Friday, October 31, 2008

Cultivate a happy environment

I ask for guidance on what are our challenges at this time. The world especially our country is in change, on which we brought on for a reason. What insight can be given as to the reason for this terrific time of an unstable economy.
I come for PEACE…..this is the message in which you are being reminded of. Have you ever been a nation of peace, or have you been pretending to be at peace. Peace is being spoken on today as a individual practice not as a nation. It is the individual practice that makes a nation. Do not be overly concerned about the country for you can only do your part. It is the role each person plays on a daily basis that ultimately creates your city landscape. It is then the city’s that create the state and we grow from there. The question then remains are you at peace within yourself. This at the end of the day is the only real call to action that has meaning.
How does one go about creating peace in our own daily experience with others and our world?
Cultivate a happy environment…...what makes you happy brings peace, relaxation and ultimate joy. Do not live in fear or worry or pain, there is no pay off in those states of being yet so many continue this pattern. One becomes addicted to the fear because it is so exploited in the media and mass that one believes it is the natural state of being.
Find simplicity in life and relax into a simple way of living. Do not become the mass and think of instead how to consume less and be more. More of any positive actions, words, feelings for this is a decision not an excuse. So many try to find excuse on why they can not be happy and that is an illusion created by the mass mindset. Yes, you can be happy it is a simple decision that only you have the power to create. Be a helpful part of your community and contribute in positive ways to your neighbors or family. At the end when you look back on your experience of your time on this earth you will remember your contributions and probably will deeply regret any amount of time dwelling in fear or worry.
Live now as though you were doing your life review…..think only on what your life review looks like. This is the part of you that deeply remembers what life review is and this is why you are here once again. This time to remember all the good you wanted to do and all the change you wanted to make at a soul level. Even if you do not remember this it is still a good motto…...what today am I going to do that instills in me, joy at the deepest level of my soul…..Today I will live like it is my last day.
Try to live well….it is a decision of your mind

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Thoughts Unedited

Daily Blog…...10.29.08

Wow, there is so much to talk about where does one begin. the world is in a financial melt down the credit is wobbly to say the least and people just do not know where to turn for relief. Is this really the world we have created consciously or haver we created a world of such unrest due to our conscious fear. This is truly a picture of us as a nation and our fear driven motives and restless greed. Our we unhappy in this a world where anything is possible or are we so asleep, dumb down by our modified food and big pharm drugs that we have let a beautiful planet become utterly destroyed while we are asleep at the wheel. Is this what we are leaving to the kids… this what you want for your future if you were a kid. We as adults have not been responsible and should have never been given a whole planet to take care of. Clearly we are not capable of taking care of such a gift as a planet and should be taken out of leadership position and give the young a chance at leading our world because we are too dumb down to clean up this mess.
As long as we as a nation is too lazy to care about our health, our minds, our future, we should step aside and ask those who care about such matters to take the driver wheel and steer us to a better economy, and natural means of living. Yes I know I am venting but I gotta say…...We are so stupid and WE are allowing organizations that we do not even know to control our food, planet, minds and well being. Now I ask you….is that working. Just google 2 out of 3 people on depression meds is still depressed and suicidal. Yet they do not seek out natural solutions they just continue to ask the DR for a larger dosage or a different un natural med which causes even more complicated symptoms. I talk with the public everyday and am sadden by the amount of pain and a host of symptoms that people are suffering from. This should not be acceptable by anyone, I do not want to give this way of living to our young. This is not a world that is ok to pass on to the next generation and we adults have to take responsibility for our apathy.
So adults what are we going to collectively do to give our young some hope. I feel that the first step is to at home show our kids we are going to make our health a priority. We will learn what is in our foods and take a stand about the process foods and simply stop buying the un natural food. Instead of a lawn, grow your own food and inform yourself of the dangers of food preservative, aspartame, and the long list of ingredients in the boxes and cans you have been buying. Inform yourself of natural solutions to hypertension, diabetes, excess weight, depression, and the role of emotions on your physical health. Yes, you adults are capable of and responsible for your own health and well being. To be happily sedated on your pharmaceutical meds is not the answer, look around and see the result of us as a nation on drugs. Are we headed for a bright future?
I am hopeful of a bright future because I believe there is enough evidence that our actions have not proven to work. I believe that we at a soul level have had enough manipulation and lies and will take control of our self and our community. I personally believe in investing in our own each individual community. Work together as a community and care about your part of the planet. Take care of your neighborhood and buy locally grown food. Talk with your neighbors about natural solutions to health, gardening, clean water, schooling for our genius children being born daily and vaccinations. Are you really informed about those vaccinations? Do you wonder why autism and ADD has grown to recored numbers in just a decade? Let’s come together and bring back the pioneer spirit that this country once had and this time do it right. Let us listen to the young about their idea on how schools can better serve their needs. Let us listen to them about what they think about the processed foods they are eating in schools and restaurants and even at home. Let us look at the incredible growing childhood sickness and odd symptoms and ask questions instead of accepting another med and diagnosis.
Right now it sounds like alot of complaints but I have decided on doing a daily blog because I have been given information on the coming times. I am using this first installment to voice my frustration on us as a people. We have collectively allowed our economy and our planet to collapse and this we now need to ask what each person can do to better the situation. Each one of us has the responsibility of our own thoughts….this is so important to the collective. Most of us have prolonged thoughts of fear, pain, despair and a collection of negativity that this affects the collective consciousness we are all bathed in. My motto is…..Are my thoughts healing and helpful for the collective and I take care as to not hurt the collective with negative thoughts. In the end what matters is the personal time you have spent here on this incredible planet. You will remember and take with you the love you shared and the joy you experienced. Is this not the most important part of life, your every moment contributes to the collective happiness of us all. Be responsible with your every thought and always be in service to others and their happiness and ask others to be responsible. When you encounter a person having negative reactions and words ask them to really feel the danger they are perpetrating on us all. Why should we be at any time less than hopeful, helpful and happy…..even if we have to fake it till we make it. What is the point of any other action…..we can see that this has not been the case and where are we now.
So we try a different approach and clean up our bodies first, our neighborhoods next and reach out and invest in our community. We can restore balance to this planet by simply becoming involved in our own community and mindset. IF your school is not meeting your childs needs take a stand and offer a solution. If your health is not good find out the root cause of disease and bring balance back in your body naturally the way nature intended and not synthetic drugs that destroy healthy tissue and organs. Care enough to ask questions and learn what you do not know instead of holding onto belief systems that no longer serve you or the whole. We are truly all in this together and none of us get better until we all get better. I will channel everyday and post this blog because I want to do some part in making change. Today I will think only good thoughts and seek new ways to help my community and will continue to share my journeys.
In Joy…...Anita

Friday, October 3, 2008

NOW Energy Frees Up FUTURE Energy

Wisdom of the Ancients:
Anita asked the following question of her guides for her own understanding and loved the answer so much that she wanted to share it with you. Perhaps it will answer some our your questions too.


God, please give me insight into what following you means?

What is spiritual responsibility?

What do I do now that is smart now and that takes care of the future?

It seems a critical pivotal time and I am asking for some real answers from a place of unconditional love.

NOW Energy frees up FUTURE Energy.
You are only light, and when you step outside the light and think and act in the physical then you become disconnected from your source of power, consciousness and LOVE.

LOVE will always leave you feeling light, light-hearted, playful, energetic, silly, courageous, curious, motivated to succeed. Motivated to explore and blaze your own trail.

Are you that now? If you are not, you are spending too much time, focus, energy on constricted physical non-moving UNLIT situation.

Physical is only a perception, but the perception can solidify to a belief and the belief then becomes your world and if your world is stuck then your belief no longer holds true for your development of the souls journey.

You and others are currently stuck in this world you have created, however everyone has the resources to become once again a body of light. Your journey has always been based on blind faith. Do not back down now, go forward in a unconstricted body of light and keep your love growing for yourself and others.

Do not be fooled by perception, do not live by your perceptions, let perception be amusing or to be your teacher or even to caution you but do not let perception become your belief.

Belief is the power behind all things. It is the only true creative source for you in your reality and dimension. A greater belief when perception is not as you would like then the belief "This too shall pass".

There is only success, all else is a learning tool along the path.

Develop faith and courage to think outside the box and to be prepared to change with the changing tides. Let water be your example and move through any perceived obstacles and move forward always.

Be willing to change course and do so with out fear or looking back. Let your light be in LOVE with life and live well in your mind body and spirit.

Your current plan of 2 suitcase will transform you and develop your consciousness to the next level. The nomadic lifestyle that you are planning on developing will return you to a tribe orientation. Tribal orientation will create family members everywhere you go. Let your neighbors be your family wherever you are in the moment.

This love of ones neighbors will change the global consciousness community by community.

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