Thursday, April 24, 2008

Building a Sacred Relationship

Point to Ponder.... (as channeled from Anita's guides Jan 06)

Building a Sacred Relationship

Building a Sacred Relationship with oneself requires that you Honor Thyself.

Hold your life as sacred, look upon yourself with reverence.

Choose wisely your words and actions.

Your body is a temple of the Divine.

The Holy Grail resides within each of us. Your walk on this planet is for the I AM to express itself through The GOD presence is in your every moment.

Faith and contentment in the “IS-NESS” of all moments, you are never far from your Glory, your Heaven, your Enlightenment, your Release from suffering. The release from fear is in the moment, the one moment you remember who you are. The one moment you Remember with every cell of your being, the light inside of you is recognized at every level of your dimensional self. The heart and Soul connect with the mind and the relationship with your self can emerge.

The mind is contaminated with fears of every size and flavor. The mind wanders off into the future and gets stuck in the past. The mind seeks peace and seeks answers at the same time.

The mind can even seek awareness but all on it’s own which is the downfall. The mind has been programmed not to listen to the heart and soul.

The mind instead tells us how we should feel and in the same breath plays tricks with our feelings.

Communication and communion with the heart and soul is where integrity lies. Be in your role as creator and accept all that you have created, for it has a divine presence in your life.

All of your circumstances are your greatest tools in building a Sacred Relationship with yourself. You have come to this time in your evolution to recognize that GOD is YOU, flowing through you and of you. YOU are the DIVINE I AM.

The relationship you have with yourself will determine your next phase of evolution where you go from here will be in sync and harmony with your view on yourself. Your next phase will mirror this view you have on yourself. The appreciation and celebration of your own journey is your ultimate destiny. When you hold yourself up with gratitude you can see then where you are going for growth happens in the positive.

Every element of the human journey is purposeful and holds great meaning. Attention to all these details has significance toward your Spiritual Recovery.

Foster NOW an approach that you will pour energy toward all aspects of your your dimensional life,

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Psychological
  • Spiritual
  • Marriage
  • Family
  • Children
  • Personal Joy
  • Career or Financial Freedom

What will you do to build a sacred relationship with yourself in each of these areas? Ask how you can better serve your relationship with others and not allow your negative traits to play on you. Listen to the feedback objectively from your heart and soul and know that your negative traits are your best teachers. The negative serves a powerful lesson discovering the underlying fear that creates a critical or controlling trait.

Decide that NOW is your time for enlightenment, this process of truly loving yourself is the key to your Holy Grail Within and the birth into your next phase of evolution.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cleo Speaks~Profound Transformation

This week is from Cleo. 'Cleo' is a wise and lighthearted new spirit guide Anita connected with on a vortex in Sedona.
(The following was channeled through Anita from her Teachers in January 06.)

Cleo Speaks

Mankind fully deserves the incoming transformation that is illuminating Mother Earth.

This new energy is coming in as a very new composite of colors.

There is light inside each ray of color.

A pure white light. For those who can see, this light appears as a tunnel, connecting all the way back to the creator. These new colors coming through are vibrant. They resonate to the E string and higher. They are in harmony with the realm of Unity which is to said to be the 5th dimension. This will be felt in each person on the planet regardless to their awareness. No soul will be untouched. There is profound transformation that will be unearthed in each being. As a collective species you will wake up to the highest expression of who you are. The new year is allowing a softening to take place among the collective defense shield. This defense shield has long kept humanity in a fear and survival mode. Since the beginning of mankind there has been an “Eat or be Eaten” ego-based mentality . This has resulted in experiences of isolation, fears and wars. With each incarnation in this 3rd dimensional experience, through each joy, and each trauma and wound, man as a collective species has learned a great deal about himself. Spiritually speaking, your body is your best friend.

It will lovingly manifest physically that which is needed to be cleared and reconciled.

Your emotions can no longer be denied.

You will joyfully seek clarity and look to yourselves for the love you are needing.

Your psyche will no longer hide your fears behind masks, or work, or excuses, but will probe to the depths for clarity and focus.

You will begin to shake your tail feathers of the collective junk (fears, loss, sickness and death) and rise to a new awareness of our true expression.

You are NOW and ALWAYS have been a SPIRITUAL BEING. You have journeyed through the sludge to know intimately of the darkness, so that you may fully embrace and celebrate the light. You are invited to walk with me through the “Rainbow Gate” into a world where your being is full of gratitude, joy, laughter and compassion. You are invited to commit to your true essence.

You are a divine being who has taken a role in the Earth’s creation for the sole-soul purpose of PLAY~DANCE~LAUGHTER & CREATIVE EXPRESSION.

To give your love without limit and to fill yourself with your own light, to view your creation, your earth, your very kingdom with acceptance, celebration and BE INSPIRED.

You are here to re-member that you have only been “Pretending to be human”. Your pain, loss and despair is not you. It is a reminder where you lost yourself. I ask you to “COMMIT TO YOU”. You are here by design for your re-discovery, for your awakening, for your Spirit to live.

Let go of that which no longer serves you ...relationships, careers and dis-ease. Thank them for their lessons, for the wisdom of that experience and find true unconditional love for each person. You all here to help each other back to your original self. Commit to your Souls Growth, to your joy, and to your freedom. You no longer need to live your life for others or with fear of others reaction, this no longer serves humanity. Your actions and thoughts do effect the whole of humanity, YES, your life is that important! The collective changes when the individual changes.

By committing to your healing, your joy and your spiritual essence you take an active role in healing humanity.

If you desire to help and heal others then PLEASE COMMIT TO YOU When you change, when one person changes, WE ALL DO!!!!

IN JOY...........Cleo...5TH Dimension

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Discovering Your Souls Purpose Q&A Part 2

We come into this lifetime with various soul patterns.

The better the understanding of these patterns, the better we flow within this life.

We become more joyful as we learn not to take being human too personally.

Here is Part 2 in Discovering Your Souls Purpose

Answer the following questions rapidly with the first thing that comes to mind.

  • What am I looking to find? When was the last time I did something very special just for me? What have I always wanted to do? What was my favorite year/time? What am I most scared of? What is the biggest goal for me this lifetime? What make me laugh? What is my biggest fear? What is keeping me from moving forward? If I already knew the answer to my souls purpose, what would it be? If I was already ‘there’ what would it look like? How would I feel? Having already gotten ‘there’, what meaningful words would I tell myself?

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Accept THIS Moment

(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers Sept 05)

Accept THIS Moment

Stay in the flow, accept your moments.

Be content with your current moment, your current body, your current finances.

All is as it should be, you do not have the whole picture in mind. For your acceptance of the current is what will be your safe haven in the future. You will know how to navigate your boat when change occurs for there is no other way than to be in the Tao, when change occurs.

The Tao is the acceptance of the balance of all things.

Learn to find the balance in this moment, for this moment prepares you for moments to come. All your moments are pre-ordained. For they have already been designed and created by you at the soul’s doing for your greatest steps toward your soul’s evolution.

When you do not accept any given moment then the soul takes that moment out of the loop and puts it back into rotation until you do accept that situation.

Some souls need to incarnate for hundreds of lifetimes before they get just that one concept understood. Like “Groundhog Day” the dream just plays over and over until Voila “Acceptance” of the entire creation.

Life's lessons are all here to be accepted, only then you can go onto step 2 …Learn,
onto step 3 …Experience
and finally step 4 ….Release.

Then onto the next moment for the moments are a sequential path to all you need for the souls evolution. Each moment has a lesson and experience.

With Acceptance there is contentment, growth, magic. Your own personal heaven, there is joy in life and there is love for yourself.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.