Cultivate a happy environment
I ask for guidance on what are our challenges at this time. The world especially our country is in change, on which we brought on for a reason. What insight can be given as to the reason for this terrific time of an unstable economy.
I come for PEACE…..this is the message in which you are being reminded of. Have you ever been a nation of peace, or have you been pretending to be at peace. Peace is being spoken on today as a individual practice not as a nation. It is the individual practice that makes a nation. Do not be overly concerned about the country for you can only do your part. It is the role each person plays on a daily basis that ultimately creates your city landscape. It is then the city’s that create the state and we grow from there. The question then remains are you at peace within yourself. This at the end of the day is the only real call to action that has meaning.
How does one go about creating peace in our own daily experience with others and our world?
Cultivate a happy environment…...what makes you happy brings peace, relaxation and ultimate joy. Do not live in fear or worry or pain, there is no pay off in those states of being yet so many continue this pattern. One becomes addicted to the fear because it is so exploited in the media and mass that one believes it is the natural state of being.
Find simplicity in life and relax into a simple way of living. Do not become the mass and think of instead how to consume less and be more. More of any positive actions, words, feelings for this is a decision not an excuse. So many try to find excuse on why they can not be happy and that is an illusion created by the mass mindset. Yes, you can be happy it is a simple decision that only you have the power to create. Be a helpful part of your community and contribute in positive ways to your neighbors or family. At the end when you look back on your experience of your time on this earth you will remember your contributions and probably will deeply regret any amount of time dwelling in fear or worry.
Live now as though you were doing your life review…..think only on what your life review looks like. This is the part of you that deeply remembers what life review is and this is why you are here once again. This time to remember all the good you wanted to do and all the change you wanted to make at a soul level. Even if you do not remember this it is still a good motto…...what today am I going to do that instills in me, joy at the deepest level of my soul…..Today I will live like it is my last day.
Try to live well….it is a decision of your mind