Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Planetary Consciousness

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Today there was a sense of urgency when my Guides came into the room to give me this message.

The planetary consciousness is in shambles, the rulers of the planet are willing to let you die, to let the planet die. The consciously elevated on the planet are not in enough positions of power to make quality change in the time line of the ticking bomb. There is planetary confusion which is being actually programmed in to you through several resources and food is the biggest of these resources.

The inhabitants of the planet are walking dazed and confused. Many have lost there spiritual purpose, vision and even there soul for the need of material gain and power. This energy that is oozing out of the dazed and confused is seeping into the soil of the Earth and becoming a part of your food source. Food begins in the soil and takes on an energetic signature that will be communicating to you as well when the cells of the food are eaten and digested.

You can not retain an elevated consciousness remaining unconscious with your food. “You are what you eat” has never been more true. Begin to educate yourself about ways you can grow and store more homegrown, organic foods. Prayer over your food will change the energetic signature restoring the food to it’s natural pristine state. The prayer then will fill every cell of your body with goodness and you then become more of who you naturally are, A Divine Healer. Just by your raised vibration you heal others in your energy field, this is who you all are, Divine Intelligence.

Be an ambassador of peace as you move through your community. Radiate out peace, stillness and calm. This will help to calm the dazed and confused and shake them out of sleep mode. Realize your spiritual greatness and be free of old beliefs, programs and wounds.

Let go of need or lack and allow a space in your mind and heart to be available for inspiration. Think only on how to serve and benefit others. Can you make someone smile today? You can and will when you are really being your divine self, your authentic self is Love and Peace. I encourage everyone to


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