Thursday, March 29, 2007

Greener On The Other Side?

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Is the grass ever really greener on the other side?

This mantra has been bait for man for eons and has never been answered. Man has always longed for what he does not have simply for one reason...not accepting what you do have and creating a different perspective with your situation. When man can look at his self created situation and fully understand how his actions and choices has created the moment, then if the moment isn’t quite as good looking, you simply take what you have and restructure your perspective. This is done not only physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Each moment is a reflection of your spirit and your core belief systems that are firmly in place. Every situation that you have created has been largely created from some underlying core beliefs that you may not be aware of. When you look outside your own yard and admire anothers, then you are in essence abandoning your own spirit.
This reality is why the grass is never greener on the other side. Running away towards someone or something else is void of spiritual depth.

If where you are is not where you want to be, then stop looking around for saviours or seeking solution from others. Try sitting with yourself for some time and probe deeply the actions and choices that have brought you to this moment in time. Investigate your core beliefs about yourself, life, family, marriage and children as a tool for uncovering some subconscious agenda.

When you know how you created this reality then you are armed with true inspiration to make lasting change.

Your reality can only reflect your inner wisdom, true change occurs at the foundation of who you are. To know fully who you are, ask yourself, “What is my spiritual truth?” “What do I believe about myself and life?” IF what you find you do not like, then begin to articulate more of who you are and what you stand for, live in this truth.

Make choices and actions from your spiritual truth. Make your words more reflective of this truth at all times, both your inner voice and outer voice. Your reality is a direct reflection of your inner resources, spiritual vision and core beliefs. This is your world to create and live fully your way.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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Friday, March 16, 2007

The Wisdom of You

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

You are in the process of unfolding and allowing the spirit to develop fully in the human form. All that you need is inside yourself. There is no new thing to ever really learn outside of the self. There is only opening to oneself and being witness to the infinite intelligence that lies within.

You are all you will ever need. Explore your own deeper realities, your memories from all your travels.

Invite your higher self to dialogue with you, to unravel the mysteries around you. You are all fully enlightened conscious beings, you just do not know that about yourself because maybe you have never asked.

All answers are available to you, if you wonder enough, you probe enough or simply sit still enough. Your conscious is like a lotus and has so many petals that is looking to open, expand and bring in the beauty that is all around you.

Your consciousness is wanting to embrace others, the elements of the earth and yes even all the life forms in our cosmos. For consciousness is really nothing without a vehicle, which is your body, let consciousness live through you. Talk with this energy and allow your body to taste, smell, listen, touch and breathe in fully to Divine Intelligence of you.

Fall in love with the real you, the power of you, the joy of you. Teach your children, your neighbors, and even strangers the gift of living consciously and being in love with their own self.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Awareness of Soul

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

Most people think of the Soul as an aspect that is outside of themselves. It is the very process of all this thinking that makes it easy for humans to be led into negative thoughts, feelings and actions toward themselves and others.

If the Soul was you primary focus, one would be selective in their actions at all times. Keeping in prospective that the Soul never dies and that whatever today’s thoughts and actions are, will have an impact for many incarnations to come.

Pause and reflect on the actual cause and effect of your current moment, in what you are creating with your words or actions. As a collective, humans have allowed themselves to become ignorant of the Soul and it’s enormous capacity to create continuously.

The ignorance of cause and effect has developed into a whole host of negative thoughts and actions toward oneself and others resulting in a perpetual cycle of violence, despair, sadness, hunger, greed and so on.

The best tool you have in stopping this cycle of ignorance is to put your Soul back on the front burner, as a priority and get busy serving others. Helping the people around you in every manner and form brings about an energy of being in service. The more time you are serving others with an attitude of true friendship, you experience the vitality of your Soul.

The more time you experience your Soul in this “Alive” state, the stronger your experiences of joy, hope, passion and friendship. This vibration will ring out to the community around you and will transform others in waking them to the memory of “being home”.

We are all one and the way to stir that memory is to serve others as you would serve yourself. We are all in this together, just as the cells in the human body all work towards the same and balance of the body. That is the micro model of how you are to live with the cosmic body, when one does not do that it is the same results akin to cancer. When one only seeks to the betterment of the self desires with no thought as to the community or with an ill effect towards the community you are in a sense a virus or cancer that will destroy a part of the cosmic whole.

Each person is significant and a needed part of the journey towards world peace and stability.

There is only one goal....Know Thyself, Love Thyself, Love one another. Such an easy goal with a truly rewarding benefit and yet as a collective so far from that one goal....why?

Isn’t it grand to know the meaning of life, so simple and said so many times by the many Masters and teachers that have brought the same message through. The collective however, has not accepted this as truth and most float around and ask “What is my purpose”....Is there any greater purpose than to help others and see their smile, feel their appreciation. Another's smile can heal your Soul more so than any healer can do.

To go through your day with sincere love for yourself, a smile towards all your cells and a thank you for your intelligent and spectacular body is what real life is. Life is a grateful spirit that just wants to live...FULLY.....completely in the creation all around you. Try it for a day and watch how your world changes, help or assist everyone you encounter for a day and allow your soul to be in charge. For one day give your mental worries and fears a rest, get out of your clutter and do something to bring a smile to the people around you.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Wisdom of Reluctance

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

The Wisdom of Reluctance is the negative or discordant side of hope.

Hope is the ambitious energy of true spirit. There in lies life, wisdom and joy of the body, mind and heart.

Reluctance can teach us of hope. By moving into the energy of and getting to know reluctance, you will eventually come through to the other side and be beautifully transformed into HOPE.

The mind creates reluctance, but the true one Spirit creates hope. Man cannot endure on his mind alone, there must be the embodiment of a charged energy such as hope. Hope is the light that we follow to move us out of the corridors of the minds interference with faulty beliefs and recall of past failures. Failure does not exist in the world but only in the mind of man.

Hope reminds man to be of spirit, to be of nature and let the mind then become engaged in it’s true creative process.

Reluctance is simply the yin (dark) side of hope.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Question Yourself Often

(As Channeled From Anita's Guides)

To know yourself fully is the only measure of one’s integrity. One is in hiding if this awareness is not at the surface. To question yourself continuously is the only way you really can come to an understanding of what is hiding in your sub conscious, your very blood and organs, there really is no other real source of life but to know thyself.

You are IT, you are LIFE and the quality of your life depends on the depth of the relationship you have with yourself.
So many “get lost” with the thought that they are here for their partners, kids, work or even for “Spirit” but you are SPIRIT, so what is it that you are holding that may be keeping you from Spirit. There is no greater Spirit than the Spirit that is moving thru you right NOW.

When you are not in touch, or in dialogue with your own spirit, then there is clutter that is keeping you from that depth. Spirit is your foundation, your basement, and you have a whole house or body full of unanswered and unasked questions that can bring you all the enlightenment you are seeking for yourself and as well, the meaning of life.

Your whole world is a perception of your hidden dialogue flowing thru your body. Witness what you say, what you are thinking, question the why as to a particular action or choice. This is the consciousness that will shift your awareness in to a broader perspective, releasing you from being entangled in your own muck and move you into a higher level of expression.

Simply stated....observe your very words, actions and choices and seek to know what is the belief or perception underlying that movement. Then ask 'do I want to continue with that belief ?' 'Is it my highest and best expression of who I want to be?'

Never stop asking questions of yourself. This way you will continue to grow and evolve, stretching into the highest levels of who you truly are.

You can find more information about what I do, and a link to our Internet radio show at Be sure to sign up for our free email newsletter. Thanks.........

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.