Points to Ponder The Insights of the 'Tao Te Ching'

While I have many favorite tenets of the Tao, there is one in specific that caught my attention in my beginning studies of Feng Shui.
would like to share this with you and invite you to hold these
principles with you for a few weeks and just observe the wisdom of
simplicity in your life.
spokes on a cart wheel. . . . Go towards the hub that is the center. . .
. but look, there is nothing at the center. . . . and that is precisely
why it works. . . .
If you mold a cup. . . . you have to make it hollow. . . . It is the emptiness within it that makes it useful. . . .
In a house or room. . . . it is the empty spaces. . . . the doors, the windows. . . . that make it useable. . . .
They all use what they are made of. . . . to do what they do. . . . but without their nothingness. . . . they would be nothing."
fell in love with the Tao when I read this, it was so simple and
profound that it reminded me of the serene empty mind that is so needed
to be effective.
We get so entangled in our worlds and with technology and relationships that we loose the essence of our nature.
It is our nothingness that is our true treasure.
To be without agenda and control and return to the inner sanctuary of peace and stillness so that we may remember our usefulness.
Without recognizing these empty spaces and realizing that it is the emptiness that creates the fullness.
It is our nothingness that is our true treasure.
To be without agenda and control and return to the inner sanctuary of peace and stillness so that we may remember our usefulness.
Without recognizing these empty spaces and realizing that it is the emptiness that creates the fullness.
To simply allow yourself to be still 5 minutes a day and connect with your original essence, that is all knowing and all loving.
Take time daily, for quiet acceptance of who you are and the joy of being here.
Your Spirit resides in the empty spaces of your life. . . . when we keep busy with to do lists, careers, relationships and agendas, we loose our connection to our true nature, a Spirit that is part of all of creation and simultaneously nowhere at all.
Your Spirit resides in the empty spaces of your life. . . . when we keep busy with to do lists, careers, relationships and agendas, we loose our connection to our true nature, a Spirit that is part of all of creation and simultaneously nowhere at all.
value on the nothingness of life and appreciate this simple philosophy
of recognizing it is the emptiness of a cup that gives it purpose.
I hope you find the simplicity of this as beneficial as I have.
As Tom always says....Do Less and BE MORE
In Joy. . . . AnitaAs Tom always says....Do Less and BE MORE