Friday, June 15, 2007

Peace and Prosperity of the Soul

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

We speak today on peace and prosperity of the soul.

Through his misperceptions, mankind has been plagued with inner conflict since arriving on this Earth . There has been a false supported drive to achieve and obtain more.

The masses have followed the masses to amass masses of stuff.

There have only been a few in all the years of mankind who sought the inner life. The inner life is what we refer to as prosperity of the Soul.

The soul has the ability and desire to grow continuously in every moment. The Soul’s mission is to experience growth everyday in every way.

This awareness of the Soul will bring you a natural deep inner sense of peace.

There is a call to direct your attention to YOU, the INNER YOU, and be still.
Listening is a great teacher, for your inner world is very intelligent and full of information that can bring you outer life into balance.

You will truly know that you will always have all you need when you need it when your inner relationship is in a place of balance and at peace.

Nurturing your inner world takes attentiveness and kindness. Peace is not something that mankind is comfortable with. Mankind has been in war since conception and this outer war stems first from the inner battles with the self.

It is fear that keeps peace eluding you. There is much help from the universe that everyone could take advantage of if fear were not the main mode of expression.

There are great universal teachers that are waiting for man to relax and ask for peace and clarity in his mind and soul. These teachers can come forth if and when invited and assist you toward this state of being.

If you want true peace and prosperity you must ask for it. It is only due to Anita’s asking that we can deliver this message to all who can hear it.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Choas ~ The Master Teacher

Many people are currently in a state of confusion and at a crossroads of some type. Health is plummeting, relationships are stagnant, careers not fulfilling and yet many folks are unable to see a different perspective.

What we can do today to make a difference in our lives?

(As channeled by Anita's Guides)

You are responsible for your life, the chaos you may find yourself in is your teacher. Any situation that is a struggle is a wake up call from your Soul.

Allow your teacher (the unpleasant situation) to show you your weakness. Each lifetime you have is given so that you may grow in your undeveloped areas. This is a blessing and an opportunity that has been designed by YOU at the level of soul.

There is always opportunity for growth and understanding in any messy situation and it is the strong and determined that look for the pearls of wisdom.

A lifetime is for the purpose of spiritual evolution which requires some danger, some sadness, some confusion but will always bring joy and growth if you can be objective. Self objectivity and self observation are the key ingredients to spiritual growth.

The Earth has come to a time in Her growth that She is speeding up the vibrational frequency as to assist in spiritual evolution. This simply means that those who are ready, willing and able to rise above their conditions, agenda and programs, will be asked to help others do the same.

Everyone can rally around this call of nature and be of service to those in need. Listen to your loved ones, neighbors and community and respond with loving actions. Each person can make a change in their own homes and abroad.

Spiritual evolution is found in every moment, in the products you use, the food you eat, the resources you are saving. Think of this, if every person who went to the local grocery store did not accept plastic or paper bags and asked the store to provide recycled material bags at cost for continued usage the store would HAVE to provide.

This is just one of millions of ways to become aware and active in your role with nature and personal spiritual responsibility. When one begins to look at themselves and the world in this perspective all the chaos begins to take a backseat. The universe supports a desire for growth and service and will BLESS those who seek that higher path. You will find your personal tragedy's are not so dramatic when you work out your frustration in a meaningful way.

Be kind to yourself, your family and your planet. Spend time on various ways you can make a difference, in your day, your neighborhood your workplace.

You will know great joy when you align with the spirit of contribution. You will feel honest victory when your efforts are noticed and acted upon.

There are many higher intelligences around each person supporting your efforts. For the World Counsel is very concerned in your planet and Her health and will assist each person in their fight to reserve Her resources.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.