Discovering Your Souls Purpose Q&A Part 1 (Points to Ponder)
We come into this lifetime with various soul patterns.
The better the understanding of these patterns, the better we flow within this life.
We become more joyful as we learn not to take being human too personally.
The following exercise will help begin to identify the keys to your happiness and bliss and any blocks you perceive to have to accessing them.
Answer the following questions rapidly with the first thing that comes to mind.
When am I the happiest?
When am I the saddest?
Who are three people that I most admire and why?
When have I experienced synchronicities?
What do I excel at?
What is my gift?
When am I the most loving?
What do I repeatedly beat myself up about?
What was the happiest time in my life?
Who currently makes me angry?
What brings me the most joy?
Who shows me love?
Who do I show love to?
Where are my thoughts right now?
Where do I want them to be?
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