From my vantage point I can see that this year of 2007 is a significant year of change and growth for mankind as well as planet Earth.
This change will result in a leap in the consciousness and evolution of man. Great change can bring forth great upheaval but I ask you to consider the events that will take place this year as positive in the larger perspective of mankind's progress.
The first lesson I would like to talk about in this change is the consciousness of food for there are real miracles that can happen in your life when you begin to look at all living organisms as conscious and life giving. The missing link in all the cookbooks, food shows and nutritional literature is that all “Real” food is alive and in exchange of information and consciousness with you on every level of your real being except your mind when you are in sleep mode, which is much of mankind's waking day.
All food that is naturally found in nature is a living organism and therefore is part of the infinite intelligence that is flowing thru all of earth. Everything found on earth is ALIVE with Divine Spirit. In essence just as humans are simply a composition of cells so is animals, vegetable, fish and plants, we are all made up of the same quantum intelligence at the subatomic portion of the cell. When one eats or prepares the meal to be eaten there is a conscious exchange taking place.
The ideal exchange would be of appreciation and gratitude for the foods many life sustaining vitamins and minerals that keep our body healthy and well. The conscious cook would honor the food and prepare the food for being cut and cooked by first exchanging info that it is time to “go to sleep” so that there will not be “violent reaction” in the cells of the veggie or plant, think of them as human and the reaction you would have if you were being cut in half. Sounds morbid but it is true, the cells of a vegetable or plant or animal has the same emotional responses as humans at the cellular level.
When you are unconscious in the eating process and you are holding the thought pattern of ....”I am hungry” then your plate gets full of the types of food that will promote ongoing hunger by leading you to fill your plate with the types of food that can not be digested. This then creates a sugar imbalance that will cause you to feel hunger 2-3 hours later and once again overeat improper food combinations. The message that you are giving the food is “I am hungry” this is a command to the food to develop physical symptoms in the body that will continue the command of I am hungry.
Remember that all living forms are highly intelligent and all of life on earth is to serve the human and will take the consciousness of the human and keep that in motion. The body then hears the command of I am hungry and will begin to develop allergies to foods or digestion difficulties or absorption challenges to keep the feeling of hunger in full swing. This then creates the sugar, caffeine or alcohol desires as well as the pattern of overeating.
When one is in the conscious state of “Im in a hurry, I need to eat” this is a state of negating the foods importance and ability to sustain your health both physical, mental and emotional which brings about a balanced spirit. When one is not in the moment and projecting ahead by being in a hurry, you are putting your thoughts in the future and rushing to “catch up” with yourself. You then are on “the go” and the food will be consumed as fast and greedy bringing about more manifested forms of greed. This will lead to dis-ease in the sexual and emotional bodies for their is a hunger of the spirit and the spirit seeks then to be recognized thru some troublesome sexual and emotional states. This will manifest in forms such as depression, impotence, loss of sexual desire or vaginal dryness. However the flip side will occur as well with promiscuous, affairs, overly identifying self thru sex and strong sexual urges that overtake the mind. The spirit will often need to manifest a “down and out” sort of state to get your attention so that you can make changes in your body, mind and emotions.
The consciousness of “I am hurt or lonely” is when people use food as a companion or therapy, which will manifest in the body becoming overweight. The informational exchange that is going on with the food is “I need to be protected and cared for, I need to know you are with me” This then becomes the command to show the care physically by putting on many additional pounds, so the person can literally feel the added weight of protection. The body then begins to develop an imbalance in the neurotransmitters creating cravings that lead to weight gain as well as depression and loss of sexual desires and feeling sexually appealing. or once again the flip side with acting out on sex to get the dopamine response that the body is craving and will become aggressive looking for “prey” Quality of life is what is at stake with this consciousness, with a basic inability to get their “need to be loved” met.
When the neurotransmitters are out of balance leaning more towards the serotonin levels then the pattern will be playing itself out as using food and drink as security. They will need to have the caffeine or sugar rush in the morning to “get them going” and will need to maintain that kind of false rush thru-out the day. Cigarettes will be used to get a sense of calm and security and a feeling of being grounded. For what is really happening is the “worry motor” is in constant action and taking over their life, and they will reach for the sugar, caffeine, alcohol or tobacco to bring about the “Feeling” of trust and being connected to their world. The message here is “I can not trust myself or the world and need something outside me to calm and relax.”
So let’s get conscious with our food, our bodies, our emotions and thoughts. Begin to exchange information both internally and externally that is intended towards health and wholeness. Let the food or person know about the goodness and qualities they are bringing into your life. When preparing food think of how the combinations can detox or flush or cleanse your different organs. Think about each organ and its needs, listen then to your body about what minerals, vitamins, amino acids that it would like more of. Pay attention to the quality of your skin, hair and nails and understand the relationship that minerals and vitamins have in restoring vitality in these areas.
Build a healthy relationship with food so that your spirit may soar and your body will be light enough for the journey. Eating wisely and consciously will have benefits that will create miracles in your life. Bon’ Appetite.
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