(The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers.
This week is guidance from 'T' - a very powerful and wise Ancient Spirit in Feb 06)
Divine Order in the Universe
There is Divine Order in the Universe - Nature and humans inspire each other, co-exist with each other and create from each other. This partnership between Nature and humans has been forgotten on the conscious level.
Universal Laws are in force so that Nature and humans can evolve consciously and graciously together.
Nature (being all the elements of the planet) and human beings (being a composition of all the elements of the planet), are meant to work harmoniously together. To co-create. To manifest the no-form 'God-ness’ into physical form.
This physical form, of Earth and human, dance with one another to know deeper of itself. To create with one another.
To experience oneself as the other. The role you take with nature is synonymous with the role you take with your own body. For the human body is Nature, it is the Earth. Biologically speaking it is made of the same material .
Your awareness attention and intention to the Nature around you will reflect your inner domain. The healing of your organs, of your psyche, and your emotions will be a direct result from your interaction with your earth, with the Nature around you.
In other words, as Dorothy was told so many years ago.
‘All you need, is in your own backyard.’
As humans seek to grow in their conscious understanding and open to their higher self-awareness they will develop a relationship with the world around them. Become familiar with the trees around you. Know, honor and keep pure the water that flows through your spear of influence. Recognize the change that you can make to limit pollution. Seek to cultivate the Earth and tend it's luscious gardens. Eat foods only from soil that has been allowed to breathe without toxins. Interact with your neighbors as true friends and hold compassion for your community leaders.
Live as though Love was all you were here to experience and give yourself over to that love... for yourself... for your earth.
Become intimate with your innocence and honor all of life for all on the planet are here to experience Love.
We all are asking in every hidden moment, Will you Love Me? Can I love you?
Remember this, if you are quiet and if you ask you will Re-member who you are, you will re-member that you are love in physical form. You can be no other than that which you are.
You and all of the planet are LOVE, with a bit of biology and matter mixed in to become a physical manifestation. Your very essence is love. It is your essence that you have forgotten. This can be restored and re-membered when you allow yourself to connect and honor the essence of Nature.
Allow yourself to be fully present with all of Nature. This is when recovery occurs.
That which gives animation to all life.... the planet, all animals, all humans, to water, to wood, to rock, this constant stream of life-sustaining force is within all manifested form and is calling all to open to the oneness of all Nature and know yourself as Love made physical.
Take that joy and live fully and playfully. Share your gifts. Live your life in child-like wonder. Let go of that which no longer serves you. Let love in. Let love flow. You have all you need to love and be love.
Love Just Love Now.
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