Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time To Stop The Blame Game ~ Wisdom From The Ancients

Time To Stop The Blame Game ~ Wisdom From The Ancients

Alpine cc
Anita Asks Her Guides..
What is needed knowledge for us at this time?

They reply........

There is a great shift happening within your planet.

It is as if a dark cloud has covered your world, blocking out the true light of your soul. It is now time for the dark clouds to disperse and allow your world and all of it to shine once again.
The planet and her people are all together at this time for a cosmic event. One that will awaken you to a higher knowing.

Over the ages, people have surrendered their power and no longer think of themselves as being a powerful spiritual/human being. They have gotten distracted and lost in their personalities, emotions and fears.

Some would say that this amnesia of self power was directed, controlled, manipulated by others.

Others, that a dark force did descend on to your planet a long time ago and has tricked you into believing you are something you are not.....

We say...
Who Cares!
Stop the Blame Game....
It is time for you to Reconnect with YOU!!!!!

You are not that which you often hold onto as important.

You are a body of light encased in a physical form.

Eons ago this simplicity was lost and you have traveled thru many lives and dimensions without this understanding or awareness of your own light.

This is the very reason there is so much hardship and fighting going on planet Earth right now.

You are becoming collectively aware that it is time to return to your natural form and become your light once again.

The planet has been under a great deal of stress as she absorbs the peoples cries and hardships and has taken this on as a means of healing for the people.

But now the planet is asking for the people to take responsibility for and raise their spiritual awareness.

The more you can come together in prayer and light and reach out to anyone you see suffering the easier this transition will be.

Each person who embodies their light will naturally respond to all with compassion and in service to the greater good.

This will then allow the planet to facilitate the higher energies coming in and waking up the collective so they may transcend past this old way of life.

You each are powerful spiritual beings who have the ability to transcend and rise above the the impressed upon sufferings.

Each day that you engage with another person in a compassionate and grateful lightness this energy helps to 'lighten' up the world.

If just a few people every day in your neighborhood reach out in self/soul clarity, not just charity, to whoever needs it that day, then rays of hope lead to full exposure of the light once again.

You are a Spiritual Being of Light and not a mind that has been controlled.

You are heart and soul that is free to manifest a world of peace and beauty.

A world in which all people are equal and share in the care of each other. Where there is no hierarchy but one harmonious understanding....

We are all one.

The oneness all share in perfect health and wellness for an eternity.

You will manifest this world for yourself with simple acts of clarity and charity that is right for you.

This will help manifest your planet's well-being as well those who inhabit it.

We would suggest that each of you set your intent.

Make at least 15 minutes of your day a spiritual study/focus

be it a or visualization

Most of all be in your light and take into your light a higher knowledge that will foster your growth back to your original state of being.

This knowledge will assist when the higher energies start filling your planes of existence.

This will be your best friend as times of change approach quite rapidly.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Prayer For Us All

A Prayer For Us All

Alpine cc
As I connect with the Ancients today the first response that I hear is that of a prayer for us all.

The Ancient ones send their blessings for us that we all receive the gift of insight and discernment.

This is a time for true awakening for everyone alive now.

We collectively are in the midst of great change and with that change will be a higher awareness.

It is truly fascinating to be alive on the planet now and many souls would love to be here.

We are working for the ALL.

We are taking on a new responsibility for the ALL that will progress us as a civilization.

The planet is alive and wonderfully conscious and is helping to wake us up to our natural abilities.

We have in our DNA the ability of perfection in all of its meaning. Our skin is designed to monitor weather changes as well as the slightest imbalances of our organs. We can live thousands of years and are capable of all types of travel. Our brains are super computers and we simply do not know this. is NOW time for us to wake to this knowledge and demand our solvency back.

We are very capable people when we are united.

Simply coming together with each other with one mind and peacefully maintain the mindset that we are the power we are seeking.

We together can solve all the answers needed to make this a planet that provides in abundance for all of her residents.

Mother Earth is just that....A GREAT MOTHER and knows how to care for everyone in balance.

We must maintain a simple vibration that we are all one and seek to take care of the all. We could make great progress by simply uniting. The biblical phrase of where 2 are gathered it shall be answered remains true think if 100 were gathered for the right purpose.

We are being called upon to take part in this great awakening and the rise of a new beingness on this planet. A being that is for the all.....that we all have our needs met in abundance and that we all work harmoniously together so that we may develop our minds and hearts in a congruency that will open our abilities back up. This is in our memories, we have been like this in our history and are now making the shift once again for this to occur.

This is such great news for our younger generations that we have not left them a broken economy or a polluted planet but we are taking responsibility for developing our minds and hearts to make this shift occur.

Start this paradigm shift by simply honing your own intuition.
Take time everyday to connect with your higher self and simply pose some good questions to your higher self and allow the answers to flow.

The more serious you take this one exercise the more response you will get back.

Energy always is in proportion to what you put out.

The more you spend in this connection the more you will get from your highest guidance.

There is so much love that radiates towards us from the Ancients that we can not fail with this much support and LOVE. But we can slow down the progress if we do not notice this higher purpose of our incarnation at this time. We chose to come and participate in this great awakening and birthing process and we did so because we have the ability at the soul level to balance this interesting energy dynamics and remain in a space of love during the transition.

Fear is your greatest enemy....please do not fear ANYTHING are all being watched over and will always have what you need when you need it.

Be prepared to make whatever changes you are confronted with....with calmness and love that it will be for the better in this time of a new world and a new people.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

From Sedona With Love

Alpine cc

Sitting in our winter home in beautiful Sedona Arizona just thinking about how I got here and why.

It all began 3 years ago when I had a dream of dying and the only thought that I had about my death was how much sadness I felt that I never got to live out West with the mountains that I love so much.

Death was not an issue....just the loss of not spending some time in my life in the nature that brought me so much joy. Which really that is all that matters is how you spend your life.

We brought just enough of our personal treasures to make this furnished house seem more like us. Our Buddhas and crystals and Feng Shui cures make this now feel like home. Up to this point I feel like I have been in as much control of my life and could predict month to month how things would pan out.

While reading up on all the elements that the mighty tiger is bringing in the new year I have concluded that I will not have that kind of control.

Our world is changing and for the positive but it looks like there are a bit of birth pains. I personally am a snake which is very much in conflict with the tiger. I think I will lye low in 2010 and observe myself and all the changes around me.

I feel like it is best not to take life and myself especially too personal.

My clients all over our great country tell me about changes they are experiencing and I truly believe we are all being shaken up..... can only be for the good is what I choose to believe.

Everyday matters and here in the vortexes of Sedona that feeling is
magnified greatly. Actually everything is multiplied here and that must be what my soul needed is greater clarity that the SW seems to bring about.

I do not really know why I am here but I do feel that my higher self is simply stating....OK now it is time to observe and just feel the change occurring all around you.

I feel like it was a necessary step to remove myself from the distractions of the details of the one life I had created for myself and witness now what is coming either for me or perhaps the planet. I kinda feel like I have this mountain right outside my door that I can climb around on and listen to the stones speak.

I will keep you posted on what they have to say!!

From Sedona with Love....... Anita

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Wisdom From The Ancients ~ Do No Harm

Do No Harm ~ Message From The Guides

Alpine ccAnita asks of her guides....
Give to us a message of your choosing at this time.

They respond...
It is clear that you are all here on a dedicated and committed journey of healing and reclaiming your authentic power and identity.

At a soul level you decide to incarnate and begin the journey of repeated incarnations so that you can find yourself.

This is important and a wealth of experience.

However it too is important that you do make as much progress as you can in your healing and recovery of your true self.

This particular time that all of you have incarnated into has a depth of energy available to transcend the karmic cycle.

Energies right now for both humans and the planet are meant to stir the pot.

By this we mean....shake, rattle and roll you into a deeper awareness about one's life and higher self.

By coming into a relationship with your true being you do not get distracted by the minutia of life. You rather become engaged in the true nature of reality. The nature of reality is that all of what is going on with Earth is a program and each person is conditioned to follow the program. That is not being true to the full human capability and potential. So the program does not give you a look into your true gifts and ability are.

This is why you must pull yourself out of the conditioning and begin to truly discover who you really are.

Challenge yourself daily to do something new or risky in an effort to find strengths you did not know you had.

Each person has a team of spiritual helpers that are so capable of most anything you ask of them. Go for the Gold...meaning LIVE LARGE AND OUTSIDE THE BOX.
That is who you are, each person has enormous power and a wealth of experience to pull from.

Freedom is the path to the higher self....Freedom from the conditioning.

We also would like to offer PEACE as a way of living as well. This we mean having a mind that is at Peace with all. So many are caught in a struggle just with themselves that any peace outside of them virtually impossible.

You can at any time simply decide.....I now choose PEACE in and outside of my self.

The true nature of humans is not being recognized and restored, but that time is expiring.
You have newer energies available to you now to reclaim your spiritual clarity and true identity.

It is time for each person to take a journey into the unknown. With trust and faith that all you are going thru is timely and for a higher awareness.

The unknown in the past can be cause for fear....not this time.... Go into the unknown with peace and resolution that you are growing and healing all past wounds.

You have chosen a time on Earth in which that is exactly the case......Loose the fear and the peace and healing will come.

Find your pioneering spirit and be true to the pioneer that each of you are.

Coming to the planet at this time was courageous. Wake up and feel that raw power that is available to you.

Do not let the conditioning get you down and worst .....KEEP YOU DOWN! We say this now at this time because there is a real tipping point about to occur.

The more people that find their inner peace, courage and strength, the energies will shift and you will move out of the current conditioning and do what is right for you and the planet. That is our prayer for you all..... That if you are going to do any conditioning that Unconditional Love would be the parameters in which you all abide by.

After all it has worked pretty well for us up here. Seek first DO NO HARM is a good motto as well.

Peace out......

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Wisdom From The Ancients ~ Regain, Maintain and Exude Your Power

Wisdom From The Ancients ~ Regain, Maintain and Exude Your Power
Alpine cc
(First some venting, then a question, and my guides response)

There is much frustration in our country today.

America is overdosed, in debt, out of work and among the least healthy in the world.

There are lots of talk of Fear Full things in the media.

This is one of the reasons I choose not to watch the news.
Not to be naive, but because I question who is directing the media in the first place.
I feel that our constitution and basic human rights are being challenged as never before.

Please do not take my viewpoint as the truth, I invite you to research and find your truth.

It is troubling that there is talk of forced vaccines to not only our children but now even perhaps the adults. Why? For the health and well being of all, or the agenda of a few.

It appears that much of our Congress and medical system, are enslaved by big pharma and being controlled by money and not for the oath of "First do no harm".
Now, I do believe that Most of our medical community and elected officials had the original intent to serve and better the human condition, but I also believe that a Few have the ability to guide the masses. If we let them.

Ask questions. Why? How come? What are you basing this on?

We are organic natural biological beings and can not sustain health with a bunch of synthetic man made stuff that you buy over and under the counter. Why have we forgotten this basic truth.
We were built according the the laws of nature, and it is in nature where we will find our healing and natural health.

Yet we have just rolled over and let all these multi billion corporations enslave us in every way.

Our soul is housed in a sophisticated and highly intelligent piece of equipment called the human body. Yet we do not even concern ourselves about how this body works and how to keep it running on natural solutions found in nature.

We know more about how our cars work and our TV than we do about our own human body.

I know our Souls can not be happy with this dumming down of our internal wisdom and power that we naturally have. It often appears that Greed and Money is what our health care system is about. Not your health and well being. There is not money to be made if you are healthy and plan on staying that way.

We put our hard earned money in the stock market for our retirement and one day wake to a ponzi scheme and find our retirement is no longer there. We pay taxes all of our lives and much of it does not seem to go back to the people but to these multi billion dollar corps that can file bankruptcy anyway.

We have created free energy many times and that has been pushed under the carpet because once again. Big Brother can not make money on free energy.

We the people are being manipulated at every angle, when will we wake and stop the insanity.

What has happened to our minds that we no longer are evolving but just accepting the total nonsense and controlling agenda called our government, our medical system and even our academic system. I know our Souls are smarter than this and I know I am yelling from the bottom of my soul. (Told you I would be venting)

Question to my guides.
What steps can we do now to regain, maintain and exude our power.

Answer from Anita's Guides
You are right.
At the soul level you all have been sent to your present incarnation to release the future of humanity into freedom and perfection of which you were created for.

Humanity was not created for a slave race of people but this has been one large lesson and experience about the devastation of EGO. Ego is fine to have so long as it is not powered by Greed, Fear, Lust and a whole host of that which is not love.

It is time for all of the Souls incarnated on the planet to question what your ego is powered by.

You were created by love and for love. America was a country created by the concept of freedom and rights to live the life of your choosing and not be controlled by other's agenda.

That freedom has been taken away silently while you were all busy in the illusion of this concept and desire.

You did not give time everyday to your Soul's wisdom and instead allowed information from many various outlets to guide you instead. You willing gave your power and your mind to any establishment that would profit from it.

You have spent many lifetimes in this dazed and confused state of existence and now you have an opportunity to wake up.

Will enough of you wake and join together is the question?

Enough of you must join in loving and peaceful co-operation and simply get your community leaders talking and questioning the current status quo.

Humanity was created to spend life as equals and celebrating each person's particular talent and skill. To dream together and support each other and grow your community into a loving and providing for all equally and abundantly.

If just one community decided to treat all its occupants equally and all come together to provide for all the needs of the people and be at peace then that one success will change the world.

In order for that to happen, each person must check in with their soul.

You must understand you are more than flesh and blood. You are a spiritual essence that knows love and comes from love and will keep incarnating into this greed filled existence until you stop and return to your higher self.

Returning to your higher self means taking back control of your own mind and wellness.

Think not about your daily obligations so much. Think on what is your power.

You each have a significant gift to offer to others and have all chose to incarnate together so that you can share your gift and bless each other on the journey you are having now.

This life is important and requires your fullest attention, are you listening?

Your soul is always engaged with you and is giving blow by blow account of the meaning of your life. You can choose to listen or not, it is always your choice.

It is never to late to take back control of your mind, health and power. It is all a choice.

The change that is needed now is that each of you make informed choices instead of letting others make them for you.

Get to know simply how to take care of your own body and maintain health. That is the first step in claiming your authentic power.

Second, just talk with each other about peaceful solutions that can benefit your community.

Grow a community garden in which anyone can come and work and participate in the harvest. Teach you children to grow their own food and cook with love and care for their meals.

Build a community center in which any help is freely given to anyone in need of shelter, counsel, meals or just a friend.

If you simply get your community to be a support system for all the residents then you will not need anything outside of yourself to rescue or bail you out. You simply care and talk with each other inside your zip code and teach those around you to do the same.

All of this kind of action will first require people working from their higher and loving self and not from the ego.

Start talking to your leaders and ask them for real solutions for the real problems in your small town.

Be at peace with each other and just simply make a quiet and honest change.

Become an self-empowered people and not a broken society.

Get yourself healthy and help your neighbor become healthy so you are all strong and vital and going forward into a brave new world together.

These changes can be a very good thing. Start today in taking response ability in your own life and future.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Uncovering One's Purpose ~ 30 Days To A New Joyful You

Alpine cc

30 Days To A New Joyful You

It only takes 30 days of consistency and commitment to your joy and passion to truly make a difference in your life.  

Most people tend to get side tracked in their daily obligations and instant gratifications to the point that they are not finding the joy and fulfillment they are seeking.  

It can be a challenge to uncover one’s purpose and to find that passion that will keep one motivated. 

Please give insights we can all use in these times.

Anita’s Guides answer…

Now you are all living in a time of great change and a bit of fear always accompanies change.  

This is truly the time to call up to the surface your inner pioneer.  

Become a trail blazer through this time of needed change and you will become alive again!

Each person decided at the soul level to incarnate at this time on this planet for the specific experience that you find yourself in.  

You are all exactly in the position and with whatever resources you have for your life lesson.  

Take on your chosen lesson with enthusiasm and seek to grow and find yourself.  

Actually find your real self.....that part of you that is all passion and the never ending student of the universe.  

Reinvent yourself if you do not feel you are the person you want to be.  

If your world shows you anything, it is that overnight life can be different.  

Each person will have the opportunity to wake one day and experience life as they have never known.

What will you do with that opportunity is always your choice?  

Bare in mind that it is the choice you decided you would like to have at the soul level. 

Do not let being a physical being interrupt your spiritual journey.  

That one concept alone can elevate your spiritual progression light years ahead in just one incarnation.  The physical incarnation has so interrupted the spiritual evolution that you have been here longer than you originally counted on.  This is the very memory you hoped to recover with each incarnation but life just gets in the way. 

We can tell you this, and have always told you this, in each incarnation, it is just that you never heard us or tried to communicate with this your team in the spirit world.  

We are here for everyone on the physical journey and seek to counsel as much as you let us.  

When you come back to the spirit world the first question you will ask

  • DId I remember this time who I really am?  

  • Did I live my life with passion and clarity and enjoy my talents and skills with others?  

  • Did I live true to my spirit and not let the physical body distract me too much?  

  • Can I now move on to a life without limits?  

Better yet, can you now in your current life live a life without limits? 

The challenge with this message is to find your inner joy and share that with others.  

Look at how many distractions keep you from being the trail blazer that you can be.


Carve some time out of your day just for your spiritual growth.......that can mean anything from having some real laughter to silence for hearing your own higher self to just walking in woods.  

Simply put ....… Find YOU in your day.  

What are you doing for you and how will this satisfy the questions you will have when you enter back in to your true spirit form?  

Each incarnation gives you meaning and balance......find your balance and there you will find your joy.

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wisdom From The Ancients ~ Embrace The Changes

Alpine cc

Anita asks her guides about the amount of change that seems to be happening in every aspect of life.

The Guides Answer....

You have entered into a time that we look at as "The calm before the storm" and that means change is in the air. Embrace this coming change and prepare yourself for the storms that bring about change. The best way to brace and prepare is through simply embracing and tuning into YOU. Be selfish with your time, meaning bring more focus back on you and your joy. The more time you give to yourself simply celebrating your life, the more power you will have during great change. You are important and your commitment to yourself is of utmost importance.
Take daily time for meditation and prayer.

Take your wellness into your own hands and seek balance in your mind, body and spiritual development. The more you empower yourself, the better coach you will be to others who need a helping hand during the change.

Each day the energy that surrounds you is there for your healing, your joy and your strength. Use this energy wisely so that you feel in control when others around you may be in chaos.
The ending of a paradigm has always ushered in a new era with better technology and this is evolution.

Think of any personal change you may be going through now or over the rest of the year as personal growth.

There will be challenges and surprises and this can simply be part of your personal growth and freedom.

Let any change that happens in your life be permission for you to step onto a whole new path. Perhaps even a completely different perspective of life and its meaning.

Each person incarnates for one reason......YOU !
Do not leave your life behind while busy working and caring for everyone other than you.

At the end of each person's life there will be one question asked..

Did you experience personal, spiritual growth that you set out to experience?

Think now.....What is my spiritual purpose and how can I manifest that purpose in a tangible form.

At the end of the day, what are you most proud of about your self.

Meditate on you....your higher self....your lower self. By being a better person to yourself, you become a better person to all those around you. When you first seek inner peace and that is accomplished, the outer peace will follow.
Your inner life is all yours and no one can take that from you....except you!

June 21 is Summer Solstice and a great day to commit to YOU for the rest of the year.

How can you cultivate inner peace today? Calm that inner dialogue down to a harmonious loving voice that loves and supports you. Do not let that inner critic control your domain any longer. As you vibrate the frequency of harmony and peace everyone around you will begin to lighten up and seek that same vibration.
It is so true the saying.."Be the change you seek" It just is that simple, do not make it harder than what it is.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birthday Transitions ~ Wisdom Of The Ancients ~

Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Birthday Transitions
Anita Newsletter

OK Guys.....I’ve just turned 44, and have always counted on your wisdom when growing into another new year.

I remember back on my 30th Birthday being a huge transition into a different decade.

The advice you gave me was a turning point for me. I have always gained a great deal of insight into myself and the process called life from your perspective.

This Birthday is also a big year for me because my only child is turning 18 in a few months and leaving the nest. Therefore I am beginning a life without the daily joys and responsibility as a 24/7 Mom. Mixed feelings about that, joy that we have come this far relatively unscathed but now I have to let him be an adult on his own.

Whew......Another new journey begins, for both He and I as well as Tom. Tom and I are hitting the road to live the life of a traveller.....gypsy style.

Loads of change not only in our little world but our larger world seems to be it all for the good?

Anita’s Guides Respond

You pose many questions and yet there is a theme to all that you have asked.....Change, life’s transitions and new journeys. That is the sole purpose of living in the wheel of evolution.

If change does not come about naturally then one tends to get to complacent in their comfort zone.

There are stages to life and realizing that transition is natural and growth is always an opportunity to evolve into a new awareness.

Taking a new journey is one of the blessings life has to offer. A new experience around every corner will enable you to be a better counsel to others when employed to do so.

Every incarnated individual that is alive right now has chosen to be with this precise group of souls.

You all agreed to be in service or of service to your fellow man. The challenge is REMEMBERING this agreement. Each person has forgotten to varying degrees that CO-OPERATION is the phase in which the group has chosen to experience and establish as a group. Yet there has not been a mass recovery of this understanding of this mission and people are still divided and acting violently towards their fellow man.

Evolution is an individual process, as each person seeks to evolve, one of the first call to action will be the spirit of co-operation with everyone.

  • Seek peace and peace you will find.
  • Find stillness and kindness in your heart and take that out into your everyday encounters.
  • Do not allow yourself to clutter the workday environment and the energetic beings in your space with nonsense such as fear, doubt, anger and any negative expression.

Take on each day as a new journey into helping others find peace of mind and spirit. You can do that silently by simply being in that space yourself.

Focus on harmony and your space will become the harmony in which you dwell.

Life is about transition and the attitude in which you take on the transition will determine your success. Most people are currently in some form of transition all over the world which is normal and good. The challenge you must wake up to and remember is....… How now would you like to proceed.

Your spirit is being asked to rise to the occasion of putting down the swords and anger and separation and REMEMBERING you are all ONE. You are all here together to make a planetary change in consciousness. No worry, muss or fuss.....just acceptance of love and support for all of life.

Your planet and the inhabitants are a reflection of your inner dialogue and your outer actions.

Each person must be responsible for their energy and the vibrations they are emitting.

Your world has been so shaken recently that this is perfect time for real change for the infrastructure is weak and requires rebuilding.

To rebuild now with the spirit of co-operation and support of all.

Treating every human as equal and sharing resources of every kind is the meaning of evolution.

Remember the Golden Rule and all will be well.

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