Thursday, February 15, 2007

Look Between The Cracks For Wisdom

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

One can have as many moments of truth as one wishes. With the help of my guides, I collect “moments of truth” and will share them with you, not only my moments but universal moments as well. I celebrate my creation and celebrate the creation of all the beings around me for we are all on the same path and it is glorious to be on the path with so many others.

Listen to all the people around you, witness their truth and honor your time with them for another’s truth has significance for you in some way. If not now, then in the future or even in the past.

Love all moments and look “between the cracks” for wisdom and answers that sometimes lay deep and hidden in your life. Humans have conditioned themselves to overlook the “cracks” until they no longer even realize they are there, but if one would get down in the grooves they would find a piece of themselves.

You might get messy, but it is so worth the time and effort. Each of you are ancient beings, here to restore your memories and wake to your higher knowing. You are all truly enlightened and need only to remember that aspect of yourself and allow your “Spirit” to shine thru the layers of human clutter.

You are spiritual being having a human experience and it has great rewards and unlimited potential if you can only see past your perceptions and ego limitations. Follow your heart, for there is your true nature. Do not let your mind wonder into fear and other useless losses of power, for then you are giving your spirit to the dark side of nothingness. The nothingness we speak of is a void of spirit and life that is the manifestation of the mind creating such nonsense as fear, worry, doubt, confusion and so on...... goes the list.

No moment should go without attention, your full attention. There is only life and any state of being that does not celebrate life sends you spiraling into the “great abyss”, for you are here to grow in your spirit and to share and love and give to your fullest capacity. So GET ON WITH IT!!

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