Two Universal Laws
((The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers. )
Two Universal Laws
In this time of Easter and Passover I am reminded of my religious training and the pearls of wisdom, Universal Laws, that I took from that time period of my life. They have been my favorite teachers and have proven themselves indisputable time and time again over the last 20 years.
You Reap What You Sow
This plays out in every area of ones' life. What you put out is what you get back. Each thought, word and deed is a seed that will someday come to harvest. Begin now to take inventory of the seeds you are planting in your life
Daily remind yourself to plant seeds that are of value to you
~ Seeds of Kindness
~ Seeds of Creativity
~ Seeds of Commitment
~ Seeds of Abundance
~ Seeds of Freedom
~ Seeds of Growth
These seeds are planted moment by moment
Like Begets Like
Give away what you wish to receive. So if you are, as example, looking for others around you to give you kindness, give away kindness. To bring to you creative ventures, be creative with your time and actions. For others to be committed to you, be committed to others in your words and actions and follow thru.
Ponder for a moment and ask yourself 'What am I planting with this thought, word or action?'
One mantra that has been a saving grace for me is I ask myself when in a situation that calls me to respond "What would love do right now?" This is a major seed for me . For it is love I wish first for myself and the world around me
Get to know your seeds. Are you ready to live without fear? To live in total abundance in wealth, health and joy? Live in harmony with these Universal Laws that govern our very existence and you will receive tenfold the harvest of your seeds.
When I asked myself today~What would love do right now? It was to share this little treasure with you.
I hope you have enjoyed it.......... In Joy.........Anita
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