Wisdom From The Ancients ~ Regain, Maintain and Exude Your Power
| Wisdom From The Ancients ~ Regain, Maintain and Exude Your Power |
(First some venting, then a question, and my guides response) There is much frustration in our country today. America is overdosed, in debt, out of work and among the least healthy in the world. There are lots of talk of Fear Full things in the media. This is one of the reasons I choose not to watch the news. Not to be naive, but because I question who is directing the media in the first place. I feel that our constitution and basic human rights are being challenged as never before. Please do not take my viewpoint as the truth, I invite you to research and find your truth. It is troubling that there is talk of forced vaccines to not only our children but now even perhaps the adults. Why? For the health and well being of all, or the agenda of a few. It appears that much of our Congress and medical system, are enslaved by big pharma and being controlled by money and not for the oath of "First do no harm". Now, I do believe that Most of our medical community and elected officials had the original intent to serve and better the human condition, but I also believe that a Few have the ability to guide the masses. If we let them. Ask questions. Why? How come? What are you basing this on? We are organic natural biological beings and can not sustain health with a bunch of synthetic man made stuff that you buy over and under the counter. Why have we forgotten this basic truth. We were built according the the laws of nature, and it is in nature where we will find our healing and natural health. Yet we have just rolled over and let all these multi billion corporations enslave us in every way. Our soul is housed in a sophisticated and highly intelligent piece of equipment called the human body. Yet we do not even concern ourselves about how this body works and how to keep it running on natural solutions found in nature. We know more about how our cars work and our TV than we do about our own human body. I know our Souls can not be happy with this dumming down of our internal wisdom and power that we naturally have. It often appears that Greed and Money is what our health care system is about. Not your health and well being. There is not money to be made if you are healthy and plan on staying that way. We put our hard earned money in the stock market for our retirement and one day wake to a ponzi scheme and find our retirement is no longer there. We pay taxes all of our lives and much of it does not seem to go back to the people but to these multi billion dollar corps that can file bankruptcy anyway. We have created free energy many times and that has been pushed under the carpet because once again. Big Brother can not make money on free energy. We the people are being manipulated at every angle, when will we wake and stop the insanity. What has happened to our minds that we no longer are evolving but just accepting the total nonsense and controlling agenda called our government, our medical system and even our academic system. I know our Souls are smarter than this and I know I am yelling from the bottom of my soul. (Told you I would be venting) Question to my guides. What steps can we do now to regain, maintain and exude our power. Answer from Anita's Guides You are right. At the soul level you all have been sent to your present incarnation to release the future of humanity into freedom and perfection of which you were created for. Humanity was not created for a slave race of people but this has been one large lesson and experience about the devastation of EGO. Ego is fine to have so long as it is not powered by Greed, Fear, Lust and a whole host of that which is not love. It is time for all of the Souls incarnated on the planet to question what your ego is powered by. You were created by love and for love. America was a country created by the concept of freedom and rights to live the life of your choosing and not be controlled by other's agenda. That freedom has been taken away silently while you were all busy in the illusion of this concept and desire. You did not give time everyday to your Soul's wisdom and instead allowed information from many various outlets to guide you instead. You willing gave your power and your mind to any establishment that would profit from it. You have spent many lifetimes in this dazed and confused state of existence and now you have an opportunity to wake up. Will enough of you wake and join together is the question? Enough of you must join in loving and peaceful co-operation and simply get your community leaders talking and questioning the current status quo. Humanity was created to spend life as equals and celebrating each person's particular talent and skill. To dream together and support each other and grow your community into a loving and providing for all equally and abundantly. If just one community decided to treat all its occupants equally and all come together to provide for all the needs of the people and be at peace then that one success will change the world. In order for that to happen, each person must check in with their soul. You must understand you are more than flesh and blood. You are a spiritual essence that knows love and comes from love and will keep incarnating into this greed filled existence until you stop and return to your higher self. Returning to your higher self means taking back control of your own mind and wellness. Think not about your daily obligations so much. Think on what is your power. You each have a significant gift to offer to others and have all chose to incarnate together so that you can share your gift and bless each other on the journey you are having now. This life is important and requires your fullest attention, are you listening? Your soul is always engaged with you and is giving blow by blow account of the meaning of your life. You can choose to listen or not, it is always your choice. It is never to late to take back control of your mind, health and power. It is all a choice. The change that is needed now is that each of you make informed choices instead of letting others make them for you. Get to know simply how to take care of your own body and maintain health. That is the first step in claiming your authentic power. Second, just talk with each other about peaceful solutions that can benefit your community. Grow a community garden in which anyone can come and work and participate in the harvest. Teach you children to grow their own food and cook with love and care for their meals. Build a community center in which any help is freely given to anyone in need of shelter, counsel, meals or just a friend. If you simply get your community to be a support system for all the residents then you will not need anything outside of yourself to rescue or bail you out. You simply care and talk with each other inside your zip code and teach those around you to do the same. All of this kind of action will first require people working from their higher and loving self and not from the ego. Start talking to your leaders and ask them for real solutions for the real problems in your small town. Be at peace with each other and just simply make a quiet and honest change. Become an self-empowered people and not a broken society. Get yourself healthy and help your neighbor become healthy so you are all strong and vital and going forward into a brave new world together. These changes can be a very good thing. Start today in taking response ability in your own life and future. You can find more information about what I do at Be Sure to sign up for the free email newsletter |