Thursday, September 18, 2014

Points to Ponder ~ The Art of Manifesting

Anita NewsletterWe all come into this life with Challenges that Soul wants to work on, learn from and over come. These challenges sometimes seem beyond our ability but as they say, we are only given what we are able to become ONE with.

Long time readers of our newsletter may remember I have been 'trying' many approaches to get a tumor to drain on my leg for 10 years.

Keep in mind that I am the Medical Intuitive that 1000's have come to for solutions for their health issues with success. One thing for sure Soul has kept my Ego in check as I work through MY stuff.

It has been a long journey and a very drama/trauma journey as well and yet it has been the most rewarding experience and the scariest experience of my life...but as the saying goes..if it does not kill you it will make you stronger and that has been the case for me.

So just as a recap a few years back I started to get aggressive with some herbal formulas and since then have spent much time and resources on every thing I heard that might address this growing tumor.  As I Hated This 'Thing', (even though it was part of me and had a lesson), it continued to grow and grow and I allowed it to consume my every thought through the entire day.

Well true to my eagerness to accomplish this herculean task on my own I recently heard of and tried another aggressive yet natural approach...well that did not work out well for me.

Long story short, the tumor erupted and I lost a lot of blood. 
911 was called and my real journey began. 

Skipping all the gory details and instead share my experience that has changed my perspective in life, my attitude and even the meaning of life for me.

It did include having a few near death experiences and 2 major surgeries with two weeks in critical care.

Then a one month recovery in bed and wheel chair with total dependence on Tom to help with everything I could do....I truly had time to realize the goodness of life.

It was for the first time in my life was in a state of total TRUST
SURRENDER and FAITH as I turned myself over to the Divine in a way I had never realized. 
When I did this I instantly felt appreciation for every single person encountered during my leg journey. 

I must have said THANK YOU every 5 minutes that I was awake to everyone who did any procedure on me. 

Even during the most painful ones, which I will again spare you those details but it was a extremely painful stay in the hospital, I never lost my appreciation to all the ANGELS disguised as Surgeons and nurses and all their assistance as well as the girl who cleaned my room and changed my bed while I am strapped to all kinds of machines. 

My appreciation every day and every hour grew with so much love for every person that came into my room. 

I learned that by my genuine appreciation of the process kept me getting the very best care. Anything I needed, when I needed it, was simply there. 

Manifesting is so easy when you are in the moment with Trust, Faith and Surrender to life. 
I viewed it ALL ways as this amazing experience. Never questioning any part of the journey, never crying from the pain, never asking GOD ..WHY ME.  It simply was. 
Even when Tom took me home from the hospital I continued to manifest whatever was in the highest and best. 

I had this epiphany that when you are in a perpetual state of Trust, Faith and Surrender and add to that Appreciation for absolutely every experience and just stop labeling anything in your life as positive or negative, it just simply is, and get the wisdom and growth from your daily life interactions and more goodness just comes your way. 
The Angels and the Divine are waiting for your surrender so they can bring to you all that your meant to have on this trip to Planet Earth, let them bless you. 

When you get out of the way
and Stop Directing
Stop Controlling
even Stop Expecting life
and the details of life to go according to your plan
you get unexpected treasures dropped in your life. 

Life can be about the beauty and the goodness that is all around you if you choose to look in that direction. 

Struggle is self imposed
Intimately I learned this because I struggled with this leg thing for ten years and I did not need to....I chose that path, but you know what it got me here.  And I am in a great place, I have all the peace and happiness now in my world that is genuine and lasting and honestly has been very fleeting in my past. 

What you need will arrive at the very best time, just let go of plans and live in a state of appreciation for today you have all that you need. 
If you think you need more, just lie down and nap and it will pass