Commit Yourself
Points to Ponder....
Commit Yourself
Commit to intimately understanding yourself and taking responsibility for your role within the larger drama of life at all times.
Do not view an apparent accident that you were just in as being the wrong place at the wrong time, see it as something that you can learn from and something that you created.
When you can accept truly that you create your own reality, when you refuse to blame anyone or anything for your experiences and when you realize what you are putting out there into the world is flowing back to you in a perfect energy pattern, then you will see a shift in your “luck”.
You will not endlessly encounter the same negative happenings when you are willing to absorb the lessons inherent in the happening, and once you are willing to learn from your “misfortune”, you will not need to keep repeating it.
By knowing within there can be no accidents, that even the tiniest subatomic particles are working on purpose, and so are you, you can genuinely turn your life around.
Remember who you are, YOU ARE GOD MANIFEST, you can use the great power of your mind to focus on your healing, to strengthen your relationships to others and to bring a sense of balance and harmony within. It is all accomplished by focusing on what you want to create and the belief that you CAN and DO CREATE YOUR WORLD.
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