Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Shaky Times and Exponential Growth

Seems like time is speeding up.
A Message From Anita's Guides
You are in a time of evolution and exponential growth and awareness.
You are all on earth accelerating into a period of true awakening and consciousness expansion.
During the next few months you may experience a leteral shaking things up at the seams.
You may see others around you experiencing alot of emotional drama, chaos or depression but it is just because they are not working on their conscious evolution.
It is so very important at this time to work on a daily basis on your understanding of your part of this spiritual transformation that is taking place among mankind and this planet.
There is a real revolution that is happening and you each have a important part in this collective paradigm shift.
The planet is changing at its core and as you grow thru this process you will be changing at your core as well.
The way to make this change a pleasant and rewarding time is develop your spiritual practice.
It makes no difference in what your practice is.
Reading spiritual books, doing meditative diciplines such as tai chi, yoga, or walks in nature. The more time you spend in a spiritual practice the more calm you will cultivate to make this evolving time a period of growth and not drama.
Keep in mind you are all highly evolved spiritual beings having a human experience on a planet that at this time is evolving with your collective consciousness.
Both the planet and her inhabitants are ready to springboard into the next phase of evolution.
You are all being transformed into more of your perfected self.
Seek to keep the peace around you.
Do not involve yourself into any person or situation in which it will disrupt your personal peace.
Do not engage in thought of fear, anxiety or worry for this will not align yourself with the higher energies which are rapidly coming into the planet.
The energies you are exposed to right now will only amplify that which you are involved in.
If you involve yourself in all things of the peaceful, loving and kindness then you will get that back tenfold.
This is a joyous time to be on the planet as you all go thru this transformation it will be one of the biggest spiritual jumps you have made so far in all of your experiences as a human in any lifetime.
Enjoy the coming year, it will appear to be quite a rollercoaster ride for many worldwide with many earth changes and weather changes but it has a purpose.
Everything will make sense some day to you but right now, keep your peace and do something joyful everyday just for you.
Spend at least 15 minutes a day reading your spiritual books that help you to connect with a greater divine prescence in your life.
Create a personal relationship with your higher self or a higher divine energy that brings you a sense of love and protection.
This will make any and all changes your world goes thru safe and interesting journey.