Beam Your Light Bright ~ Wisdom From The Ancients
| Beam Your Light Bright ~ Wisdom From The Ancients |
Anita Asks Her Guides..
I ask for a uplifting message for all of us over the Holidays and 2010.
Anita's Guides Reply...
You are all wonderful beings of light and energy.
You are here to realize your fullest potential of maintaining joy.
Joy is the only true purpose for life and when you are in joy you radiate light.
Your eye is your beam of light.
Each person, every moment they are living in their joy, are sending mass amounts of light which heals all around you.
When you are in joy you are in the moment and the most power you can send is simply accessed in the moment. It is the very NOW where you connect with the Divine.
The Divine is a radiant burst of light that you are in the very image of this presence.
When a person goes into fear, worry, anxious and other negative processes they dim their light and darkness can seem to overwhelm. This has no purpose and will create more of the same.
Each moment of your days can be full of joy by simply doing that which you love if you so seek to acquire it . Even if you only spend 30 minutes a day doing what you are passionate about that is enough light to fill you and those around your community with healing.
Think of yourselves, each person, as a radiant beam of light that is connected to the highest heavens. That is A LOT of ENERGY!!
The planet is surrounded with this light and seeks to heal and this is the time in which the planet and all the people of the world can transcend. You can live as equals in a loving and compassionate environment that is providing for everyone's needs.
Picture that in you minds eye.....
In every city, everyone caring and sharing with everyone else, so that no needs are not met. There is no hunger or greed just compassion and evolution in free energy and the reclaiming of your own energy abilities.
You are all great and powerful beings and this you have forgotten. Now the window has opened in which you can remember and wake up to a greater call of Love and Joy.
Be in joy with all your family and friends and spread the message that it is time for evolution of the human spirit.
Ask each person what do they love to do and encourage them to spend 30 minutes a day doing exactly that.
That is how you will evolve spiritually, for your light will shine and you will heal others around you so that they may find their joy.
Be in service to your community over the holidays so that compassion will spread through the coming years.
Give something back to the less fortunate with joy and gratitude and encourage everyone you meet to do the same.
Stay true to your Light and Joy.
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