Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Shaky Times and Exponential Growth

Anita NewsletterLot's of things are changing all around us.

Seems like time is speeding up.

A Message From Anita's Guides

You are in a time of evolution and exponential growth and awareness.

You are all on earth accelerating into a period of true awakening and consciousness expansion.

During the next few months you may experience a leteral shaking things up at the seams.

You may see others around you experiencing alot of emotional drama, chaos or depression but it is just because they are not working on their conscious evolution.

It is so very important at this time to work on a daily basis on your understanding of your part of this spiritual transformation that is taking place among mankind and this planet.

There is a real revolution that is happening and you each have a important part in this collective paradigm shift.

The planet is changing at its core and as you grow thru this process you will be changing at your core as well.

The way to make this change a pleasant and rewarding time is develop your spiritual practice.

It makes no difference in what your practice is.
Reading spiritual books, doing meditative diciplines such as tai chi, yoga, or walks in nature. The more time you spend in a spiritual practice the more calm you will cultivate to make this evolving time a period of growth and not drama.

Keep in mind you are all highly evolved spiritual beings having a human experience on a planet that at this time is evolving with your collective consciousness.

Both the planet and her inhabitants are ready to springboard into the next phase of evolution.

You are all being transformed into more of your perfected self.

Seek to keep the peace around you.

Do not involve yourself into any person or situation in which it will disrupt your personal peace.

Do not engage in thought of fear, anxiety or worry for this will not align yourself with the higher energies which are rapidly coming into the planet.

The energies you are exposed to right now will only amplify that which you are involved in.

If you involve yourself in all things of the peaceful, loving and kindness then you will get that back tenfold.

This is a joyous time to be on the planet as you all go thru this transformation it will be one of the biggest spiritual jumps you have made so far in all of your experiences as a human in any lifetime.

Enjoy the coming year, it will appear to be quite a rollercoaster ride for many worldwide with many earth changes and weather changes but it has a purpose.

Everything will make sense some day to you but right now, keep your peace and do something joyful everyday just for you.

Spend at least 15 minutes a day reading your spiritual books that help you to connect with a greater divine prescence in your life.

Create a personal relationship with your higher self or a higher divine energy that brings you a sense of love and protection.

This will make any and all changes your world goes thru safe and interesting journey.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Enhancing Intuitive Connections

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As I was preparing for Medical Intuitive course and the Emotional~Spiritual Iridology course that I recently conducted in Cincinnati, I considered which of the 3 things I use in my daily life to enhance my intuitive connection.

For clearing all frequencies that could get in the way of being a clear and perfect channel for my clients and students when in a teaching setting.

Since the beginning of my intuitive practice, I have always relied on a few of nature's tools.

I believe in nature for clearing and restoring my spiritual essence to my true higher self and Spiritual Guides.

I was lucky to be introduced to Young Living Oils in my very early years and have used them personally for decades.

So I am ordering my ' Go To ' formulas now for my students so that they may to experience their intuition unimpeded and begin to build a relationship with their Spirit Guides and own intuition.

I will bring to class first and foremost what the Native Americans used for their own connection to high Spiritual communication which is Cedar-wood.

This oil was used traditionally by the North American Indians to enhance their communication with Spirit.

It creates the effect of the umbrella protecting the earth and bringing energy in from the universe.

At night the Natives noticed the animals in the wild would lie down under the cedar-wood tree for the protection, recharging and rejuvenation the tree brings them.

While there are so many other uses to name here Cedar-wood will help to OPEN the pineal gland which is the doorway to your spiritual connection.

My next most favorite blended formula that I have used for the last 20 years is called Gathering by Young Living Oils.

The real benefit from this oil other than all the spiritual and physical benefits is that the scent will automatically put you into your altered state of higher awareness and facilitate your intuitive connection with your higher self or Spirit Guides.

There is an impressive amount of single oils in the blend that truly accelerate your psychic ability.

Gathering will increase the oxygen around the pituitary and pineal glands bringing the wearer into a more harmonic frequency to be a receptor of the communications that we desire to receive.

This blend will bring you together in a spiritual oneness with the Divine.

Gathering will also bring together all the physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of oneself for greater focus and clarity by helping to prevent the fracturing of thought energy.

The true reward is that Gathering will help you to find a greater sense of peace and balance as well as keeping you grounded and connected at all times to your higher divine guidance.

This is a very powerful blend in protecting the body from outside attacks be it emotional, psychic or simply a weak auric field due to lack of sleep or illness.

Enjoy this gift from nature.

Last but not least is Valor by Young Living.

This blend has been used to help empower the physical and spiritual bodies. It helps us overcome fear and opposition so we can stand tall during adversity. It will build courage, confidence and self esteem.

It brings a feeling of calmness, peace and relaxation.

Valor will align the physical structure relieving pain along the spine and balances the electrical energies within the body.

This blend is the most important oil in any application due to its ability to balance the electrical energies that are constantly bombarded with electrical magnetic frequencies due to the high pollution of cell phones, towers and the like. We live in a very electrically polluted world today and must take care of our own electrical field for health and wellness both in body, mind and spirit.

Valor builds the bridge between the body and the other oils with a higher frequency such as Gathering to truly balance and promote your psychic connection.

We all need a little help and this is the finest I have found.

For more information about these oils click here

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Anita's Hiking AHA

Alpine ccExcerpt from Anita's personal journal........

Today on our 5 mile hike on a very steep, strenuous, and lovely Sedona beautiful Red Rock Mt. trail I had a bit of an AHA moment.

It was while on our way back down from the top of that I suddenly realized to much surprise, considering the terrain of the trail, that my knees were not in pain.

Since we have been hiking on such steep trails on an average of 4-5 days per week I have had a lot of knee pain in coming down some of these the trails.

I was so shocked at having not even the slightest discomfort in my knees.
This has not been the case since my days of running marathons ended over a decade ago. I mentioned to Tom my excitement of having no knee pain for this was cause for celebration for me.

Tom, as he always does, challenged me to find the deeper message as to why this was the case. What was I doing different.

Tom then walked on ahead leaving me a bit of time to do a cellular dialogue with myself.
It was then as I started to ask my knees about the remarkable healing that has taken place that they (my knees) told me it was due to A.C.S (All Cell Salts by Pure Herbs)

This was a bit of surprise since I had not been taking the A.C.S. for any knee or joint pain but rather for my Thyroid's daily source of Iodine which is at the root cause of hundreds of conditions as well as pain.

So while I have been consistently taking the A.C.S for the past 60 days at 3 capsules every morning for a great boost to my thyroid I got the amazing benefit of no more knee pain.

I then asked my knees why? In my experience whenever I pose the correct question to my body or even when I am doing a Medical Intuitive session with a client the body always delivers precise information down to the core of the problem.

In my case my knees explained that the A.C.S. was doing a complete cleanse of every cell of my body and eradicating the debris that had been built up in the cells especially in my knees due to trauma and emotional suppression stored in this area of my body...basically my knees have been carrying all my emotional baggage. That is a lot of emotional weight on such small joints!!

Quickly I understood the power of eliminating all the debris out of my knees and how much smoother the joint could operated without all the backed up debris in the cells.

How it but was the emotion trapping all this garbage and why hasn't the lymph system been dealing with this all along since I do know how to keep my lymph moving and how important that is to total well being.

The next words I heard form my knees was Trust, and right away the word trust was accompanied by a movie of my life in which I realized I have never developed trust in my parents or in the world at large.

Instead I had developed trust in my ability to take care of myself financially.

This meant that as long as my financial profile was good and healthy then I could trust in life.

This then led me to a series of pictures of my past in which my finances were challenged and how this can so catapult me into a world of worry, fear and simply being miserable all due to the almighty dollar.

Wow.....what a revelation for me this was because I had duped myself in believing that I had blind faith that the universe would provide for my knees.....(meant to say needs but I am going to leave it with that Freudian slip as I type this with a smile on my face.

So as long as my money was never in a challenging state of affairs then I could blindly believe that I was a master of faith and had no illusions.....WRONG!!

I was being driven by an illusion because my joy when challenged with money concerns which is what I stake all of my security in can at any moment be taken away.

My thoughts, which is the tool from which we all create, is all I have for my future. My thoughts when again in a pickle over silly things such as money begin to go to the negative.

This then will only lead to more negative daily and future results.

I was so happy to realize that as well as the debris being cleansed form my cells so was the emotional frequency of lack of trust was being cleansed out of my body.

Wow, quite the bang for my buck, now I can be truly free from letting my identity be established by and dependent upon my financial portfolio.

Now that is freedom which I had been seeking my entire life.
Free of Fear
Free of Dependency
Free of Emotional struggles
Freedom to make and enjoy my life in the moment regardless of any circumstances.

That happens to be FREE as well, no money needed for a change of attitude and beliefs.

All this time I have been walking around on a wealth of information that had been bogging down the performance of my knees to the point of daily pain just because I never bothered to listen to my own body.

Not to mention that is what I do for others on a daily basis is listen to their body. Need I say....Healer Heal Thyself....or more like it the mechanics car that is never fixed.

Just another affirmation to me that listening to your cellular dialogue is so important. We all need a little help along the way and this awakening will go along way in quality hiking and pain free days and continued use of A.C.S

Gotta go now, hear another Red Rock Mt. calling our name.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wisdom of The Ancients ~ A Lesson In The Light

Alpine ccA Message From Anita's Guides:

Today we wish to speak of goodness.

The ultimate goal in any one person's life before you leave it is to find the goodness within yourself and others.

The great ArchAngel Raphael, who heals and brings Souls together in unison, demonstrated this with his own "acts of goodness"

It is so important for each of you to create your own "acts of goodness".
To continue lessons of self discovery.

As you seek the Divine Presence in your life, you begin to cultivate the good, which translates out as creating harmony and perfection for others without regard to self.

The concept of service to others is so important in this time of Graduation.

For planet Earth is truly at a tipping point in which you are all being asked to raise your vibration to help her help you.

Both the consciousness of the planet and mankind is going through a significant journey in which you decide the outcome.

Those who do seek the Divine and acts of goodness in service to others will transcend the karmic cycle and truly raise their consciousness and become more aware of their light body.

Doing acts of kindness unconditionally from your heart is the ultimate expression in linking your essence with the Divine One Source.

Allowing the Divine to flow through you is not only a blessing for you but for others as well. The Divine can always flow through you and that will bless your entire community.

Random acts of kindness and sharing and helping in any way is your true path to healing any suffering around you.

It is Graduation for your souls and the planet, it is a birthing process.

Death is nothing when it comes to birth for that process is traumatic and needs special care and patience and DEEP BREATHING.

The Mother is going through a lot and the baby even more but their is LOVE available to you all right now by all of US.

We have been where you are and can assure you that you will make it out alive and well.

But right now you are all in the same wound with each other as you are developing your wings to become more of your true angelic self.

We care and love very much every soul.

You are all light and being in your light is the healing and transforming path for each of you right now.

When you do good for others it allows your light to be a beacon waking others to their spiritual path.

There is a great spiritual awakening happening right now and each person is being called to remember who they are and where they are going.

You have free will and not all will remember that this is the time in which you are being asked to make a choice.

The choice is will you remember to wake and find your spiritual family and go boldly into a higher state of consciousness.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wisdom of The Ancients ~ A Lesson In The Light

Wisdom of The Ancients ~ A Lesson In The Light
Alpine cc
A message from Anita's guides:
Do not be in fear
in the days before you
for Planet Earth is under a great deception.

Corruption appears to be on many levels during this time of change but the good people of Earth do not need to accept this great lie.

So many souls on Earth at this time are light workers

We are here to assist through some great changes both for the planet and the raising of consciousness for all humans.

It is imperative for you to maintain your light.

The easiest approach to shining brightly your light is simply JOY.

The more joy you hold the more light there is in your eye.
When one gets into the pattern of doubt, worry, fear, guilt and even stagnation then there is no light emitting from your eye.

Be free of the pain and remember who you are.

When you can simply laugh easily, or say kind words, or be of service when asked, you are shining your light brightly and doing so much goodness for the souls around you.

But it gets better because light workers of other higher dimensions send their light through you as well, and this is powerful in raising the collective consciousness.

Simply spending your days in a state of awe and wonderment and doing that which is joyful will bring you into the moment and the light.

By being in the moment so much more can be accomplished, for you create only in the moment.

The light will penetrate through all the layers of low lying energy that keeps one trapped in the great web of deception.

Each person is an antennae, broadcasting out what you focus on.
With this antennae, and when you are each in joy, you bless millions.

If only a handful of people in each community would commit daily to finding their joy and emitting their light you could reach tens of millions of people.

Take time to focus on this message, do your fun work, and your light will be healing for you and All the Earth.


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wisdom of The Ancients ~ Re-Member-ing True Self

What's Really Going On, Mother Nature ~ Wisdom of The Ancients ~

Alpine ccAnita :
I see so many people on a daily basis with very real struggles in many areas of their lives, with their health, finances, relationships, losing their homes and so on.

How in trying times do we find true strength and hold onto our faith when facing challenges.

Anita's Guides Respond:

A natural part of life on Earth is growing through and from your challenges.

Regardless of the challenge you each face.

The only true challenge is in the Re-member-ing

Re-member-ing that each person is a strong pillar of light.
Re-member-ing that each person is exactly where they need to be in this moment
Re-member-ing your full state of original consciousness.

By re-member-ing, your light body will grow. surrounding and assisitng all those around you in the restoration of the original state.

Spend time in spiritual thought and study.

You all have strong guardians around you and will be taken great care of when truly at risk.

Be not in fear of the material world for it is an illusion that will one day not be a reality.

It too will melt away.

Seek to be in peace, grace and service with others that they may be warmed by your light.

Merriment and joy keeps the dark far from you, so a happy state is the healing of any challenge.

Do not let any challenge zap your joy.
Find what makes your child -self happy and playful.
For the human life is all child years, you do not live long enough to be considered an adult.

However, even a child can learn to be a responsible adult.
Your responsibility is truth, joy, grace, forgiveness and acceptance of others.

To share your light with all those you encounter and be loving, kind and compassionate.
This is your strenght for you are all Lords of Light and not of this world you are in at this time....

You will all return home to your original garden.....Ancient one Uziyahu....Thankyou

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

What's Really Going On, Mother Nature ~ Wisdom of The Ancients ~

What's Really Going On, Mother Nature ~ Wisdom of The Ancients ~

Alpine cc
So it is 2010 and there has been so much hype since the crash of 08 and really no major drama has played out like so many forecasters were predicting.

Why the hype and drama in the alternative media, what really is going on behind the scenes of Mother Earth.

Anita's Guides Answer:

The drama is in the collective consciousness of the people and their agendas.

There is much energy rushing into the planet and the result of whatever you go through personally is due to the collective you surround yourself with.

If you are in Spiritual mind set and in control of your mind and emotions then you will continue to have more of the same.

However if you are not in harmony with the many aspects of your life and relationships you will find yourself spiraling at a rapid pace.

The one true purpose of any incarnation is to become at one and at peace.

To many people get lost in thinking that life has a major purpose and while personal purpose is a must, your soul purpose is to find peace and harmony in the physical form.

The physical form brings many sufferings and has since the dawn of time.

Your soul seeks evolution and evolution can not begin until there is peace of mind body and heart.

Once the mind is congruent with the heart and there is silence then you are ready to go on.

This is a time in which the collective has opportunity to hear their soul and remember to find the peace and calm in which you came here to accomplish.

Simply love your day, whatever it is you do with your day be happy with your activity.

The more each one person can simply do this the more it will expand the collective of your community and that will expand across the great planet.

You are all encased in one body called Earth and you must seek to befriend all those around you.

When you do not do this it is the equal of a cancer cell which seeks out all the cells around it and changes its perfection to a deadly disease.

You do not need anything other than yourself to be happy and yet your happiness will attract so many other loving and happy people around you. This is the purpose of life.

It is the experience of love and relationships that your soul needs for evolution.

Then when you leave one life and go on to another you will continue your path of peace and love and will incarnate into a world of lightness. Higher frequency in which you remember you are all one and would never seek out any other state of being.

That is how we maintain our clarity and can work with you because we know we are you and always wish to find the highest and best for everyone.

You are never alone at any time and there is always help if only you ask.

Ask and it is done is the true reality yet sometimes you can not see the answer or your expectations on how the answer should take form is not congruent with what is true.

Each person has so many divine helpers around them and they forget to ask for direction, and they often forget to Thank their heavenly team for the things that have not happened that they intervened in.

Your soul knows about this and wishes too that you not feel lost and the suffering of the physical body but you turn to your spiritual brothers and find peace and joy that they have for you.

So 2010 is a year in which the collective is taking a look around the world and is being asked to decide is this the year in which I make peace within and without.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beam Your Light Bright ~ Wisdom From The Ancients

Beam Your Light Bright ~ Wisdom From The Ancients

Alpine cc
Anita Asks Her Guides..

I ask for a uplifting message for all of us over the Holidays and 2010.

Anita's Guides Reply...

You are all wonderful beings of light and energy.

You are here to realize your fullest potential of maintaining joy.

Joy is the only true purpose for life and when you are in joy you radiate light.

Your eye is your beam of light.
Each person, every moment they are living in their joy, are sending mass amounts of light which heals all around you.
When you are in joy you are in the moment and the most power you can send is simply accessed in the moment. It is the very NOW where you connect with the Divine.

The Divine is a radiant burst of light that you are in the very image of this presence.

When a person goes into fear, worry, anxious and other negative processes they dim their light and darkness can seem to overwhelm. This has no purpose and will create more of the same.

Each moment of your days can be full of joy by simply doing that which you love if you so seek to acquire it . Even if you only spend 30 minutes a day doing what you are passionate about that is enough light to fill you and those around your community with healing.

Think of yourselves, each person, as a radiant beam of light that is connected to the highest heavens. That is A LOT of ENERGY!!

The planet is surrounded with this light and seeks to heal and this is the time in which the planet and all the people of the world can transcend. You can live as equals in a loving and compassionate environment that is providing for everyone's needs.

Picture that in you minds eye.....

In every city, everyone caring and sharing with everyone else, so that no needs are not met. There is no hunger or greed just compassion and evolution in free energy and the reclaiming of your own energy abilities.

You are all great and powerful beings and this you have forgotten. Now the window has opened in which you can remember and wake up to a greater call of Love and Joy.

Be in joy with all your family and friends and spread the message that it is time for evolution of the human spirit.

Ask each person what do they love to do and encourage them to spend 30 minutes a day doing exactly that.

That is how you will evolve spiritually, for your light will shine and you will heal others around you so that they may find their joy.

Be in service to your community over the holidays so that compassion will spread through the coming years.

Give something back to the less fortunate with joy and gratitude and encourage everyone you meet to do the same.

Stay true to your Light and Joy.

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