Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy First Again...... You Cosmic Being You

As we near the First of the New Year, I thought you might like hearing what the very First Newsletter's Wisdom Of The Ancients had to say.

Tom and I hope you enjoy, have a wonder full new year, and continue to be of service to you in 2009.

Our many Thanks for being part of our family.

(The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers Feb 12th 2005 in our very first newsletter….)

You are a cosmic being living in the human third dimensional world.

The entire world, the cosmos, the ecosystem of soul resides within you.

The cellular memories of your entire human evolution are waiting to be heard, understood, accepted and resolved.

This is the reason that we have a body.

The human body is a wonderful thing. It is easy to be aware of the tremendous things that have been accomplished with the human body. The arts, the sciences, the physical the sexual, the intellectual, but your body is also a homing signal to help get return you to soul.

We have a body to help us understand and connect us with the cosmic part of our selves. Our higher self, that soul/spirit part of ourselves that is always up there and it is sending messages down.

Your spirit is not just held in a certain part of your body.
It is everywhere.

It is part of you.
It is who you are.
Spirit is constantly alerting the mind
and the body
how to protect,
transcend a situation,
and most of all Love..... Just Love Now.........

In Joy and En Joy your Cosmic and Human beingness.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our PodCast at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Maintain An Objective, Positive and Peaceful Attitude.

Wow another year is winding down.

We know “You are what you eat” and that our body can simply live well if we feed it the way in which we were designed to eat our food in a more natural process.

Collective mass is coming to this realization as well with the recent stats that 48% of Americans use a alternative approach to compliment traditional medicine.

With all our new found technology and brilliant science why do we grow sicker and more obese and in general create more dis-ease than science can keep up with let alone find answers to?

From Anita’s Guides…
Everyone must come together and take back your health and well being.

You are a intelligent and beautiful species who can come together with compassion and love and work toward a world of no violence and instead create a home with food and water for everyone.

All challenges have growth in them and at a planetary level there is challenge in all of the nations to rise to a peaceful state of being. There may be some turmoil during this call to higher consciousness.

What is important on each person’s home-front is quality of life. Your perspective in each of the moments in which challenge is occurring is the vital part of this process.

It is important than each person maintaining an objective, positive and peaceful attitude.

As you smile and seek the position of looking for the rainbow you will be blessed with that rainbow.

Yes, time has always brought about change, destruction and a rebuilding of sorts and that is a natural part of evolution.

Keeping your own sense of lightness and innocence will serve you well as change brings with it the rise and fall of systems that may no longer serve the greater good.

Think Ghandi...and take a positive and loving stand for your own part of your world.

Peace will prevail in the long run and each person can play a impactful role in that mission.

Now is ripe for experiencing a time of love and unity.

The planet is at a tipping point and it is still up to each person in which way the direction or trend will tip. It only takes each person to decide they stand for love and unity and seek to serve or inform each day.

Perhaps help the homeless in your neighborhood. Start a drive that each person in your own neighborhood have food, water or natural medical or nutritional help.
Talk at your library about getting the community caring about a support group for the scared and lonely elderly who may be slipping thru the cracks of a failing system.
Make yourself available once a week to take groceries to those who are closed in their homes. Volunteer for a charity organization that take hot meals to the invalid or terminal souls that are living right along side of you.

Just care that each person knows there is a still beating heart of compassion that has not been divided by religion, nations or indifference.

It only takes one person to truly change a nation…..Ghandi showed everyone that, seek to make a change.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our PodCast at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Spirit of The Nation

Wisdom of the Ancients:
Anita asked the following question of her guides for her own understanding and loved the answer so much that she wanted to share it with you. Perhaps it will answer some our your questions too.

The Spirit of The Nation

This is a critical time to be connected.
Not only with your inner guidance but your inner peace.

The turmoil that will be spinning through the collective minds will be trying over the next few years.

People need to take care and not let their energy, thoughts or attitudes about the economy and political changes control their energy.

This is a time of new and great changes. Changes that may look a bit disturbing at first as we make a shift in our collective minds.

This too is a time in which you choose to be here. A time with the real purpose to witness these changes. This means that every person here on the planet over the next four years has a role in the collective shift in consciousness and developing new attitudes.

For so long there has been a limited mindset and set of beliefs that has kept the world and world religions at war and unrest with one another. The nation's ability to grow and prosper with a continuation of this mindset.

Each person is responsible for their own thinking and how their thoughts are contributing to the betterment of the nation. The collective is growing in fear right now and this is THE center stage we have all been planning for to make critical and crucial change in the infrastructure of our minds.

Do not grow divided. Only together can you develop a different outcome.
Each person on the planet before incarnation realized that at the Soul level you wanted to better your mindset and consciousness and knew that as you did you would be witness to a growth in the nation's consciousness.

The economy collapse is a mirror of the interior terrain of the people of the world.
Fear, Lack, Anger, Sadness, Chaos, this is the majority of thoughts in the collective and the nations of the world are a reflection of it's people. These thoughts are the opposite of that which you truly desire. Prosperity, Joy, Peace and Union.

Yes, the economy, the job markets, the stocks and 401K's and loss of housing are all terrible realities. Yet, the reality that still exists is YOUR attitude and perception. This may be exactly what you as a collective force decided would be necessary for change.

Collectively each person has been an input to the current outcome and this is not the FINAL outcome.

This is a Y in the road and you are all being asked to make a decision as to how you will NOW respond.

There are 2 real possibilities that from the bird's eye view that we have you as a society will create.
  • One mindset and consciousness will continue on the same fear driven path and one reality will keep the wars and division among people going forward with chaos and greed.
  • Another more positive reality will be a people who make lemonade out of the lemons.
Reach out to those you know are in the same position and start talking about how to better each of your lives as a team. Work together and simply rebuild, as society has always done in history. This time however it will be a loving, peaceful and positive team mindset that is focused on a higher consciousness.

Think outside the box and this requires getting those together that would like to talk about how to better their community coming together in a positive approach. Think local, how can you help now those around you with your unique talents and experience. Form networks of people committed to rebuilding your own local economy by advertising your neighbors business. Get to know what your neighborhood resources are and how people can get lower cost by trade or networking.

This is a time that if nothing else will show you the meaning of extended family and how people do need each other. War is not the solution nor is the greed and hierarchy mindset of the large corporations.

Help each other find solutions and raise your thoughts to the frequency of peace, hope, joy and courage.

Each person has in themselves the ability to bring the great nations of the planet into peace and equality for your future generations.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our PodCast at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License

Friday, October 31, 2008

Cultivate a happy environment

I ask for guidance on what are our challenges at this time. The world especially our country is in change, on which we brought on for a reason. What insight can be given as to the reason for this terrific time of an unstable economy.
I come for PEACE…..this is the message in which you are being reminded of. Have you ever been a nation of peace, or have you been pretending to be at peace. Peace is being spoken on today as a individual practice not as a nation. It is the individual practice that makes a nation. Do not be overly concerned about the country for you can only do your part. It is the role each person plays on a daily basis that ultimately creates your city landscape. It is then the city’s that create the state and we grow from there. The question then remains are you at peace within yourself. This at the end of the day is the only real call to action that has meaning.
How does one go about creating peace in our own daily experience with others and our world?
Cultivate a happy environment…...what makes you happy brings peace, relaxation and ultimate joy. Do not live in fear or worry or pain, there is no pay off in those states of being yet so many continue this pattern. One becomes addicted to the fear because it is so exploited in the media and mass that one believes it is the natural state of being.
Find simplicity in life and relax into a simple way of living. Do not become the mass and think of instead how to consume less and be more. More of any positive actions, words, feelings for this is a decision not an excuse. So many try to find excuse on why they can not be happy and that is an illusion created by the mass mindset. Yes, you can be happy it is a simple decision that only you have the power to create. Be a helpful part of your community and contribute in positive ways to your neighbors or family. At the end when you look back on your experience of your time on this earth you will remember your contributions and probably will deeply regret any amount of time dwelling in fear or worry.
Live now as though you were doing your life review…..think only on what your life review looks like. This is the part of you that deeply remembers what life review is and this is why you are here once again. This time to remember all the good you wanted to do and all the change you wanted to make at a soul level. Even if you do not remember this it is still a good motto…...what today am I going to do that instills in me, joy at the deepest level of my soul…..Today I will live like it is my last day.
Try to live well….it is a decision of your mind

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Thoughts Unedited

Daily Blog…...10.29.08

Wow, there is so much to talk about where does one begin. the world is in a financial melt down the credit is wobbly to say the least and people just do not know where to turn for relief. Is this really the world we have created consciously or haver we created a world of such unrest due to our conscious fear. This is truly a picture of us as a nation and our fear driven motives and restless greed. Our we unhappy in this a world where anything is possible or are we so asleep, dumb down by our modified food and big pharm drugs that we have let a beautiful planet become utterly destroyed while we are asleep at the wheel. Is this what we are leaving to the kids…..is this what you want for your future if you were a kid. We as adults have not been responsible and should have never been given a whole planet to take care of. Clearly we are not capable of taking care of such a gift as a planet and should be taken out of leadership position and give the young a chance at leading our world because we are too dumb down to clean up this mess.
As long as we as a nation is too lazy to care about our health, our minds, our future, we should step aside and ask those who care about such matters to take the driver wheel and steer us to a better economy, and natural means of living. Yes I know I am venting but I gotta say…...We are so stupid and WE are allowing organizations that we do not even know to control our food, planet, minds and well being. Now I ask you….is that working. Just google 2 out of 3 people on depression meds is still depressed and suicidal. Yet they do not seek out natural solutions they just continue to ask the DR for a larger dosage or a different un natural med which causes even more complicated symptoms. I talk with the public everyday and am sadden by the amount of pain and a host of symptoms that people are suffering from. This should not be acceptable by anyone, I do not want to give this way of living to our young. This is not a world that is ok to pass on to the next generation and we adults have to take responsibility for our apathy.
So adults what are we going to collectively do to give our young some hope. I feel that the first step is to at home show our kids we are going to make our health a priority. We will learn what is in our foods and take a stand about the process foods and simply stop buying the un natural food. Instead of a lawn, grow your own food and inform yourself of the dangers of food preservative, aspartame, and the long list of ingredients in the boxes and cans you have been buying. Inform yourself of natural solutions to hypertension, diabetes, excess weight, depression, and the role of emotions on your physical health. Yes, you adults are capable of and responsible for your own health and well being. To be happily sedated on your pharmaceutical meds is not the answer, look around and see the result of us as a nation on drugs. Are we headed for a bright future?
I am hopeful of a bright future because I believe there is enough evidence that our actions have not proven to work. I believe that we at a soul level have had enough manipulation and lies and will take control of our self and our community. I personally believe in investing in our own each individual community. Work together as a community and care about your part of the planet. Take care of your neighborhood and buy locally grown food. Talk with your neighbors about natural solutions to health, gardening, clean water, schooling for our genius children being born daily and vaccinations. Are you really informed about those vaccinations? Do you wonder why autism and ADD has grown to recored numbers in just a decade? Let’s come together and bring back the pioneer spirit that this country once had and this time do it right. Let us listen to the young about their idea on how schools can better serve their needs. Let us listen to them about what they think about the processed foods they are eating in schools and restaurants and even at home. Let us look at the incredible growing childhood sickness and odd symptoms and ask questions instead of accepting another med and diagnosis.
Right now it sounds like alot of complaints but I have decided on doing a daily blog because I have been given information on the coming times. I am using this first installment to voice my frustration on us as a people. We have collectively allowed our economy and our planet to collapse and this we now need to ask what each person can do to better the situation. Each one of us has the responsibility of our own thoughts….this is so important to the collective. Most of us have prolonged thoughts of fear, pain, despair and a collection of negativity that this affects the collective consciousness we are all bathed in. My motto is…..Are my thoughts healing and helpful for the collective and I take care as to not hurt the collective with negative thoughts. In the end what matters is the personal time you have spent here on this incredible planet. You will remember and take with you the love you shared and the joy you experienced. Is this not the most important part of life, your every moment contributes to the collective happiness of us all. Be responsible with your every thought and always be in service to others and their happiness and ask others to be responsible. When you encounter a person having negative reactions and words ask them to really feel the danger they are perpetrating on us all. Why should we be at any time less than hopeful, helpful and happy…..even if we have to fake it till we make it. What is the point of any other action…..we can see that this has not been the case and where are we now.
So we try a different approach and clean up our bodies first, our neighborhoods next and reach out and invest in our community. We can restore balance to this planet by simply becoming involved in our own community and mindset. IF your school is not meeting your childs needs take a stand and offer a solution. If your health is not good find out the root cause of disease and bring balance back in your body naturally the way nature intended and not synthetic drugs that destroy healthy tissue and organs. Care enough to ask questions and learn what you do not know instead of holding onto belief systems that no longer serve you or the whole. We are truly all in this together and none of us get better until we all get better. I will channel everyday and post this blog because I want to do some part in making change. Today I will think only good thoughts and seek new ways to help my community and will continue to share my journeys.
In Joy…...Anita

Friday, October 3, 2008

NOW Energy Frees Up FUTURE Energy

Wisdom of the Ancients:
Anita asked the following question of her guides for her own understanding and loved the answer so much that she wanted to share it with you. Perhaps it will answer some our your questions too.


God, please give me insight into what following you means?

What is spiritual responsibility?

What do I do now that is smart now and that takes care of the future?

It seems a critical pivotal time and I am asking for some real answers from a place of unconditional love.

NOW Energy frees up FUTURE Energy.
You are only light, and when you step outside the light and think and act in the physical then you become disconnected from your source of power, consciousness and LOVE.

LOVE will always leave you feeling light, light-hearted, playful, energetic, silly, courageous, curious, motivated to succeed. Motivated to explore and blaze your own trail.

Are you that now? If you are not, you are spending too much time, focus, energy on constricted physical non-moving UNLIT situation.

Physical is only a perception, but the perception can solidify to a belief and the belief then becomes your world and if your world is stuck then your belief no longer holds true for your development of the souls journey.

You and others are currently stuck in this world you have created, however everyone has the resources to become once again a body of light. Your journey has always been based on blind faith. Do not back down now, go forward in a unconstricted body of light and keep your love growing for yourself and others.

Do not be fooled by perception, do not live by your perceptions, let perception be amusing or to be your teacher or even to caution you but do not let perception become your belief.

Belief is the power behind all things. It is the only true creative source for you in your reality and dimension. A greater belief when perception is not as you would like then the belief "This too shall pass".

There is only success, all else is a learning tool along the path.

Develop faith and courage to think outside the box and to be prepared to change with the changing tides. Let water be your example and move through any perceived obstacles and move forward always.

Be willing to change course and do so with out fear or looking back. Let your light be in LOVE with life and live well in your mind body and spirit.

Your current plan of 2 suitcase will transform you and develop your consciousness to the next level. The nomadic lifestyle that you are planning on developing will return you to a tribe orientation. Tribal orientation will create family members everywhere you go. Let your neighbors be your family wherever you are in the moment.

This love of ones neighbors will change the global consciousness community by community.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our PodCast at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Everyday Miracles That Can Enrich Your Life

(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers May 06 )

Points to Ponder

Everyday Miracles That Can Enrich Your Life

In the search for life’s GREAT experiences we are apt to overlook the little, everyday miracles which can tremendously enrich our lives if only we are aware of them.

Miracle 1.
Discover the conscious awareness of your mind, body, and spirit in any given moment. Stop for at least 10 minutes a day and concentrate on yourself and the amazing powers that you possess.
We are all individual instruments of the DIVINE and therefore have no less ability than the original source that we call GOD. You are GOD in the flesh and the power of creation resides within your mind, body, and spirit.
Acknowledge yourself as the Mighty Creator that you are and create a wonderful joyous day.

Miracle 2.
The I Am Consciousness is your true spiritual identity.
It accepts no limitations and no restrictions to your miracle powers and your achievements.

Descartes said “I think therefore I AM”. Your thoughts are your creation. The world around you is a direct reflection of where and what your thoughts have been on. Let the I AM Consciousness that you are creating from be filled with Love, Generosity, Kindness and Reverence.

Express your Divinity in words that have the creative life spark such as
...“I Am healthy”
... ”I AM peaceful
... "I AM Wise”
... ”I AM Prosperous”
... "I AM Love”
and watch how your life begins to reflect now your new conscious dialogue.

The I AM Spirit represents your awareness that the Spirit of GOD is within and by accepting this as your truth you will set into motion the miracle working powers of your higher mind.

Miracle 3. Imagination~You are here to Imagine and Create, to image yourself in many ways. This is our most precious gift for we can build or become anything that we can image.

Hold in your minds eye the image you wish for yourself and know that simply by the power of thought and this visual that you have for yourself that the almighty higher mind of
the I AM is at work creating that which you hold in view for yourself.

Imagination is at the core of all of mans greatest accomplishments that we can see all around us. The Great Pyramids. The Parthenon of Greece. The Great Wall of China. Flight to the Moon. The Internet and so on.

Imagination is our miracle worker. Use your creative powers in a new way daily in the small details of life and build your imagination muscles.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License
Wisdom Of The Ancients

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Two Universal Laws

((The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers. )

Points to Ponder....by Anita

Two Universal Laws

In this time of Easter and Passover I am reminded of my religious training and the pearls of wisdom, Universal Laws, that I took from that time period of my life. They have been my favorite teachers and have proven themselves indisputable time and time again over the last 20 years.

You Reap What You Sow
This plays out in every area of ones' life. What you put out is what you get back. Each thought, word and deed is a seed that will someday come to harvest. Begin now to take inventory of the seeds you are planting in your life

Daily remind yourself to plant seeds that are of value to you
Seeds of Kindness
~ Seeds of Creativity
~ Seeds of Commitment
~ Seeds of Abundance
~ Seeds of Freedom
~ Seeds of Growth

These seeds are planted moment by moment

Like Begets Like
Give away what you wish to receive. So if you are, as example, looking for others around you to give you kindness, give away kindness. To bring to you creative ventures, be creative with your time and actions. For others to be committed to you, be committed to others in your words and actions and follow thru.

Ponder for a moment and ask yourself 'What am I planting with this thought, word or action?'

One mantra that has been a saving grace for me is I ask myself when in a situation that calls me to respond "What would love do right now?" This is a major seed for me . For it is love I wish first for myself and the world around me

Get to know your seeds. Are you ready to live without fear? To live in total abundance in wealth, health and joy? Live in harmony with these Universal Laws that govern our very existence and you will receive tenfold the harvest of your seeds.

When I asked myself today~What would love do right now? It was to share this little treasure with you.
I hope you have enjoyed it..........
In Joy.........Anita

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License
Wisdom Of The Ancients

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Seasons Of The Soul

(originally channeled April 06)

Seasons Of The Soul

This is now the season of new opportunity. A new awareness of who you are. Why you are here and where you are going. To spring forward in your awareness, your spiritual development and physical lightness.

What has past is Winter. A time of introspection and contemplation. A time of dormancy and stillness. A time of reflection on the underlying agenda of all the decisions that brought you to this very moment in time. Ask yourself, what actions have worked well and what actions have not worked to bring you to this moment in your life and soul evolution?

Recognize and give attention and intention to your words. Your words speak much of your Power, Your God-Self. What have your words created for you this moment? What have your thoughts created for you this moment? Each thought, each word is a brush stroke on the canvas of your life. What masterful portrait do you wish to paint?

We have come once again into the momentum of Spring. It is contagious! It excites all of our senses and deepest knowings. It has a sense of urgency to be birthed anew.

We have developed the saying “Spring Forward” because the human looks to jump out of the dormant reflective state and bloom once again. But in what form will this bloom take place? A new fragrant blossom or a repeat of patterns from the past that no longer promote healthy growth? The choice is yours.

The Spring of the Soul is for planting seeds of consciousness, kindness, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness. The power of these seeds to manifest and enlighten the human is relative to the reflective investigative work that the winter provided. Yet it is never too late.

You can better prepare for you Spring by committing to know of yourself deeply, intimately and thoroughly. By asking yourself probing questions,. Pondering the ‘Whys' of your actions and choices. By taking inventory of exactly where you are in you health, wealth, love and spirit. By mapping out where you are, where you choose to go and taking responsibility for your part of the journey of your soul.

How do you do this? By committing to be in conscious dialogue with your creations . By learning the language of our own intuition. By being patience with yourself. Lighten UP! Laugh and have joy at your creations, good and bad. There is No blame! No judgement! Just compassionate acceptance of yourself. By tilling the soil of possibilities with love, by planting the seeds of your hearts desire, by giving yourself permission to be one with your spiritual passion, by doing these things you allow for the full blossom of your soul.

Open yourself this day, this moment, to a higher expression of who you are. Just like Nature, which is bringing forth such wonderful new blossoms and growth, appreciate your own uniqueness and beauty. Drink fully of life. Allow yourself to be here now. Fully engaged in your evolution, your joy, your passion. This is what you came to experience. This is your Soul's essence and your Soul's purpose for being here now.

Bloom where you are planted in this Season Of The Soul.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License
Wisdom Of The Ancients

((The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers. )

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Commit Yourself

Points to Ponder....

Commit Yourself

Commit to intimately understanding yourself and taking responsibility for your role within the larger drama of life at all times.

Do not view an apparent accident that you were just in as being the wrong place at the wrong time, see it as something that you can learn from and something that you created.

When you can accept truly that you create your own reality, when you refuse to blame anyone or anything for your experiences and when you realize what you are putting out there into the world is flowing back to you in a perfect energy pattern, then you will see a shift in your “luck”.

You will not endlessly encounter the same negative happenings when you are willing to absorb the lessons inherent in the happening, and once you are willing to learn from your “misfortune”, you will not need to keep repeating it.
By knowing within there can be no accidents, that even the tiniest subatomic particles are working on purpose, and so are you, you can genuinely turn your life around.

Remember who you are, YOU ARE GOD MANIFEST, you can use the great power of your mind to focus on your healing, to strengthen your relationships to others and to bring a sense of balance and harmony within. It is all accomplished by focusing on what you want to create and the belief that you CAN and DO CREATE YOUR WORLD.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Know Thyself

Wisdom Of The Ancients

((The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers in March of 06 )

Know Thyself

To truly know who you are involves a strong commitment and a personal investment of time, focus and intent into the discovery of your own inner truth.

Within each of us there lies the inner knowing of why we choose to be human at this precise moment in time. Why we choose this particular form, gender, parents and all the events that have taken place in our life. And I mean ALL the events that have taken place, both good and bad.

The human experience is the quickest most direct way to further your evolution.

The body is the original “Pandora’s Box” . By knowing who you are, you can use its’ treasure trove of information and opportunities to gain a higher state of consciousness.

Yet when you do not fully know and accept yourself to the core you feel off balanced. When you are not on track with our soul’s purpose you feel lost. For if you are not in a place of balance with your inner truth you will tend to vacillate from one knee jerk reaction to another. You may feel out of control, like you are a puppet on a string, A string that is controlled by your own hidden belief systems.

You keep recreating a life you do not want because you do not truly know what it is you do want. Thus there exist within each of us our own personal heaven and hell.

The human body houses and holds onto all of life’s information. You can feel it when your are not living your truth.

The unreconciled information expresses itself as pain, trauma and loss. It wants to be one with your soul’s purpose and will remain pent up within the body until such time as it can be processed, cleared and cleansed. Often this leads to some of our greatest spiritual lessons and understandings.

Getting to Knowing yourself on all levels is the first step to experiencing life with absolute freedom from fear, lack, anxiety or attachments; A Joy Full Life.

You do this by becoming the objective observer of your life and allowing your inner world to speak to you.

Allowing yourself to feel and to express your own personal truth. By letting go of hidden belief systems that no longer serve you, you will develop a whole new level intimacy with yourself. You will begin to allow a space to love your self and for others to truly love you as well.By shining a light on those cleverly disguised deep dark denied fears, you give a space for them to be healed and to leave once and for all.

You will soon be able to look at yourself in a more loving way. You start to take on a whole new perspective of your life.

You begin to realize that every experience, in any given moment has growth and freedom for you. It has an invitation to evolve, to experience, to accept and heal your hidden shadow side. You begin to understand that your body holds for you all the data that you are here to re-member, release and evolve from. You begin to not to take yourself too personally. To re-member that you are a spiritual being having a human experience so that you may truly know your DIVINE NATURE.

COMMIT NOW to your conscious awakening.

Celebrate being human and get to know all of who you are. Take the first step today. Make your reconnecting to your God-given joy a priority. Make the personal investment of time, focus and intent into the discovery of your own inner truth.

It is a journey of a life time and you are most definitely worth it!

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Points To Ponder ~ Systems Of The Body

Points to Ponder....

Systems Of The Body

Everyone is comprised of five bodies
Spiritual, Mental, Emotional ,Psychological & Physical

We are a Spiritual Being having a human experience to understand the lessons that come through the other 4 bodies.
We are always gathering information from our outer world.

There are 12 Systems of the human body

Digestive-processes information or emotions that come into the body

Intestinal-expresses what has been processed


Nervous - receives and sends


Urinary-releases (last chance to get it out)



Bone-creates strength


Skin-defense and protects


Take an inner look at your different bodies and at what is going on your life.

Your inner and outer worlds are refections of each other. When one is out of balance so is it's reflection.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Divine Order in the Universe

(The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers.
This week is guidance from 'T' - a very powerful and wise Ancient Spirit in Feb 06)

Divine Order in the Universe

There is Divine Order in the Universe - Nature and humans inspire each other, co-exist with each other and create from each other. This partnership between Nature and humans has been forgotten on the conscious level.

Universal Laws are in force so that Nature and humans can evolve consciously and graciously together.

Nature (being all the elements of the planet) and human beings (being a composition of all the elements of the planet), are meant to work harmoniously together. To co-create. To manifest the no-form 'God-ness’ into physical form.

This physical form, of Earth and human, dance with one another to know deeper of itself. To create with one another.
To experience oneself as the other. The role you take with nature is synonymous with the role you take with your own body. For the human body is Nature, it is the Earth. Biologically speaking it is made of the same material .

Your awareness attention and intention to the Nature around you will reflect your inner domain. The healing of your organs, of your psyche, and your emotions will be a direct result from your interaction with your earth, with the Nature around you.

In other words, as Dorothy was told so many years ago.
‘All you need, is in your own backyard.’

As humans seek to grow in their conscious understanding and open to their higher self-awareness they will develop a relationship with the world around them. Become familiar with the trees around you. Know, honor and keep pure the water that flows through your spear of influence. Recognize the change that you can make to limit pollution. Seek to cultivate the Earth and tend it's luscious gardens. Eat foods only from soil that has been allowed to breathe without toxins. Interact with your neighbors as true friends and hold compassion for your community leaders.

Live as though Love was all you were here to experience and give yourself over to that love... for yourself... for your earth.

Become intimate with your innocence and honor all of life for all on the planet are here to experience Love.

We all are asking in every hidden moment, Will you Love Me? Can I love you?

Remember this, if you are quiet and if you ask you will Re-member who you are, you will re-member that you are love in physical form. You can be no other than that which you are.

You and all of the planet are LOVE, with a bit of biology and matter mixed in to become a physical manifestation. Your very essence is love. It is your essence that you have forgotten. This can be restored and re-membered when you allow yourself to connect and honor the essence of Nature.

Allow yourself to be fully present with all of Nature. This is when recovery occurs.

That which gives animation to all life.... the planet, all animals, all humans, to water, to wood, to rock, this constant stream of life-sustaining force is within all manifested form and is calling all to open to the oneness of all Nature and know yourself as Love made physical.

Take that joy and live fully and playfully. Share your gifts. Live your life in child-like wonder. Let go of that which no longer serves you. Let love in. Let love flow. You have all you need to love and be love.

Love Just Love Now.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Building a Sacred Relationship

Point to Ponder.... (as channeled from Anita's guides Jan 06)

Building a Sacred Relationship

Building a Sacred Relationship with oneself requires that you Honor Thyself.

Hold your life as sacred, look upon yourself with reverence.

Choose wisely your words and actions.

Your body is a temple of the Divine.

The Holy Grail resides within each of us. Your walk on this planet is for the I AM to express itself through The GOD presence is in your every moment.

Faith and contentment in the “IS-NESS” of all moments, you are never far from your Glory, your Heaven, your Enlightenment, your Release from suffering. The release from fear is in the moment, the one moment you remember who you are. The one moment you Remember with every cell of your being, the light inside of you is recognized at every level of your dimensional self. The heart and Soul connect with the mind and the relationship with your self can emerge.

The mind is contaminated with fears of every size and flavor. The mind wanders off into the future and gets stuck in the past. The mind seeks peace and seeks answers at the same time.

The mind can even seek awareness but all on it’s own which is the downfall. The mind has been programmed not to listen to the heart and soul.

The mind instead tells us how we should feel and in the same breath plays tricks with our feelings.

Communication and communion with the heart and soul is where integrity lies. Be in your role as creator and accept all that you have created, for it has a divine presence in your life.

All of your circumstances are your greatest tools in building a Sacred Relationship with yourself. You have come to this time in your evolution to recognize that GOD is YOU, flowing through you and of you. YOU are the DIVINE I AM.

The relationship you have with yourself will determine your next phase of evolution where you go from here will be in sync and harmony with your view on yourself. Your next phase will mirror this view you have on yourself. The appreciation and celebration of your own journey is your ultimate destiny. When you hold yourself up with gratitude you can see then where you are going for growth happens in the positive.

Every element of the human journey is purposeful and holds great meaning. Attention to all these details has significance toward your Spiritual Recovery.

Foster NOW an approach that you will pour energy toward all aspects of your your dimensional life,

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Psychological
  • Spiritual
  • Marriage
  • Family
  • Children
  • Personal Joy
  • Career or Financial Freedom

What will you do to build a sacred relationship with yourself in each of these areas? Ask how you can better serve your relationship with others and not allow your negative traits to play on you. Listen to the feedback objectively from your heart and soul and know that your negative traits are your best teachers. The negative serves a powerful lesson discovering the underlying fear that creates a critical or controlling trait.

Decide that NOW is your time for enlightenment, this process of truly loving yourself is the key to your Holy Grail Within and the birth into your next phase of evolution.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cleo Speaks~Profound Transformation

This week is from Cleo. 'Cleo' is a wise and lighthearted new spirit guide Anita connected with on a vortex in Sedona.
(The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers in January 06.)

Cleo Speaks

Mankind fully deserves the incoming transformation that is illuminating Mother Earth.

This new energy is coming in as a very new composite of colors.

There is light inside each ray of color.

A pure white light. For those who can see, this light appears as a tunnel, connecting all the way back to the creator. These new colors coming through are vibrant. They resonate to the E string and higher. They are in harmony with the realm of Unity which is to said to be the 5th dimension. This will be felt in each person on the planet regardless to their awareness. No soul will be untouched. There is profound transformation that will be unearthed in each being. As a collective species you will wake up to the highest expression of who you are. The new year is allowing a softening to take place among the collective defense shield. This defense shield has long kept humanity in a fear and survival mode. Since the beginning of mankind there has been an “Eat or be Eaten” ego-based mentality . This has resulted in experiences of isolation, fears and wars. With each incarnation in this 3rd dimensional experience, through each joy, and each trauma and wound, man as a collective species has learned a great deal about himself. Spiritually speaking, your body is your best friend.

It will lovingly manifest physically that which is needed to be cleared and reconciled.

Your emotions can no longer be denied.

You will joyfully seek clarity and look to yourselves for the love you are needing.

Your psyche will no longer hide your fears behind masks, or work, or excuses, but will probe to the depths for clarity and focus.

You will begin to shake your tail feathers of the collective junk (fears, loss, sickness and death) and rise to a new awareness of our true expression.

You are NOW and ALWAYS have been a SPIRITUAL BEING. You have journeyed through the sludge to know intimately of the darkness, so that you may fully embrace and celebrate the light. You are invited to walk with me through the “Rainbow Gate” into a world where your being is full of gratitude, joy, laughter and compassion. You are invited to commit to your true essence.

You are a divine being who has taken a role in the Earth’s creation for the sole-soul purpose of PLAY~DANCE~LAUGHTER & CREATIVE EXPRESSION.

To give your love without limit and to fill yourself with your own light, to view your creation, your earth, your very kingdom with acceptance, celebration and BE INSPIRED.

You are here to re-member that you have only been “Pretending to be human”. Your pain, loss and despair is not you. It is a reminder where you lost yourself. I ask you to “COMMIT TO YOU”. You are here by design for your re-discovery, for your awakening, for your Spirit to live.

Let go of that which no longer serves you ...relationships, careers and dis-ease. Thank them for their lessons, for the wisdom of that experience and find true unconditional love for each person. You all here to help each other back to your original self. Commit to your Souls Growth, to your joy, and to your freedom. You no longer need to live your life for others or with fear of others reaction, this no longer serves humanity. Your actions and thoughts do effect the whole of humanity, YES, your life is that important! The collective changes when the individual changes.

By committing to your healing, your joy and your spiritual essence you take an active role in healing humanity.

If you desire to help and heal others then PLEASE COMMIT TO YOU When you change, when one person changes, WE ALL DO!!!!

IN JOY...........Cleo...5TH Dimension

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Discovering Your Souls Purpose Q&A Part 2

We come into this lifetime with various soul patterns.

The better the understanding of these patterns, the better we flow within this life.

We become more joyful as we learn not to take being human too personally.

Here is Part 2 in Discovering Your Souls Purpose

Answer the following questions rapidly with the first thing that comes to mind.

  • What am I looking to find? When was the last time I did something very special just for me? What have I always wanted to do? What was my favorite year/time? What am I most scared of? What is the biggest goal for me this lifetime? What make me laugh? What is my biggest fear? What is keeping me from moving forward? If I already knew the answer to my souls purpose, what would it be? If I was already ‘there’ what would it look like? How would I feel? Having already gotten ‘there’, what meaningful words would I tell myself?

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Accept THIS Moment

(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers Sept 05)

Accept THIS Moment

Stay in the flow, accept your moments.

Be content with your current moment, your current body, your current finances.

All is as it should be, you do not have the whole picture in mind. For your acceptance of the current is what will be your safe haven in the future. You will know how to navigate your boat when change occurs for there is no other way than to be in the Tao, when change occurs.

The Tao is the acceptance of the balance of all things.

Learn to find the balance in this moment, for this moment prepares you for moments to come. All your moments are pre-ordained. For they have already been designed and created by you at the soul’s doing for your greatest steps toward your soul’s evolution.

When you do not accept any given moment then the soul takes that moment out of the loop and puts it back into rotation until you do accept that situation.

Some souls need to incarnate for hundreds of lifetimes before they get just that one concept understood. Like “Groundhog Day” the dream just plays over and over until Voila “Acceptance” of the entire creation.

Life's lessons are all here to be accepted, only then you can go onto step 2 …Learn,
onto step 3 …Experience
and finally step 4 ….Release.

Then onto the next moment for the moments are a sequential path to all you need for the souls evolution. Each moment has a lesson and experience.

With Acceptance there is contentment, growth, magic. Your own personal heaven, there is joy in life and there is love for yourself.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers November 05)

Gratitude is the key to personal evolution. Humans get lost in their beliefs about how things are and the way they should be. The human psyche gets tangled in the pain and trauma of the emotions that the life experience offers. These pains and griefs are carried on in the DNA and can be held for generations thus keeping the collective psyche imprisoned in their own perceived emotional and mental limitations. It has been reinforced by the collective and dramatized by the media that life is hard, that attention to the negative is the norm.

It is the rare find that a person only looks to the positive.

.....Opening yourself to the light of any situation to feel the generosity of the universe .....the breath of life that our trees provide us with ......the sun and the seasons that perpetuate the life cycle .....the animal and mineral kingdom that sustain, heal, comfort and support the human journey .....families that love us unconditionally ......Universal laws that provide whatever we need by mere thought .....the promise that you will never be given more that you can handle .....the freedom of Free will. These are the precious jewels of this Earth playland.

The earth has been created just for you for your enjoyment, entertainment, comfort and every need that could arise.

The laws that govern earth state are:
1. Whatever your thoughts - so goes your creation
2. As above so below, as within so without
(so you may know your inner world)
3. Like attracts like
(you will surround yourself with like minded people)
4. What you resist, persists
(so you will know how NOT to attract)
5. The reflective universe
(so you may know yourself)
6. The law of cause and effect
(so you may know the outcome)
7. The I AM Consciousness
(I think therefore I AM)
8. Love begets love
(What you give you will receive)

Gratitude is the Golden Key to unleashing the power of the universal laws, The simple feeling of gratitude will open ones eyes to infinite possibilities. Gratitude can turn one's heart back to that innocent place of laughter and magic. The world is your magical canvas for whatever you wish to create and participate in. The life cycle on earth has been so divinely designed that you can have all your dreams realized. Mindful attention toward all there is to be grateful for in your life will deliver you into a state of peace and contentment that can be found in no other state of mind.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Monday, March 10, 2008

The Universe Shrinks When I am Afraid

Points to Ponder....(From Anita's Journal)

The universe shrinks when I am afraid. It gets gloomy when I am sad. It goes crazy when I am impatient. It becomes clear when I am joyous. This I have perceived and accepted as the reality of all life. The Universe is my thought, my perception and my attention.

There is no-thing that exist outside of me that has meaning, only my perception and perpetual questions

Are you Content?

What do you believe you need to be content?

Can you accept contentment when it arrives?

If I told you contentment would be here next Wednesday would you be too busy to receive it in earnest?

What preparation would you focus on?

If I told you that contentment would stay for as long as you accept it, how long could you hold that space in your mind? In your body?

Your world is a reflection of what you are here to discover, to accept , to then experience and it is in that order.
All of your unaccepted experiences thus far in your collective mind is in perpetual motion recreating circumstances for your own temple of wisdom.

I have come to realize that humans have been evolving in their outer world instead of connecting to their inner world . It is in the inner world that their Soul, their God their Universe is actually located. There is no outside force except that which you give form to.

When you can discover, accept and ultimately experience your inner light then contentment takes place. A new, different vision comes into focus . One without agenda or judgement . It is the Vision of Observation, of understanding of acceptance and pure beingness or you could say quite simply contentment. I understand my search for meaning now.

The inner light is always there vibrating, whispering for connection. For one to simply commune with oneself, to feel the contentment, planted in each soul to experience, discovering the outer with this inner vision.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Discovering Your Souls Purpose Q&A Part 1 (Points to Ponder)

We come into this lifetime with various soul patterns.

The better the understanding of these patterns, the better we flow within this life.

We become more joyful as we learn not to take being human too personally.

The following exercise will help begin to identify the keys to your happiness and bliss and any blocks you perceive to have to accessing them.

Answer the following questions rapidly with the first thing that comes to mind.

  • When am I the happiest?

    When am I the saddest?

    Who are three people that I most admire and why?

    When have I experienced synchronicities?

    What do I excel at?

    What is my gift?

    When am I the most loving?

    What do I repeatedly beat myself up about?

    What was the happiest time in my life?

    Who currently makes me angry?

    What brings me the most joy?

    Who shows me love?

    Who do I show love to?

    Where are my thoughts right now?

    Where do I want them to be?

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.