(As channeled by Anita's Guides ~Wisdom Of The Ancients 4/6/05)
Question –
I like freedom, yet I sometimes feel out of control.
How do I balance discipline with freedom?
Answer –
It takes focus and discipline to achieve mastery.
Be it a gardener, mechanic, craftsman or seamstress or fulfilling your soul’s progression. It is about the finished product and having a tangible result of your dedication, knowledge and passion. It is also about enjoying the journey that gets you there.
When you go through the emotions of life without discipline, the end result is that you deny yourself the accomplishments you sought to achieve. To explore and unfold the expansive layers of your soul’s expression you must allow your soul to come through and this is not done in the ego’s existence.
Stop allowing the actions of others to control your life. Instead give yourself the gift of following the disciple of passion. It is silent like a dream. You allow yourself to create, to hear your soul. To experience yourself as a creator. Then it just appears. It is true ritual.
Be loving with yourself.
Can you give yourself thirty minutes a day to be free? To let joy in? To experience total freedom of expression?
If not thirty how about ten minutes?
Surely you are worth a few minutes a day.
You should be for warned that it may feel so good that you passionately desire to
do it for more and more of your day.
You see, humans have lost the art of feeding their soul. They have been caught and deceived by the matters of life.
Allow yourself to let go of the ‘to do list’ and the mundane agendas as you begin to fill your beingness with that which takes you to your soul’s highest expression.
Be gentle with yourself. Fears will creep up on you until you choose to drive them out of the way. In critical fearful moments it is too easy to slip into the illusion of loss.
Your safety and your happiness and your wealth are only a mirror of your ego’s beliefs.
Accept that you are never alone and always cushioned on you journey. You will receive as much help from the universe as you allow and believe to the core level.
So what kind of actions does one take to receive all the help from the universe?
ACTION is the key word.
Disciplined Action that evokes creativity, passion and nurturing of the soul. Daily living from a core base of belief in yourself. In your creative principal.
When you enter into any action with respect, humility and passion you feed the creative pulse at your soul and you bloom from that soul’s reality.
You are all that is. You have all you need for the lessons you came here to experience. Living from a true state of this understanding will bring you into your center.
Each of you have you own set of guides who are in union with your souls’ purpose of facilitating arrangements that you have asked to be assisted with. In bringing experiences (good and bad) to fruition.
You have a universe of help to bring your prayers to manifestation, and to best foster
your soul’s advancement during this incarnation.
Just get out of your own way for a time period every day and allow for creative options to open you to your soul’s direction. To experience yourself with the love of the soul. To accept the blessings of the universe.
We take great joy in guiding you to the fulfillment of your dreams and desires. We love seeing you smile, and your celebration is our celebration as well.
So stop the control.
Give us your prayer request.
Trust in the highest and best outcome.
Focus on how best to serve your passion, your joy and your serenity.
With disciplined action you will find that which you desire.
True Peace, Joy and Balance
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