Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Wisdom of FAT

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Throughout this Blog I will be addressing the “Wisdom Behind Dis-ease” as well as the Wisdom and Energy behind specific words so commonly used in the human language that is depleting the health of man.

Fat has become the biggest trend and power broker in America. WHY. Today I would like to address the “FAT” that the nation has seemed to become overly taken by.

The abundance of fat is result of the perception of “I am not safe, I cannot trust in being provided for from God, Universe and the people around me” I feel unable to defend and protect myself.

When people start putting on weight they have lost touch with their core power and feelings of bravery which is the energy that propels man. All of mankind is here to “Blaze Trails”, to be in the pioneering spirit, not only for our own personal evolution but for the evolution of mankind. When one looses sight of that pioneering spirit then one feels isolated, alone and vulnerable thus the weight is the added security and comfort they are unconsciously seeking. In short they have lost sight of their spirit’s ability and joy and this is turning on the body as means of punishment.

The body, being an incredibly intelligent instrument of the Soul, will put on weight as the Soul’s way of talking to the mind, which is calling all the shots. Hey, WAKE UP! You are not in touch with your spirit and your dreams, it is time to take back control.

You are not your mind or your body you are a Highly Enlightened Spiritual Being that has come to this life to Create and Love and to know your ability in this way, not to be taken over by unhealthy desires and gluttony. Allow the body to be your vessel of communication to your Soul, for that is it’s greatest gift to you on this journey.

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