Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Quantum Leaps in Evolution

Anita Newsletter

Anita asks of her guides to comment on the times at hand.

Their Reply......

Now is the time to go within and reflect back to your days of youth.

You had a mission when you chose to come into this time period on the planet.

For each of you it was different in many ways and similar in many ways as well.

Similar in a sense that as a Soul you all knew that the time you spent on the planet was for a higher purpose than that of one individual incarnation.

You chose as a group to come in at this time to help each other to REMEMBER.

By coming together as a collection of light beings to shake you out of the long sleep you have been in at a Soul level.

The planet has taken this time in all of creation to assist in the waking up process for the Souls on planet right now.

As you all can now truly communicate with each other via the internet and all the technology that the internet offers to talk with your family all over the planet.

You are no longer in the dark and this evolution of consciousness is yours for the taking.

REMEMBERING who you are as a Perfected Soul is very simple.

Just claim your power now and walk in your light.

Help all those around you to regain strength and trust that they are all here for the biggest mission of any incarnation prior to this one.

This is what your Soul has been waiting for.

Each day brings opportunity for your light to continue to shine brighter, waking so many Souls around you to this cellular memory.

You are a huge family that have been traveling through the karmic cycle together for eons of time and now your dues have been paid.

The truth is your doomed to perfection .....your mission now is to help all those you know in on this forgotten secret.

Think for at least some part of your day about the consciousness of the planet that you call home.

She is on the same path as you and your consideration as to taking emotional resoponsibility will help Her help you.


You are constantly emitting energy of some sort.

Consciously or unconsciously.

Loving, positive, uplifting, joyful and kind, or negative, critical, pessimistic, greedy and hateful.

Highly charged energy affecting you and all around.

Be it by thoughts, words, actions and even body language.

What you emit not only effects the people you come in contact with, it goes into the Collective Consciousness Pool and also gets soaked up by planet Earth.

With nearly 7 billion people contributing to the Energetic Pool anything can happen.

Now while there are most definitely those that emit Negative intent.

The vast majority of earths inhabitants just go with the collective flow.

This is exciting as even a small percentage Focusing Positive Loving Intent can change the Collective Pool.

Not only is the possible, this is the Grandest Experiment.

Think of earth as a spiritual lab project. You incarnated at this time to show that Love Can Turn Even The Most Chaotic of Times Around.

Imagine, if for only 5 minutes a day, the residents of Planet Earth taking their light, their love and their gratitude and beaming it out to every corner and every person what an impact that would make..

Eons of negative, hateful, greedy energy can quickly be recycled and mankind will wake to the perfected state he has forgotten so long ago.

Even if the people who see this writing would do that small deed everyday the impact is for more reaching than your wildest imagination can begin to understand.

This is truly why you each have chosen this time frame to incarnate, you promised to work together as one to make a difference for the whole.

You are nearly 7 billion Souls that are going to higher vibration.

Your journey growing in your true connection with the divine in yourself and the planet. During this journey you can begin to heal and restore Earth to her true beauty.

This is a time of quantum leaps in evolution and taking your soul off the karmic cycle so that true divine connection shall return.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Path to Medical Intuition


All Medical Intuitives are unique in how they work.

After all we all have our own inherent ability of intuition.

The key with intuition is how to understand the messages that are coming in since they do not come in through the linear left brain approach that we are accustomed to.

Intuition is honed according to each person's desire in communicating with either their higher self or perhaps a Higher source of consciousness.

A Higher source of consciousness has always been with me in a very real way.

Many people refer to this process as Spirit Guides, Angels, Masters.

They are here to help each one of us, and with us all the time.

I have always regarded them as Best Friends and advice that I could trust.

They have never let me down in my personal adventure here on planet Earth.

My adventure began very early on in life.

I basically came in to this life fully wired for connection with different realms.

Whether I liked it or not.

As a small child I could see people around me that others could not.

Turns out these people were Dead People who had recently died in the town around me.

I quickly became terrified at the fact that I also knew when there was going to be a death nearby, even of people I did not even know.

Thank heaven for my Guides, who kept me from feeling totally alone, crazy, and scared to death.

I pleaded with them in my early twenties to please take this seeing and communicating with the dead away. It seemed Too much to bear.

And thankfully I slowly experienced them less and less, quit seeing them and began to get on with a more or less normal life.

My clairvoyance then began to take the form of getting psychic visions and impressions.

Often times I simply heard a voice telling me information about someone I would be talking with.

This led to doing psychic sessions for people on a daily basis.

While I enjoyed doing these sessions, after a few years I felt like I was ready to go deeper, get more meaningful information for my clients so I asked my guides for the next phase of my readings.

At the time I had no idea of what a Medical Intuitive was as this was years before Carolyn Myss first started using the term in her books.

How being a Medical Intuitive started for me was that I started to hear client's organs and cells talk to me.

They seemed to have a story they wanted to tell, and like the dead people, they also knew I could clearly hear them. So I started listening, and speaking with the body. Wow, What stories.

At that time I did not know anything about the anatomy or physiology but I did know that I was hearing very real information as to the state of health a organ or gland was in.

I began to let myself go inside the client and simply let the story unfold.

As the client would tell me of their health concerns or challenges the body would begin to show me the Root Cause Specific Reason for whatever their ailment was.

Over the years the information came clearer and deeper and seemed to be even clearer when I was conducting a Phone Session and was not distracted with the client being in the same room with me.

In my sessions, as the client talks about what they are experiencing, be it pain, depression, anxiety, swelling or whatever the health challenge is, I begin to get pictures inside the body as to what is at the root of that experience.

Often times the root will be in multiple organs or systems and causing multiple imbalances throughout the body.

Another amazing layer also revealed itself as I was doing more of these health readings is the emotional blockage or unresolved trauma that was also at the root of the health challenge.

Of course it only makes sense that we are emotional beings as well and these emotions positive and negative are also a part of our whole being as well.

Good health very much depends on a healthy positive emotional state, clear of past trauma and unresolved anger, tears, guilt, shame....the list goes on and on.

I am very passionate about this process of understanding our human bodies and how to make us all healthier, happier people.

We are multifaceted and true health requires a clearing and balancing of all of who we are....physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual.

True Lasting Healing only takes place when all these aspects of ourselves are acknowledged.

This I have learned simply by working with people and allowing the body to give me the best teaching I could ever have.

Still today after 20 years and 1000's of clients the human body is still my greatest teacher and I am always in awe at how fascinating we humans are.

During this process I was inspired to seek out additional schooling and skills which lead me to The Mystery School in Boulder Colorado for a Certification in Medical Intuition as well as Theta Healing.

While my Main Teacher's have all ways been my Guides, it was nice to put some order to this process.

I also studied Anatomy and Physiology to better understand what I was being shown within the body

Deciding to balance my developed Right brain with some heavy duty Left brain training and went on to become Certified in Iridology and a Master Sceroloigist.

Desiring to be able to assist my clients with Natural Solutions I also studied and trained as an Herbalist.

In my work the one lesson I really understood to the core is that WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ENERGY.

When we take back our power and our health into our own capable hands, I have seen amazing transformation take place.

Nature has given us everything we need to Heal and be Healthy.

We and our world around us were created by the Divine who knew exactly how to heal any imbalances. For this reason I work with Mother Nature with my clients in slowly bringing balance and lasting results with no side effects to the healing process.

I trust in natural plant based remedies that are a natural part of our DNA....we have always lived with plants for our food and our medicine. After all that is why the Father of Medicine is famous for stating...."Let thy food by thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food."

We call these plants herbs and yes they can truly be the food your body has been missing that can cause the slow breakdown leading to all types of symptoms.

To recap, as a Medical Intuitive it is my privilege listen and watch as your body reveals to me the many layers of burden or toxins or poor elimination, circulation, loss of whatever that is creating your experience.

  • Information is Strength
  • Relaying the Root Cause of the Dis-Confort and or Dis-Ease gives a focused area to begin the healing process
  • Weather Physical, Emotional, or Spiritual based in it cause
  • I can also offer Natural Solutions that can assist in this healing process and how to restore balance within your Body Mind Spirit Connection and or how your body is responding to your current protocol

In my experience you are your own best healer.

You are responsible for complete healing and keeping your energy flowing in a positive direction and nature can help you get there as in my opinion has always been the intended pursuit to wellness.

It is an honor to be of service and assistance in helping you be

The Best You Ever

Thank you....... Anita Owens..... Medical Intuitive

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Doomed To Perfection

Anita NewsletterThere is so much happening to our planet at this time.

        • Revolutions are everywhere
        • Natural disasters are bigger than ever
        • Much suffering
        • Many states are simply broke which will cause many of our systems to break down.

What can we do to assist in this time of very intense transformation taking place?

(Anita's Guides Reply)

As we watch the shift in consciousness that was foretold would happen, we hold the planet and all of mankind in our bodies of light and ask that you do the same.

Each and every day project love and kindness in all of your daily interactions with everyone you encounter.

IF each person would show compassion daily for each other then the tipping point will occur taking mankind towards their own bodies of light that awaits each person on the planet right now.

This is your opportunity to finally ascend into a higher dimension.

This will foster a more peaceful civilization.

One in which mankind will grow in a more loving environment that treats everyone as a equal. Where all resources are provided so that each soul will learn a higher more advanced form of science and how truly remarkable the human soul truly is.

Your potential has not yet even been understood let alone tapped into.

Mankind has been in a suspended state for far too long and the transition that is taking place on earth is also taking place in the hearts and the very soul of each person on the planet.

Your true abilities, which the higher dimensions will foster, is beginning to wake each sleeping soul up.

Planet Earth has agreed with each person residing on Her that She will assist in the personal transformation and the waking of each soul that you may all experience a true rebirth and take back your bodies of light that have been dimmed for so very long.

A few have for too long controlled via a program installed on the planet creating so much violence and suffering.

This will no longer be allowed.

We here in the higher dimensions have watched this go on but we knew there was a time in which this program would end and the time is NOW.

Your reawakening to your True Self is happening every day.

Sometimes in a subtle approach, other times as the high drama.

The planetary disasters and the suffering of the oppressed in many areas can decrease if each person takes a responsible role in simply holding a strong light of love and kindness toward the planet and Her residents.

We want to end this message by assuring you, that you are doomed to perfection and you will awake and remember your true nature.

You are made in the image of the ONE CREATOR and you too are creator gods, therefore creating the future of your planet and of mankind everyday in every little thing that you do.

Check in with yourself.

Ask often, in this Now, are you operating out of fear, greed, guilt or any other negative state of mind.

If so, love yourself and CHANGE NOW.

Each person has a role that has been designed and agreed to in this time of transformation.

You each promised you would come in and hold your share of the light.

How can you do that?

Be in your JOY.

The joy you create for yourself is the allowing of your inner light to burn strong enough for all the people around you to see and this sends a very subtle message of love to all.

Are you awake and aware of the transformation you asked to recieve?

You incarnated at this time to return to your light body that this 3D world has to offer at this time in your journey as a soul.

The more joy you hold in your daily life and the more joy you project to others will keep you in the path of growth and expansion.

Any negative emotions such as fear, greed and all the lower frequencies will lead you down a path away from the goal that you had set for yourself prior to incarnation.

  • Enjoy your life
  • Be of service in any way possible to others any time you see a need.
  • Send much love and light to the areas of experiencing trama
  • Keep your planet in your heart that She and all of mankind move thru this time with patience and comfort for all.

Enjoy the Journey.

It truly is a Wonder Full time to Be Here Now.

You can find more information about what I do at

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wisdom/2011 Predictions By the Numbers for the Year Of The Rabbit

Anita NewsletterWhat was done in the dark will be brought to light.

The Universal year of 4 is the vibration we are in 2011 which means we will all be influenced not only by the vibration of the 4 but another significant number is the 11, the last 2 numbers of the year which adds to 2, this is a very interesting year we find ourselves in.

Many truths will be revealed this year from every walk of life, both terrestrial and beyond.

There will be some of the biggest major discoveries made this year as well as the largest unveiling of secrets that have been kept for decades and even centuries.

Every person will feel the the impact of this year in a personal way.

Good news, this is truly a year of transformation and enlightenment for not only all of us as a civilization but each person will have opportunity for personal enlightenment and true wisdom will emerge this year.

The year does have a significant amount of hard work associated with the 4 year, but this hard work will pay off long term.

Think of 2011 as the year of the builder.
We are all able to truly build a strong foundation that can last long term. That which has not been built on a strong foundation will crumble this year, you will see that in relationships, career, held secrets all will be faced with the true light and will fall apart if not in your highest good any longer.

We have now opportunity to build a better life for ourselves and getting down to the basics. Going back to school to better yourself, new relationships formed in the year will have a lasting long term energy. Getting a new career started and becoming much more serious about our future now.

We will be forced to work harder this year but it will be worth it for the effort you put in now will show big payoff over the next 5 years.

This year will bring forth such huge change we will all be amazed and confused and sometimes overwhelmed but it is time to bring all into the light that has been hidden .

This will result in corrupt politics being changed and leaders of countries being challenged in many ways, to massive discoveries changing what we know about history and large breakthrough in our understanding of the universe and solar systems to medical miracles and technology exploding in a positive direction.

This will be a year of profound earth movements as in volcano and earthquake with a emphasis on fire disasters so always be prepared for earth changes in every area, for it is not a docile year for the earth.

I feel true and lasting transformation can take place this year and with all the secrets coming out of the closet finally it is best to open your mind and embrace what ever comes to the surface.

We are evolving and have opportunity to take this change and become a peaceful more loving and accepting civilization that can grow into the future with higher awareness and consciousness.

Each of us also have a number for 2011 called your personal year
which is easy to calculate.

Take your day and month of your birth and reduce to 1 digit and add the the universal year number of 4.
For example, I was born on April 30 which breaks down to 4+3+0=7....7+4=11.
The 11 is a master number as well as 22 and do not get reduced to 1 digit.
Take another example is July 25 which is 7+2+5=14.....then to reduce 14 to 1 digit add 1+4=5 add that to the year of 4 and you get a 9.

Here is a quick look into each personal year you can expect for 2011

  • Number 1....Follow your dreams, you are starting a new cycle you will have a strong urge to change direction and have the motivation to do so, this will last the next 9 years

  • Number 2...Cooperation, sharing ideas with others. Relationships will play a big role. Be patient and pay attention to details. Respond to the needs of others will be natural

  • Number 3...Playful, creativity, get out and have fun and stay optimistic. Do put some focus on what you want to attract. Express yourself from all forms of your creativity

  • Number 4....Taking care of business, settling down and getting your roots established. Getting organized, making goals and accomplishments in every area of your life

  • Number 5...Surprising and shocking change, your will feel the need to break routine but be careful and do not burn bridges. Think about the changes needed then proceed

  • Number 6...Giving back to others, family, friends and coworkers will be nurtured by you. Generosity, growth, maturity and forgiveness are spotlighted and building the family

  • Number 7.....Inner reflection, going within for the answers and relaxing after the past few hectic years. Focus on your skills and refine them. Be slow and patient to learn

  • Number 8...Money will be the focus, you will get the recognition you deserve and you can turn your money now into long term wealth, you will attract abundance

  • Number 9...Graduation, you are coming to the end of a 9 year cycle, you are complete and can move freely into a new chapter in your life. Let Go and do something new

  • Number 11...Intuition, Spiritual Growth and Inspiration to others. All you do will be filtered through your higher self and well as self cultivation and connect to Divine

  • Number 22....Serving others, your goal is to be beneficial to humanity on a large scale as well as inspire and motivate and bring out the best in others. Intuition is key role

When you work with all the energies the year is calling for and understand how numbers affect all of life, you are truly arming yourself with all the tools for protection and enhancements in every aspect of your life.

All there is...IS JUST ENERGY.
You can make it work for you are be held captive by it.

You are given this knowledge through not only the science of Feng Shui or Numerology but history’s experience with this method of using energy to your advantage.

Take control in this Universal 4 year of the Golden Rabbit and you will reap a long term harvest.

You can find more information about what I do at
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