Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Begining My Daily Blog

Todays lesson......
This day begins a year of channeling daily. I will be sitting with my Guides every morning and asking for today’s lesson. I have been doing this for the past 10 years for my own lessons and understanding and now have been guided to bring messages for the community about a more broad understanding of a variety of subjects.

My guides do focus a great deal on “The Wisdom Behind Dis-ease” as well as “The Emotions Behind Every Dis-ease” There has been a new twist as well as tuning into the energy and wisdom behind each word or action which is a fascinating way of looking at the bigger picture.

In my work with my Guides that I will often refer to them as my Lab which is simply a team of Medical Guides that assist me in doing Medical Intuitive Readings. I do not “drop names” in order to keep things simple I will just say “He” when making a refrence toward them as a team.

I am clairaudient and receive these messages by hearing in complete detail the message. It is probably very similar to telepathy in a sense that I get the information very quick as though downloaded and the tape then replays in my language slowly and clearly. I have been working with my team for 20 years and have learned a great deal about consciousness and the role of being human. I have come to view the body as a window to connecting with the many aspects of GOD.

I have spent time connecting to every organ and system of the body and recognize that each organ has a different consciousness which is akin to an aspect of God. When you get in touch with the consciousness of each organ you understand the omniprescence of God...so many facets and it is all right in your own body or temple would be a better description.

I have channeled each organ and will make it available in a download file so you can slowly read or hear each organ at a time.

When one awakes to the body in this way you take on a whole new relationship with your body and with your closeness with God. For I view God as being the quantum intelligence that is in the subatomic portion of your cells and each organ has a different message or personality of the total life force. My passion in life is bringing celebration back into being human, to help others fully experience the wisdom and beauty of being in a material body and stop wanting “to go home” you are home...heaven and God await you inside. So many people have gotten the “new age movement” notion that the only way to be is in Spirit and they want out of this death trap and just go where they can “Be Spirit” and never come back. I say as soon as you truly love You and celebrate being in a material body you will be where it is you think you are wanting to go. Heaven is here, you do hold the omnipresence of God inside you, so slow down and listen to your inner dialogue and how it is serving you. I am quite practical in my approach to the mind, body spirit connection and will discuss daily the practical wisdom I have picked up along the way.

We are all on this journey together and I have had many struggles in life and have delighted in opening myself to the typical struggles in life for the higher perspective. Life is so fascinating and the human perceptions are so varied that one can never learn to much, I feel that as we share with one another we can be each others students and teachers. I will be sharing some of the pearls of wisdom I have experienced over the years by my teachers, Guides, clients and life both on this daily blog and a weekly Radio Show via the internet.
In Joy.......Anita

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our internet radio show at www.AnitaOwens.com Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........