Monday, January 3, 2011

Wisdom of the Ancients ~ The Year 2011~ A Year of Change

Anita NewsletterAnita asked her guides for insight into the upcoming year.

This is what they had to say.......

2011 will be a year of Profound Change.

Your planet is going through a terrific transformation and you are the pilots of this transformation and the result will be directly a reflection of the collective consciousness.

There is a grand awakening happening now, but you must come together and be proactive in the change you wish to occur.

And the Grand Awakening is Just In Time as things are currently at Critical Mess

People are waking up and they simply are not going to be controlled any longer.

People must come together in peace and love and do what they know intuitively is the right thing to do. For Self, For the Children, for There Fellow Man. Being open in awareness and consciousness.

Look Around You. Notice what You Notice. And Be the Change.

You are being radiated to death, the electronic pollution you are subjected to is turning off the minds and free will of the people.

Demand a return to a more natural, cleaner and harmonious world- a heaven on earth.

Wake up Now and peacefully come together and create your heaven on earth in which you are meant to have where every soul has all needs met.

There should not be the "Haves" and "Have not" you are all equal and should all provide and care for every soul so that you can have peace on Earth which is at this point all words and no actions.

2011 and years to come, will have many natural disasters, which will create an opportunity to rebuild.

You can come together as a community and build a world in which the government is for the empowerment and evolution of the people and not about control.

Demand what you KNOW is the right thing

  • Do not allow your food supply to be so polluted with GMO seeds and pesticides and radiation.

  • Stop the Exposing radiation poison when going through the airport.
  • End the chemicals being put into your sky, full of arsenic and barium which will profoundly harm your brain.
  • Do not allow any child to be poisoned.

You must as a people come together and demand a better world, where you are not just about providing profit to government and major corporations.

So much money is made off your illness that you can not go consciously to the next level under this program you have been trapped in.

Be the LIGHT you are and bring your light to the children.

QUESTION EVERYTHING....the education system, vaccines, GMO seeds that are being fed to everyone.

The children are the answer, they will grow and lead this country and this planet to the next level of evolution if only given the chance and listened to.

Re-Member You are all light beings-

Do not let your light be dimmed by any means.

Let 2011 be empowering, take control of your health, your spiritual opening and love your planet, your neighbors, the children of the world.


wherever you go radiate your colors and kindness and be a positive footprint wherever you step.

You are all master creator Gods and are being challenged to create your heaven and peace and build a cleaner and brighter world.

As you move from the 3rd dimension and go to a higher dimension, one that you are all collectively creating, Re-Member to Enjoy the Ride.

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