From Sedona With Love
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Sitting in our winter home in beautiful Sedona Arizona just thinking about how I got here and why.
It all began 3 years ago when I had a dream of dying and the only thought that I had about my death was how much sadness I felt that I never got to live out West with the mountains that I love so much.
Death was not an issue....just the loss of not spending some time in my life in the nature that brought me so much joy. Which really that is all that matters is how you spend your life.
We brought just enough of our personal treasures to make this furnished house seem more like us. Our Buddhas and crystals and Feng Shui cures make this now feel like home. Up to this point I feel like I have been in as much control of my life and could predict month to month how things would pan out.
While reading up on all the elements that the mighty tiger is bringing in the new year I have concluded that I will not have that kind of control.
Our world is changing and for the positive but it looks like there are a bit of birth pains. I personally am a snake which is very much in conflict with the tiger. I think I will lye low in 2010 and observe myself and all the changes around me.
I feel like it is best not to take life and myself especially too personal.
My clients all over our great country tell me about changes they are experiencing and I truly believe we are all being shaken up..... can only be for the good is what I choose to believe.
Everyday matters and here in the vortexes of Sedona that feeling is
magnified greatly. Actually everything is multiplied here and that must be what my soul needed is greater clarity that the SW seems to bring about.
I do not really know why I am here but I do feel that my higher self is simply stating....OK now it is time to observe and just feel the change occurring all around you.
I feel like it was a necessary step to remove myself from the distractions of the details of the one life I had created for myself and witness now what is coming either for me or perhaps the planet. I kinda feel like I have this mountain right outside my door that I can climb around on and listen to the stones speak.
I will keep you posted on what they have to say!!
From Sedona with Love....... Anita
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