A Prayer For Us All
| A Prayer For Us All |
As I connect with the Ancients today the first response that I hear is that of a prayer for us all.
The Ancient ones send their blessings for us that we all receive the gift of insight and discernment.
This is a time for true awakening for everyone alive now.
We collectively are in the midst of great change and with that change will be a higher awareness.
It is truly fascinating to be alive on the planet now and many souls would love to be here.
We are working for the ALL.
We are taking on a new responsibility for the ALL that will progress us as a civilization.
The planet is alive and wonderfully conscious and is helping to wake us up to our natural abilities.
We have in our DNA the ability of perfection in all of its meaning. Our skin is designed to monitor weather changes as well as the slightest imbalances of our organs. We can live thousands of years and are capable of all types of travel. Our brains are super computers and we simply do not know this.
But....it is NOW time for us to wake to this knowledge and demand our solvency back.
We are very capable people when we are united.
Simply coming together with each other with one mind and peacefully maintain the mindset that we are the power we are seeking.
We together can solve all the answers needed to make this a planet that provides in abundance for all of her residents.
Mother Earth is just that....A GREAT MOTHER and knows how to care for everyone in balance.
We must maintain a simple vibration that we are all one and seek to take care of the all. We could make great progress by simply uniting. The biblical phrase of where 2 are gathered it shall be answered remains true think if 100 were gathered for the right purpose.
We are being called upon to take part in this great awakening and the rise of a new beingness on this planet. A being that is for the all.....that we all have our needs met in abundance and that we all work harmoniously together so that we may develop our minds and hearts in a congruency that will open our abilities back up. This is in our memories, we have been like this in our history and are now making the shift once again for this to occur.
This is such great news for our younger generations that we have not left them a broken economy or a polluted planet but we are taking responsibility for developing our minds and hearts to make this shift occur.
Start this paradigm shift by simply honing your own intuition.
Take time everyday to connect with your higher self and simply pose some good questions to your higher self and allow the answers to flow.
The more serious you take this one exercise the more response you will get back.
Energy always is in proportion to what you put out.
The more you spend in this connection the more you will get from your highest guidance.
There is so much love that radiates towards us from the Ancients that we can not fail with this much support and LOVE. But we can slow down the progress if we do not notice this higher purpose of our incarnation at this time. We chose to come and participate in this great awakening and birthing process and we did so because we have the ability at the soul level to balance this interesting energy dynamics and remain in a space of love during the transition.
Fear is your greatest enemy....please do not fear ANYTHING
...you are all being watched over and will always have what you need when you need it.
Be prepared to make whatever changes you are confronted with....with calmness and love that it will be for the better in this time of a new world and a new people.
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