Wisdom Of The Body ~ Stop Complaining
(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)
Better a smile than a complaint.....
I was inspired while watching a man on the Oprah show. He was talking about bracelets he was giving away on "AComplaintFreeWorld .org".
The bracelets are a reminder to not complain. You start out by putting the bracelet on your right arm and anytime you complain you must move the bracelet over to your left arm.
The goal is to keep the bracelet on one arm for more than 21 days, this means that you have now established the habit of not complaining. I loved the idea and have started the process myself and it is an eye opening experience when you begin to monitor yourself in this way. So much so I decided to sit down with my team of ancient wisdom and ask, how and why did we as a culture become so full of complaints. I love their answer so I would like to share that with you.
Q. Speak on why we complain.......
People complain because it feels natural and safe to them. They want to be like their parents, their teachers, and even the leaders in the community.
Often you get to be a leader in politics by complaining. Complaining about your opponent, the current reign of command, the system, the taxes, health care and so on. Mankind's mind has never stopped to realize the energy and attention that it is giving to what's wrong in the world.
Your mind from day one has been focused on the ego and not the energy body. As the collective wakes to this realization then true shifts in consciousness will occur.
You can achieve whatever you desire so long as you apply the laws of energy and not the laws of ego. One must reach for the goal of human evolution and involution. Release the need to go into the ego and experience your energy body instead. You can do this by simply focusing on the beauty and the grace that surrounds you. You can allow yourself to become part of the awesome creation that surrounds you. This kind of attention will make a true difference in your life.
Begin now to commit to bringing a smile to everyone you encounter as well as keeping humor in your heart.
Promise the child within that you will find goodness and playfulness in every moment.
Give your mind and ego a rest from what is wrong or that there is not enough. Stop Complaining reconnect with the happy go lucky kid that you have always admired.
You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........
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