My Path to Medical Intuition
All Medical Intuitives are unique in how they work.
After all we all have our own inherent ability of intuition.
The key with intuition is how to understand the messages that are coming in since they do not come in through the linear left brain approach that we are accustomed to.
Intuition is honed according to each person's desire in communicating with either their higher self or perhaps a Higher source of consciousness.
A Higher source of consciousness has always been with me in a very real way.
Many people refer to this process as Spirit Guides, Angels, Masters. They are here to help each one of us, and with us all the time.
I have always regarded them as Best Friends and advice that I could trust.
They have never let me down in my personal adventure here on planet Earth.
My adventure began very early on in life.
I basically came in to this life fully wired for connection with different realms.
Whether I liked it or not.
As a small child I could see people around me that others could not.
Turns out these people were Dead People who had recently died in the town around me.
I quickly became terrified at the fact that I also knew when there was going to be a death nearby, even of people I did not even know.
Thank heaven for my Guides, who kept me from feeling totally alone, crazy, and scared to death.
I pleaded with them in my early twenties to please take this seeing and communicating with the dead away. It seemed Too much to bear.
And thankfully I slowly experienced them less and less, quit seeing them and began to get on with a more or less normal life.
My clairvoyance then began to take the form of getting psychic visions and impressions.
Often times I simply heard a voice telling me information about someone I would be talking with.
This led to doing psychic sessions for people on a daily basis.
While I enjoyed doing these sessions, after a few years I felt like I was ready to go deeper, get more meaningful information for my clients so I asked my guides for the next phase of my readings.
At the time I had no idea of what a Medical Intuitive was as this was years before Carolyn Myss first started using the term in her books.
How being a Medical Intuitive started for me was that I started to hear client's organs and cells talk to me.
They seemed to have a story they wanted to tell, and like the dead people, they also knew I could clearly hear them. So I started listening, and speaking with the body. Wow, What stories.
At that time I did not know anything about the anatomy or physiology but I did know that I was hearing very real information as to the state of health a organ or gland was in.
I began to let myself go inside the client and simply let the story unfold.
As the client would tell me of their health concerns or challenges the body would begin to show me the Root Cause Specific Reason for whatever their ailment was.
Over the years the information came clearer and deeper and seemed to be even clearer when I was conducting a Phone Session and was not distracted with the client being in the same room with me.
In my sessions, as the client talks about what they are experiencing, be it pain, depression, anxiety, swelling or whatever the health challenge is, I begin to get pictures inside the body as to what is at the root of that experience.
Often times the root will be in multiple organs or systems and causing multiple imbalances throughout the body.
Another amazing layer also revealed itself as I was doing more of these health readings is the emotional blockage or unresolved trauma that was also at the root of the health challenge.
Of course it only makes sense that we are emotional beings as well and these emotions positive and negative are also a part of our whole being as well.
Good health very much depends on a healthy positive emotional state, clear of past trauma and unresolved anger, tears, guilt, shame....the list goes on and on.
I am very passionate about this process of understanding our human bodies and how to make us all healthier, happier people.
We are multifaceted and true health requires a clearing and balancing of all of who we are....physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual.
True Lasting Healing only takes place when all these aspects of ourselves are acknowledged.
This I have learned simply by working with people and allowing the body to give me the best teaching I could ever have.
Still today after 20 years and 1000's of clients the human body is still my greatest teacher and I am always in awe at how fascinating we humans are.
During this process I was inspired to seek out additional schooling and skills which lead me to The Mystery School in Boulder Colorado for a Certification in Medical Intuition as well as Theta Healing.
While my Main Teacher's have all ways been my Guides, it was nice to put some order to this process.
I also studied Anatomy and Physiology to better understand what I was being shown within the body
Deciding to balance my developed Right brain with some heavy duty Left brain training and went on to become Certified in Iridology and a Master Sceroloigist.
Desiring to be able to assist my clients with Natural Solutions I also studied and trained as an Herbalist.
In my work the one lesson I really understood to the core is that WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ENERGY.
When we take back our power and our health into our own capable hands, I have seen amazing transformation take place.
Nature has given us everything we need to Heal and be Healthy.
We and our world around us were created by the Divine who knew exactly how to heal any imbalances. For this reason I work with Mother Nature with my clients in slowly bringing balance and lasting results with no side effects to the healing process.
I trust in natural plant based remedies that are a natural part of our DNA....we have always lived with plants for our food and our medicine. After all that is why the Father of Medicine is famous for stating...."Let thy food by thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food."
We call these plants herbs and yes they can truly be the food your body has been missing that can cause the slow breakdown leading to all types of symptoms.
To recap, as a Medical Intuitive it is my privilege listen and watch as your body reveals to me the many layers of burden or toxins or poor elimination, circulation, loss of whatever that is creating your experience.
In my experience you are your own best healer.
You are responsible for complete healing and keeping your energy flowing in a positive direction and nature can help you get there as in my opinion has always been the intended pursuit to wellness.
It is an honor to be of service and assistance in helping you be The Best You Ever
Thank you....... Anita Owens..... Medical Intuitive |