Seasons Of The Soul
Seasons Of The Soul
This is now the season of new opportunity. A new awareness of who you are. Why you are here and where you are going. To spring forward in your awareness, your spiritual development and physical lightness.
What has past is Winter. A time of introspection and contemplation. A time of dormancy and stillness. A time of reflection on the underlying agenda of all the decisions that brought you to this very moment in time. Ask yourself, what actions have worked well and what actions have not worked to bring you to this moment in your life and soul evolution?
Recognize and give attention and intention to your words. Your words speak much of your Power, Your God-Self. What have your words created for you this moment? What have your thoughts created for you this moment? Each thought, each word is a brush stroke on the canvas of your life. What masterful portrait do you wish to paint?
We have come once again into the momentum of Spring. It is contagious! It excites all of our senses and deepest knowings. It has a sense of urgency to be birthed anew.
We have developed the saying “Spring Forward” because the human looks to jump out of the dormant reflective state and bloom once again. But in what form will this bloom take place? A new fragrant blossom or a repeat of patterns from the past that no longer promote healthy growth? The choice is yours.
The Spring of the Soul is for planting seeds of consciousness, kindness, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness. The power of these seeds to manifest and enlighten the human is relative to the reflective investigative work that the winter provided. Yet it is never too late.
You can better prepare for you Spring by committing to know of yourself deeply, intimately and thoroughly. By asking yourself probing questions,. Pondering the ‘Whys' of your actions and choices. By taking inventory of exactly where you are in you health, wealth, love and spirit. By mapping out where you are, where you choose to go and taking responsibility for your part of the journey of your soul.
Open yourself this day, this moment, to a higher expression of who you are. Just like Nature, which is bringing forth such wonderful new blossoms and growth, appreciate your own uniqueness and beauty. Drink fully of life. Allow yourself to be here now. Fully engaged in your evolution, your joy, your passion. This is what you came to experience. This is your Soul's essence and your Soul's purpose for being here now.
Bloom where you are planted in this Season Of The Soul.
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((The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers. )