Guidance for the Chinese New Year of the Earth Ox
Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Guidance for the New Year
Give us guidance for the New Year of the Earth Ox.........
Anita Guides Answer.........
It is time for each person to make a change in their thinking and use of their strength.
Great change is coming this year and it will be opportunity for each person to experience their ability and talents in different applications.
Each person has a gift and set of skills that may be asked or encouraged to use in a different fashion.
This year will offer a new vision for each person, as the old paradigm of life moves away a new perspective will occur and you will see your self differently.
Please be patient with your new circumstances, be it health, wealth, work or relationships. As the year chips away at an outdated approach to governments, education and medical fields and you all collectively realize a better vision for your self and get busy creating your goals for each other.
Many will have opportunity to view their situation as unfair or worse this is why we say
Have compassion for any set of circumstances you may find and help others to have a compassionate approach toward change.
You are all in a journey together and at the end of the journey the most treasure you will take with you is the experience and heart felt moments of kindness you showed to yourself and your companions.
You will do well to remember that the best part of incarnation into human life is the PEOPLE PART.....your role in helping and honoring others for who and where they are.
This will help others to remember that by giving and sharing you build your souls body of experience which in turns fosters wisdom.
Do not be overly concerned with your situation at any time, rather use your time with your mind, your creativity and imagination.
What can you do NOW that will bring a smile to you and perhaps to someone else. This at the end of the day will warm your heart and be the pivotal moment that makes tomorrow another day of GREAT EXPERIENCES.
Your earth is ready for the next great era and it will be in flux over the next decade so commit to your joy factor. You at the soul level are very excited to be part of such a large transition, and YOU DO HAVE THE STRENGTH AND TALENT to make the transition a better one than the past have been.
You are all one big family and we desire for you to treat and accept each person with this in mind........that is one BIG HAPPY FAMILY!!
In the process you will find your own joy your unique gifts that you bring to the journey.
2009 will see much in the way of strong weather changes and more economy changes and this is why we are asking for you to remember our words.
Please do not loose yourself in your own life.
Be a beacon of light and comfort for those around you.
NO FEAR is the catch phrase for the coming year......
ENJOY the Year of the Earth Ox