Wisdom From The Ancients ~ Do No Harm
| Do No Harm ~ Message From The Guides |
Give to us a message of your choosing at this time.
They respond...
It is clear that you are all here on a dedicated and committed journey of healing and reclaiming your authentic power and identity.
At a soul level you decide to incarnate and begin the journey of repeated incarnations so that you can find yourself.
This is important and a wealth of experience.
However it too is important that you do make as much progress as you can in your healing and recovery of your true self.
This particular time that all of you have incarnated into has a depth of energy available to transcend the karmic cycle.
Energies right now for both humans and the planet are meant to stir the pot.
By this we mean....shake, rattle and roll you into a deeper awareness about one's life and higher self.
By coming into a relationship with your true being you do not get distracted by the minutia of life. You rather become engaged in the true nature of reality. The nature of reality is that all of what is going on with Earth is a program and each person is conditioned to follow the program. That is not being true to the full human capability and potential. So the program does not give you a look into your true gifts and ability are.
This is why you must pull yourself out of the conditioning and begin to truly discover who you really are.
Challenge yourself daily to do something new or risky in an effort to find strengths you did not know you had.
Each person has a team of spiritual helpers that are so capable of most anything you ask of them. Go for the Gold...meaning LIVE LARGE AND OUTSIDE THE BOX.
That is who you are, each person has enormous power and a wealth of experience to pull from.
Freedom is the path to the higher self....Freedom from the conditioning.
We also would like to offer PEACE as a way of living as well. This we mean having a mind that is at Peace with all. So many are caught in a struggle just with themselves that any peace outside of them virtually impossible.
You can at any time simply decide.....I now choose PEACE in and outside of my self.
The true nature of humans is not being recognized and restored, but that time is expiring.
You have newer energies available to you now to reclaim your spiritual clarity and true identity.
It is time for each person to take a journey into the unknown. With trust and faith that all you are going thru is timely and for a higher awareness.
The unknown in the past can be cause for fear....not this time.... Go into the unknown with peace and resolution that you are growing and healing all past wounds.
You have chosen a time on Earth in which that is exactly the case......Loose the fear and the peace and healing will come.
Find your pioneering spirit and be true to the pioneer that each of you are.
Coming to the planet at this time was courageous. Wake up and feel that raw power that is available to you.
Do not let the conditioning get you down and worst .....KEEP YOU DOWN! We say this now at this time because there is a real tipping point about to occur.
The more people that find their inner peace, courage and strength, the energies will shift and you will move out of the current conditioning and do what is right for you and the planet. That is our prayer for you all..... That if you are going to do any conditioning that Unconditional Love would be the parameters in which you all abide by.
After all it has worked pretty well for us up here. Seek first DO NO HARM is a good motto as well.
Peace out......
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