Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Technology vs. Humanology

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Question posed to my guides....
Many people are concerned with their health, it seems to be an epidemic that is growing to rapidly.

Why is our health so out of proportion, we have great technology in history and yet we also have the worst diseases in history.

AHHH- that is the is not of human ology.

Humans caring about humans is where real healing begins.

As a race, mankind, you have grown weary and burdened causing great depression. Mankind has lost his/her desire, compassion and love for his own race. In your DNA you are engineered to love all as your brother, to serve the all at every opportunity. You are built to listen and treat those you are with as you would treat yourself. Here is where the real sadness comes in, so many now on the Earth do not treat themselves as the divine sacred spiritual light that you are....all are!

Many people have turned on themselves, fighting demons inside of them. For them this is a time of the “Great Armageddon”.

What mankind may not have figured out is that the great war is a battle with the self. There is much negativity being held in the blood of so many.

Dis-ease is only found in man’s mind, it is not a condition that was created by The Divine Creator, but rather created and formed from man's beliefs and perceptions of himself and the world around him. Dis-ease is not natural to the pristine intelligence of the Mother Earth. The only place where divine intelligence is not residing is in the mind of mankind.

You create dis-ease by your thoughts, actions, choices and words. How can technology cure or heal that of the mind?

Medicine and surgery can not remove your limiting beliefs or narrow perceptions that can hinder your health, only you can make true change. Meanwhile the pharmaceuticals are trying to keep up with the host of dis-ease man’s mind has concocted. They will never fully be effective.

You are your Creator, only you can make a profound healing in your life. Your health is in your mind, according to your mind you make choices about your food and drink. A clean mind is a clean body. Do not look to medicine to give you a clean mind, rather loose yourself to serving honestly those around you. BE attentive to others lot in life and seek to engage with your neighbors with a clear intent of love. As a wise man once said
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

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