playground and your stage to create and become anything you can hold in you mind. So it goes for on the other side too. Death in not death, it is a transition, another world for you to simply keep on living, loving expressing ,creating and experiencing.

We have been privileged to share in Barry's discovery process of life on the other side. He has opened our lives and heart to our own divine nature within as he allows us to better understand Life Experienced After Death. The journey continues.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Greener On The Other Side?

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Is the grass ever really greener on the other side?

This mantra has been bait for man for eons and has never been answered. Man has always longed for what he does not have simply for one reason...not accepting what you do have and creating a different perspective with your situation. When man can look at his self created situation and fully understand how his actions and choices has created the moment, then if the moment isn’t quite as good looking, you simply take what you have and restructure your perspective. This is done not only physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Each moment is a reflection of your spirit and your core belief systems that are firmly in place. Every situation that you have created has been largely created from some underlying core beliefs that you may not be aware of. When you look outside your own yard and admire anothers, then you are in essence abandoning your own spirit.
This reality is why the grass is never greener on the other side. Running away towards someone or something else is void of spiritual depth.

If where you are is not where you want to be, then stop looking around for saviours or seeking solution from others. Try sitting with yourself for some time and probe deeply the actions and choices that have brought you to this moment in time. Investigate your core beliefs about yourself, life, family, marriage and children as a tool for uncovering some subconscious agenda.

When you know how you created this reality then you are armed with true inspiration to make lasting change.

Your reality can only reflect your inner wisdom, true change occurs at the foundation of who you are. To know fully who you are, ask yourself, “What is my spiritual truth?” “What do I believe about myself and life?” IF what you find you do not like, then begin to articulate more of who you are and what you stand for, live in this truth.

Make choices and actions from your spiritual truth. Make your words more reflective of this truth at all times, both your inner voice and outer voice. Your reality is a direct reflection of your inner resources, spiritual vision and core beliefs. This is your world to create and live fully your way.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Friday, March 16, 2007

The Wisdom of You

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

You are in the process of unfolding and allowing the spirit to develop fully in the human form. All that you need is inside yourself. There is no new thing to ever really learn outside of the self. There is only opening to oneself and being witness to the infinite intelligence that lies within.

You are all you will ever need. Explore your own deeper realities, your memories from all your travels.

Invite your higher self to dialogue with you, to unravel the mysteries around you. You are all fully enlightened conscious beings, you just do not know that about yourself because maybe you have never asked.

All answers are available to you, if you wonder enough, you probe enough or simply sit still enough. Your conscious is like a lotus and has so many petals that is looking to open, expand and bring in the beauty that is all around you.

Your consciousness is wanting to embrace others, the elements of the earth and yes even all the life forms in our cosmos. For consciousness is really nothing without a vehicle, which is your body, let consciousness live through you. Talk with this energy and allow your body to taste, smell, listen, touch and breathe in fully to Divine Intelligence of you.

Fall in love with the real you, the power of you, the joy of you. Teach your children, your neighbors, and even strangers the gift of living consciously and being in love with their own self.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Awareness of Soul

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Most people think of the Soul as an aspect that is outside of themselves. It is the very process of all this thinking that makes it easy for humans to be led into negative thoughts, feelings and actions toward themselves and others.

If the Soul was you primary focus, one would be selective in their actions at all times. Keeping in prospective that the Soul never dies and that whatever today’s thoughts and actions are, will have an impact for many incarnations to come.

Pause and reflect on the actual cause and effect of your current moment, in what you are creating with your words or actions. As a collective, humans have allowed themselves to become ignorant of the Soul and it’s enormous capacity to create continuously.

The ignorance of cause and effect has developed into a whole host of negative thoughts and actions toward oneself and others resulting in a perpetual cycle of violence, despair, sadness, hunger, greed and so on.

The best tool you have in stopping this cycle of ignorance is to put your Soul back on the front burner, as a priority and get busy serving others. Helping the people around you in every manner and form brings about an energy of being in service. The more time you are serving others with an attitude of true friendship, you experience the vitality of your Soul.

The more time you experience your Soul in this “Alive” state, the stronger your experiences of joy, hope, passion and friendship. This vibration will ring out to the community around you and will transform others in waking them to the memory of “being home”.

We are all one and the way to stir that memory is to serve others as you would serve yourself. We are all in this together, just as the cells in the human body all work towards the same goal....health and balance of the body. That is the micro model of how you are to live with the cosmic body, when one does not do that it is the same results akin to cancer. When one only seeks to the betterment of the self desires with no thought as to the community or with an ill effect towards the community you are in a sense a virus or cancer that will destroy a part of the cosmic whole.

Each person is significant and a needed part of the journey towards world peace and stability.

There is only one goal....Know Thyself, Love Thyself, Love one another. Such an easy goal with a truly rewarding benefit and yet as a collective so far from that one goal....why?

Isn’t it grand to know the meaning of life, so simple and said so many times by the many Masters and teachers that have brought the same message through. The collective however, has not accepted this as truth and most float around and ask “What is my purpose”....Is there any greater purpose than to help others and see their smile, feel their appreciation. Another's smile can heal your Soul more so than any healer can do.

To go through your day with sincere love for yourself, a smile towards all your cells and a thank you for your intelligent and spectacular body is what real life is. Life is a grateful spirit that just wants to live...FULLY.....completely in the creation all around you. Try it for a day and watch how your world changes, help or assist everyone you encounter for a day and allow your soul to be in charge. For one day give your mental worries and fears a rest, get out of your clutter and do something to bring a smile to the people around you.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Wisdom of Reluctance

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

The Wisdom of Reluctance is the negative or discordant side of hope.

Hope is the ambitious energy of true spirit. There in lies life, wisdom and joy of the body, mind and heart.

Reluctance can teach us of hope. By moving into the energy of and getting to know reluctance, you will eventually come through to the other side and be beautifully transformed into HOPE.

The mind creates reluctance, but the true one Spirit creates hope. Man cannot endure on his mind alone, there must be the embodiment of a charged energy such as hope. Hope is the light that we follow to move us out of the corridors of the minds interference with faulty beliefs and recall of past failures. Failure does not exist in the world but only in the mind of man.

Hope reminds man to be of spirit, to be of nature and let the mind then become engaged in it’s true creative process.

Reluctance is simply the yin (dark) side of hope.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Question Yourself Often

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

To know yourself fully is the only measure of one’s integrity. One is in hiding if this awareness is not at the surface. To question yourself continuously is the only way you really can come to an understanding of what is hiding in your sub conscious, your very blood and organs, there really is no other real source of life but to know thyself.

You are IT, you are LIFE and the quality of your life depends on the depth of the relationship you have with yourself.
So many “get lost” with the thought that they are here for their partners, kids, work or even for “Spirit” but you are SPIRIT, so what is it that you are holding that may be keeping you from Spirit. There is no greater Spirit than the Spirit that is moving thru you right NOW.

When you are not in touch, or in dialogue with your own spirit, then there is clutter that is keeping you from that depth. Spirit is your foundation, your basement, and you have a whole house or body full of unanswered and unasked questions that can bring you all the enlightenment you are seeking for yourself and as well, the meaning of life.

Your whole world is a perception of your hidden dialogue flowing thru your body. Witness what you say, what you are thinking, question the why as to a particular action or choice. This is the consciousness that will shift your awareness in to a broader perspective, releasing you from being entangled in your own muck and move you into a higher level of expression.

Simply stated....observe your very words, actions and choices and seek to know what is the belief or perception underlying that movement. Then ask 'do I want to continue with that belief ?' 'Is it my highest and best expression of who I want to be?'

Never stop asking questions of yourself. This way you will continue to grow and evolve, stretching into the highest levels of who you truly are.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.