Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wisdom Of The Body ~ Stop Complaining

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Better a smile than a complaint.....

I was inspired while watching a man on the Oprah show.
He was talking about bracelets he was giving away on "AComplaintFreeWorld .org".

The bracelets are a reminder to not complain. You start out by putting the bracelet on your right arm and anytime you complain you must move the bracelet over to your left arm.

The goal is to keep the bracelet on one arm for more than 21 days, this means that you have now established the habit of not complaining. I loved the idea and have started the process myself and it is an eye opening experience when you begin to monitor yourself in this way. So much so I decided to sit down with my team of ancient wisdom and ask, how and why did we as a culture become so full of complaints. I love their answer so I would like to share that with you.

Q. Speak on why we complain.......

People complain because it feels natural and safe to them. They want to be like their parents, their teachers, and even the leaders in the community.

Often you get to be a leader in politics by complaining. Complaining about your opponent, the current reign of command, the system, the taxes, health care and so on. Mankind's mind has never stopped to realize the energy and attention that it is giving to what's wrong in the world.

Your mind from day one has been focused on the ego and not the energy body. As the collective wakes to this realization then true shifts in consciousness will occur.

You can achieve whatever you desire so long as you apply the laws of energy and not the laws of ego. One must reach for the goal of human evolution and involution. Release the need to go into the ego and experience your energy body instead. You can do this by simply focusing on the beauty and the grace that surrounds you. You can allow yourself to become part of the awesome creation that surrounds you. This kind of attention will make a true difference in your life.

Begin now to commit to bringing a smile to everyone you encounter as well as keeping humor in your heart.

Promise the child within that you will find goodness and playfulness in every moment.

Give your mind and ego a rest from what is wrong or that there is not enough. Stop Complaining reconnect with the happy go lucky kid that you have always admired.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Ah, the list.
This is the very dimension that humans have been getting lost in for eons. The very paradigm that elicits control and being controlled.

Each one feels that in order to validate themselves to the other they must have an outwards expression of success. A completion of a list that never ends. For the very list is a representation of one’s disconnect from their spiritual body and thus a disconnect from their spiritual purpose.

Humans feel a strong need to see and create accomplishments outside of themselves. A need of accomplishment to compensate for the feeling of a great loss of one’s true self.

The only true reason for being human is to better understand your spiritual purpose. You have been given the physical world to play within, to mirror yourself and heal your fragmentation and spiritual wounds.

Your human body is a barometer of your spiritual body and your over all balance. Understand the language of the body’s illnesses and aches. Your spirit is signaling you through your body for balance and integration

This continual plea for integration has been with you since man first arrived. Man arrived and immediate the list kicked in. From the very beginning, days have been full of survival and protection for preparation for tomorrow and the next season. So this list is in the genes, and so it is has been passed down since the original man. Still today a survival and preparation agenda that the humans find themselves trapped in. Never leaving the collective long enough to under understand their spiritual nature.

Trust, that is the key, the escape hatch to get back to your souls’ mansion where you can truly see and experience who you really are. Your God Self You know this on a deeper soul level. When there is blind faith in your God Self and forward movement there is also miracles.

Set aside your mind, your self-judgment, and the judgment of others. Allow your soul to flow through you. Your commitment to this process is the ladder out of the hole you perceive yourself in. Leading you back to your soul and your souls purpose. And a life with less of a list and a lot more of love.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
(as channeled from Anita's Guides)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

After Death - Life Experienced

(I've been asked to re post this. It originally was channeled in May 06. Hope you enjoy)

There has been much written of ‘Near Death’ experiences. Reports by those who were ‘Dead’ for a short moment and then came back to life. Sometimes with amazing stories to tell. Often this would include the famous ‘tunnel of light’ where the ‘nearly’ departed is greeted by angels or family members with love. The feeling of being at peace and home once again. There have also been accounts of the opposite type of experience, where a ‘Hell’ like setting seemed all too real. Where there was regret, great fear, sadness, and judgement.

With so many differing stories I decided to ask an expert. A friend of my husband and mine named ‘Barry’. Now Barry is an expert for this reason. Barry crossed the great mystery known as death in Sept of 2004. Not as a ‘Near Death’ experience but as the real deal. He now resides on ‘The Other Side’.

Just a little bit about myself. I have been been a psychic and medium since birth. Yes, I see dead people (clairvoyant) as well as can speak to them and hear them (clairaudient) and have done so for thousands of clients worldwide for over twenty years.

Since my contact of Barry a few months ago, we have been having a continual dialogue about his adventures on the other side. According to Barry when you die, even in death you have freedom of choice.

You can create an after life of heavenly proportions or one of pure hell or simply a nothingness void. Your reality becomes an image of your own choosing. Whatever your mind is expecting to encounter is exactly the situation the Soul will create.

Death is but a blip in the continuity of your souls journey. You have freewill and full choice of your experiences in life, death, and beyond death. If you would like to hear and see the angels you shall. If you wish to review your time here this life with all your lived ones that too will happen. You can even choose to remain Earth bound in denial of death. Refusing to accept that you are dead. You can have a judgement day, with fire and brimstone, or a wonderful life review in full technicolor, streets of gold and heaven filled moments . It is all yours for the asking.

In Barry's case, at death there was a 3 day (in linear time) of reorienting himself to the feeling of not having a body, or not the same kind of body at least as here on the earth plane. He was present and aware for his own funeral process in a Spiritual State of being as he made this transition of awareness. Then he began a process of his own version of life review. For him it was a personal understanding of how others were affected by their interaction with him during ‘life’. He felt what they felt as a result of what he had done or said or did not do or say. He felt the emotion with the same intensity as they had felt. This was his own version of Instant Karma.

Barry went through this process in the company of a loving and wise guide to assist in answering any questions that arose. Always the explorer in life, Barry continued in this vein and with his Soul’s permission and guidance decided that he would like to continue to learn, explore and question more layers of reality and dimensions. Some times as a blade of grass other times as a owl, snake or worm.

Through Barry’s journey we have learned that there is nothing greater in any universe than the relationship we have with our self, our Divine Self, that the Divinity of God is in our hearts, in each of our cells. That God is experiencing him/her self through all our journeys in life, death and life after death. There truly is no limit as to the experiences you can create for yourself. This is a cycle that never ends. There is absolutely nothing that you can not do or become.

This earth is your playground and your stage to create and become anything you can hold in you mind. So it goes for on the other side too. Death in not death, it is a transition, another world for you to simply keep on living, loving expressing ,creating and experiencing.

We have been privileged to share in Barry's discovery process of life on the other side. He has opened our lives and heart to our own divine nature within as he allows us to better understand Life Experienced After Death. The journey continues.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.