Time To Stop The Blame Game ~ Wisdom From The Ancients
| Time To Stop The Blame Game ~ Wisdom From The Ancients |
Anita Asks Her Guides..
What is needed knowledge for us at this time?
They reply........
There is a great shift happening within your planet.
It is as if a dark cloud has covered your world, blocking out the true light of your soul. It is now time for the dark clouds to disperse and allow your world and all of it to shine once again.
The planet and her people are all together at this time for a cosmic event. One that will awaken you to a higher knowing.
Over the ages, people have surrendered their power and no longer think of themselves as being a powerful spiritual/human being. They have gotten distracted and lost in their personalities, emotions and fears.
Some would say that this amnesia of self power was directed, controlled, manipulated by others.
Others, that a dark force did descend on to your planet a long time ago and has tricked you into believing you are something you are not.....
We say...
Who Cares!
Stop the Blame Game....
It is time for you to Reconnect with YOU!!!!!
You are not that which you often hold onto as important.
You are a body of light encased in a physical form.
Eons ago this simplicity was lost and you have traveled thru many lives and dimensions without this understanding or awareness of your own light.
This is the very reason there is so much hardship and fighting going on planet Earth right now.
You are becoming collectively aware that it is time to return to your natural form and become your light once again.
The planet has been under a great deal of stress as she absorbs the peoples cries and hardships and has taken this on as a means of healing for the people.
But now the planet is asking for the people to take responsibility for and raise their spiritual awareness.
The more you can come together in prayer and light and reach out to anyone you see suffering the easier this transition will be.
Each person who embodies their light will naturally respond to all with compassion and in service to the greater good.
This will then allow the planet to facilitate the higher energies coming in and waking up the collective so they may transcend past this old way of life.
You each are powerful spiritual beings who have the ability to transcend and rise above the the impressed upon sufferings.
Each day that you engage with another person in a compassionate and grateful lightness this energy helps to 'lighten' up the world.
If just a few people every day in your neighborhood reach out in self/soul clarity, not just charity, to whoever needs it that day, then rays of hope lead to full exposure of the light once again.
You are a Spiritual Being of Light and not a mind that has been controlled.
You are heart and soul that is free to manifest a world of peace and beauty.
A world in which all people are equal and share in the care of each other. Where there is no hierarchy but one harmonious understanding....
We are all one.
The oneness all share in perfect health and wellness for an eternity.
You will manifest this world for yourself with simple acts of clarity and charity that is right for you.
This will help manifest your planet's well-being as well those who inhabit it.
We would suggest that each of you set your intent.
Make at least 15 minutes of your day a spiritual study/focus
be it a book...prayer....song...meditation or visualization
Most of all be in your light and take into your light a higher knowledge that will foster your growth back to your original state of being.
This knowledge will assist when the higher energies start filling your planes of existence.
This will be your best friend as times of change approach quite rapidly.
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