Why Do Accidents Occur?
Why Do Accidents Occur?
(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers Aug 05)
Accidents are one of the many opportunities for the evolution of the Soul.
At the Soul level your day-by-day, moment-by-moment life is written, produced and directed from your Soul. There are lessons to be learned and experienced in every moment of your existence.
Accidents no matter how large or small, how debilitating or life changing do have a grander purpose than the ego can comprehend. It is an opportunity for growth to occur. Perhaps it is to develop courage and let go of worry. Perhaps it is to believe in yourself and find your inner strength and let go of dependency. Or maybe it is to deepen your appreciation and reverence for your own human journey, for you to stop taking life for granite but rather to celebrate and honor it.
The human ego can become caught in the perpetual motion of your past. Meaning you keep experiencing the same emotions, the same actions, the same common experiences over and over. Accidents can stop that perpetual motion, leading you by the hand into a different version or view of yourself. History does not need to repeat itself! You are not here to just experience a limited set of experiences in an endless loop.
You are here to be fully alive in this moment, charting your own course, blazing your own trail and allowing for life to show you new emotions, redefining yourself daily. Let go of your limiting judgments, your rigid views and your set opinions. You are here to experience life as it is meant to be in all its expressions. To taste, feel, touch, smell, hear yourself in every moment that you are engaged in.
The soul has manifested this very moment for you to send your 5 senses experience back to it without judgment or ridicule, without the need to know why. Just simply accepting your life’s journey and the journey of those around you. To allow yourself the grace of the ever changing constant forward movement of the universe. To be in the flow, accepting what the flow brings.
You are immortal and this life is for your pleasure, it is of your creation. Accepting then yourself, your life with all the accidents is truly your greatest accomplishment for your soul's evolution.
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