Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude
(The following was originally channeled through Anita from her Teachers November 05)
Gratitude is the key to personal evolution. Humans get lost in their beliefs about how things are and the way they should be. The human psyche gets tangled in the pain and trauma of the emotions that the life experience offers. These pains and griefs are carried on in the DNA and can be held for generations thus keeping the collective psyche imprisoned in their own perceived emotional and mental limitations. It has been reinforced by the collective and dramatized by the media that life is hard, that attention to the negative is the norm.
It is the rare find that a person only looks to the positive.
.....Opening yourself to the light of any situation to feel the generosity of the universe .....the breath of life that our trees provide us with ......the sun and the seasons that perpetuate the life cycle .....the animal and mineral kingdom that sustain, heal, comfort and support the human journey .....families that love us unconditionally ......Universal laws that provide whatever we need by mere thought .....the promise that you will never be given more that you can handle .....the freedom of Free will. These are the precious jewels of this Earth playland.
The earth has been created just for you for your enjoyment, entertainment, comfort and every need that could arise.
The laws that govern earth state are:
1. Whatever your thoughts - so goes your creation
2. As above so below, as within so without
(so you may know your inner world)
3. Like attracts like
(you will surround yourself with like minded people)
4. What you resist, persists
(so you will know how NOT to attract)
5. The reflective universe
(so you may know yourself)
6. The law of cause and effect
(so you may know the outcome)
7. The I AM Consciousness
(I think therefore I AM)
8. Love begets love
(What you give you will receive)
Gratitude is the Golden Key to unleashing the power of the universal laws, The simple feeling of gratitude will open ones eyes to infinite possibilities. Gratitude can turn one's heart back to that innocent place of laughter and magic. The world is your magical canvas for whatever you wish to create and participate in. The life cycle on earth has been so divinely designed that you can have all your dreams realized. Mindful attention toward all there is to be grateful for in your life will deliver you into a state of peace and contentment that can be found in no other state of mind.
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