Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Justice & Injustice

Justice & Injustice

(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers July 05)

There is a lot of talk and action on a planetary level about injustice.

Humans are caught in a perpetual circle of trying to find justice for themselves and others. (as though it can be obtained.)

This is an illusion of not taking responsibility for your lessons.

When you are looking to be justified, your ego is saying ‘I’m right' or ‘I’m a victim’ or ‘I deserve’. By searching to give this to ego you are merely fueling your ego’s growth vs. your soul’s growth.

The soul’s evolution is an ongoing observation

  • -of the ego’s state of mind
  • - what this ego is attracting
  • - how the ego responds and creates

The ego is a fragmented, wounded entity with the mindset or agenda of preservation and individual survival. The ego has collected the experience of your lifelines and adapted a means of survival and immunity.

It has the important job of preserving and defending you, your pure heart, your innocence, while you are experience the laws on this planet, meaning the law of cause an effect, law of attraction, law of evolution, law of balances and so on.
All of this has been a necessary and needed experience.
It is what you as a Soul choose for yourself.

You chose with great enthusiasm to allow aspects of yourself to participate and learn from your life experiment.

There is no-thing done outside of free will.

You have never, nor is it possible to ever be a product outside of your will, which means that justice therefore is a trick to keep you from re-member-ing that you choose whatever your circumstance are to learn from to maintain the balance of the yin yang principle.

When you gain justice for the purpose of feeling superior or right, you have ignored the lesson, leaving the ego fulfilled and the soul with no choice but to bring about the circumstance in another way or again into another life.

This is a significant time upon the planet for a major release of ego from the soul’s aspects. It is an opening for you to come into partnership with your soul and go through life review on a daily ongoing basis.

All of your lifetimes, experiences can be recovered and restored and in just this time-line.

You have the unique opportunity to access this information from your soul, so that you may forgive and receive communion with your highest self.

Begin to let go of the how’s and why’s and be with what is. Observe the dynamics of what is right now and allow yourself to accept your circumstance and your world.

You have chosen at the soul level all that is, appreciate and resonate with all that is,
with out emotion or thought just be all that is.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Friday, November 23, 2007



(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers May 05)

Every moment you find yourself in is for the grander moment of reconnecting with your soul.

This is a process that evolves and elicits attention to
the details of your life on a daily basis.

Life does not just happen, it is created by perfect design in every moment by you at the soul level.

Every cell in your body is a powerful magnet operating within the universal laws of attraction
and harmoniously cooperating with that law. At the cellular level you are part of the indivisible whole.

You are “All that is”.

You are infinite and whole.

You are all love and joy.

The reason you have journeyed into this 3rd dimensional earth plane experience is to master the creative principle inside you.

To come into awareness how you are the creator of your reality.

With each incarnation your rise in consciousness and integrate more of your creative principle
as you participate in your lessons.

Gaining a better understanding of the laws that govern each plane of energy and the communication to your soul.

Do not take yourself or those around you too personally.

You are on a journey.

A soul journey.

Through your intent, you can allow yourself a deeper reconnection to your soul
this very day.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Be A Prepared Spiritual Warrior

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

Recently there were a million people displaced in Mexico due to floods and hundreds of thousands displaced in Southern California over fires. We have experienced a major drought here is the Midwest over the past summer and now volcanoes are setting off in the pacific rim.

Q. Any enlightenment into the wisdom of these earth changes and our part in all of this?

A.There is always movement when the collective comes together and pronounces that this is a time for a change in consciousness. There is a growing number of people that have decided in raising their vibration, their thoughts, their choices toward a more peaceful and economically minded conclusion.

Currently there is an ever increasing number of people rising to a different standard for themselves and asking for governments, medicine and academia to the same: be responsible. As this happens you will begin to see great barriers break down, so that rebuilding can begin. Without the de-construction can be no new construction.

As a society, all people’s input is valuable. It is no longer acceptable being told ‘this is just the way it is’. Be a part of the solution that has the ‘whole’ in mind. Personally each person can observe and make choices based on how those behaviors and choices are affecting another living being’s right to health. Are the household cleaners and soaps and detergents polluting the water in any way? Do you have toxins in your environment that you are responsible for? Can you make a difference in your workplace with any waste or pollution you may find?

While there is great displacement in many parts of the world, you can gather up resources in your home to send to the agencies who are there to help restore basic needs. As Tom says ‘We are all in this together.’ Think of the larger picture. Think of the connectedness of all. Take actions where you are. Take steps now. Think of your own area in which you may be displaced.

Gather up basic needs and knowledge now so that if you were to be on the go that you could be of service to those who may not be prepared.

Be ready always to be that spiritual warrior, in which displacement does not mean fear but you are ready to comfort and provide for those in need.

Being prepared for any oncoming change will allow the peace and confidence you will need when time comes to dismantle so that the new may be built. Think now while you are in the calm about how your know how and experience can contribute to a peaceful rebuilding of your government, medicine and academia.

Each person has a part of the puzzle to developing a society in which harmony is the goal. You all came here to be in this role with each other and each one has the precise pearl in their soul that will take mankind toward his next leap in evolution.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.