Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wisdom of The Ancients ~ Rock and Roll

Anita talks with her guides...(originally from 3.30.09 newsbrief)

So much in the world right now is rocking and rolling and it seems you guys knew this was coming.

I recall back in 1998 you telling me that I was safe in the stock market until the spring of 08. Then in the year 2000 I had a client consult with me about a new business adventure he was in and what was in store for him and this adventure and he recently called me for a session and reminded me about our session in 2000. Apparantly you had told me he was safe until the fall of 2008 and he should have the business sold with no strings attached by then.

This brings questions to me.....ME.....and I have been talking with you guys for most of my life and have witnessed daily psychic phenomena and yet how did you know if this economic and stock market meltdown was not superbly orchestrated for the past decade if not more.

I know we have free will and that at any time energy changes which is why some psychic info does not come to pass. But to get the kind of info you have been telling me and my clients are you time traveling or simply spying on "The Powers to Be"

Anita's Guide answer..
No.....we do not need to time travel for we can simply read the energy that is in motion and know how it will manifest.

We also know how the planetary alignment aids or redirects certain energy patterns.

It is as basic as any math calculation.

Energy has a rhythm and a repeating pattern and once you have open and developed you mind's capacity there are no longer secrets in the universe.

It is right in front of you and always will be waiting for you to interact intelligently with the energy fields around you.

The collapse the world is experiencing now in all economies is a manifestation of the vortex of irresponsibility.
It is the same pattern that has been happening since the population of Earth.

Each civilization has not yet learned anything from history and so the spiral goes.

The more important question you should be asking is how can you better develop you mind so that you may help others develop their mind and communities come together for true authentic solution.

No other civilization has ever formed an honest good for the whole type of solution.
As long as the people allow for hierarchy and ruling bodies outside of your community you will keep the pattern of need and greed in place.

The ruling bodies are not for the good of the whole if they do not work for the man on the street.

First and foremost your energy would be better served for the good of all on your basic food supply. You are natural biological beings who need basic chemistry in balance from what is produced in nature by way of food. You have not evolved to not needing food in it's NATURAL FORM.

You will not develop your mind and reach higher solutions eating processed food as well as NON vine ripened fruits and veggies.

Your health is your greatest and only authentic asset you have.
Now that much of everyone's 401K and portfolio is cut in half perhaps you will now realize how important a strong healthy body and sharp mind is.

That is your power as a nation of people......HEALTH
This is what you must first seek.
Dis-ease of the mind, body and spirit will keep you a nation in need.
The human body is capable of feats your scifi has not even dreamed of. You have been built by the upmost intelligence that exists in our universes....yes plural.

You need only to turn your attention back to basic intelligence and allow your body to show you the root cause of your disease or situation.

The answers are all inside each one of you.....GO INWARD and seek truth and when you do help others do the same.

BE KIND to everyone and this energy will have a reverse effect on the vortex of need and greed that is currently haunting you as a world of humans all in this journey to enlightenment together.

As always I am grateful and humbled by your wisdom....A HO

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