2009 ~ A Year Of Growth In Consciousness
Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ A New Year Message From Anita's Guides
(Anita ask her team of guides for input on the coming year)
What does 2009 offer to our growth in consciousness?
(originally in the 12/31/08 newsletter)
(They respond)
We are excited about the awareness that is coming into the mainstream collective consciousness.
Each person is beginning to understand and value the coming together with others of like mind. Of asking crucial questions about what each person can do to show up more fully in their lives. To be of service to each other. To better their community.
2009 will continue to step up the changes all around you.
This is exciting for us, for this is how Soul evolves. By looking at what is presented and how you can grow. For instance you can take the oil concerns of the past and you work together as a team and create alternative energy.
You will all be challenged to think outside the box
To put your unique skills to the test.
To let your light shine.
As the world is in a state of constant flux, you will be encouraged to know your neighbors and surrounding neighborhoods and you will desire to take care of one another.
As some past structures, built on false systems, seem to collapse you will rebuild. Stronger and wiser than before. Building a sustainable community that will truly prosper. Sincere growth that will benefit future generations and not further harm the earth.
It is in Deed a Wonder Full Time as Great minds will awaken and rise to the surface. A new frontier in science will take shape simply because you will come together as one and not be so divided into category's as in the past.
For it has been the over compartmentalization and Specialness instead of Wholeness that has brought about much of the chaos you are now shown everywhere in your news.
We are beaming that you will soon recognize that you are all in the planet together and must work as a harmonious team.
The Planet is truly alive. It is not separate from you. It is the collective body. Each person is a cell in the One body. Those who were up to this time were fear based and self centered, not working for the health and well being of the whole were as cancer cells.
2009 is about a great healing. For the individual and the whole. So above so below.
A rebirth and a evolutionary leap into the next great phase of humanity's growth.
Re member to stop and breathe through any perceived difficulties and simply turn your attention to who you can help. Stay in the mindset of who can you help today. This mindset will effect others and they too will grock "Being in Service to Others"
This will bring you peace of mind at the end of the day.
A year after all is just a compilation of your daily experiences and peace of mind at the end of each day will make for a REWARDING AND HARMONIOUS 2009
To check out Anita's website www.AnitaOwens.com click here