What's Really Going On, Mother Nature ~ Wisdom of The Ancients ~
| What's Really Going On, Mother Nature ~ Wisdom of The Ancients ~ |
So it is 2010 and there has been so much hype since the crash of 08 and really no major drama has played out like so many forecasters were predicting.
Why the hype and drama in the alternative media, what really is going on behind the scenes of Mother Earth.
Anita's Guides Answer:
The drama is in the collective consciousness of the people and their agendas.
There is much energy rushing into the planet and the result of whatever you go through personally is due to the collective you surround yourself with.
If you are in Spiritual mind set and in control of your mind and emotions then you will continue to have more of the same.
However if you are not in harmony with the many aspects of your life and relationships you will find yourself spiraling at a rapid pace.
The one true purpose of any incarnation is to become at one and at peace.
To many people get lost in thinking that life has a major purpose and while personal purpose is a must, your soul purpose is to find peace and harmony in the physical form.
The physical form brings many sufferings and has since the dawn of time.
Your soul seeks evolution and evolution can not begin until there is peace of mind body and heart.
Once the mind is congruent with the heart and there is silence then you are ready to go on.
This is a time in which the collective has opportunity to hear their soul and remember to find the peace and calm in which you came here to accomplish.
Simply love your day, whatever it is you do with your day be happy with your activity.
The more each one person can simply do this the more it will expand the collective of your community and that will expand across the great planet.
You are all encased in one body called Earth and you must seek to befriend all those around you.
When you do not do this it is the equal of a cancer cell which seeks out all the cells around it and changes its perfection to a deadly disease.
You do not need anything other than yourself to be happy and yet your happiness will attract so many other loving and happy people around you. This is the purpose of life.
It is the experience of love and relationships that your soul needs for evolution.
Then when you leave one life and go on to another you will continue your path of peace and love and will incarnate into a world of lightness. Higher frequency in which you remember you are all one and would never seek out any other state of being.
That is how we maintain our clarity and can work with you because we know we are you and always wish to find the highest and best for everyone.
You are never alone at any time and there is always help if only you ask.
Ask and it is done is the true reality yet sometimes you can not see the answer or your expectations on how the answer should take form is not congruent with what is true.
Each person has so many divine helpers around them and they forget to ask for direction, and they often forget to Thank their heavenly team for the things that have not happened that they intervened in.
Your soul knows about this and wishes too that you not feel lost and the suffering of the physical body but you turn to your spiritual brothers and find peace and joy that they have for you.
So 2010 is a year in which the collective is taking a look around the world and is being asked to decide is this the year in which I make peace within and without.
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